Building Construction

- Sun-baked clay blocks (good for walls, clearings so biomass kept down)

1. stone, natural and reclaimed materials, interlocking bricks, specialized tools

Hewing large stones that neither can be mislaid nor unset, once placed truly.

- land purchase, road access, elevation, neighbors, community
- water, Electricity to the building site if not there

- choosing building location

- hiring builders, Building class, run by a master builder and a helper, using students who are learning to build buildings as laborers.

- leveling the land

- equipment, tools

- Waste Disposal, and Wastewater Reclamation
- Road Access
- Foundations
- Retaining structures and walls
- Waterways
- Reservoirs, ponds
Geology, Rocks (strength)

interior design, feng shui, emotional aspects of spaces

practice crafting interiors to feel like old nepali or tibetan rooms, including smells, furniture, and techniques to simulate aging. seek out nepali or tibetan people in thailand, perhaps can find furniture maker.

partial roofing, so can get negative ions, and some cover from rain
- started a natural farm near Chiang Mai, built mud houses


- Stone, volcanic igneous - semi-precious stones, gemstones, hardness, vibration, energies
- Wood, various species, live energies, felled wood, drying methods, intentionality, life, freedom, uses, structure
- Metals, alloys, smelting, melting points, extrusion
- recycled glass
soil cement - add more cement to make harder, lay 1 inch of pure cement, mix 4 inches deep into the soil, then spray with water, tamp it down with a heavy weight, and keep wetting with water over the next few days to cure the cement better.

buildings, installations
- quiet, stone building in a quiet place
- cement pad for fixing trucks, tractors
- big, covered patio
- grow houses
- sauna
- mud baths
- isolation tank, even primitive one
- geodesic domes
- pyramid-shape rooms
- Orgone Box construction for walls
- Isolation Tank

Building materials
- stone blocks
- cement forms and poured blocks
- interlocking bricks
- bamboo
- reclaimed scrap, recycles materials
- home-made materials, rammed earth
- dirt, cement mixtures

- well location
- well digging
- well drilling equipment
- water tower
- water tank
- Backhoe digging pond, and using dirt to raise or balance level of all our land.
- water lines
- pumps
- irrigation
- water purification

- Deep artesian well for cleaner water

Water transport systems, passive solar, irrigation, simple at first, increase porous quality and drainage of our soils, back to the ponds, plastic liners, other natural materials, to reclaim the runoff

Need to control mosquitos and other insects as I'm sitting. Walking or running, always moving, and at home, large enclosed rooms, screening is very easy to tear or bad people ruining, so must have thick windows, perhaps dowble windows with space in between, mutiple tracks to insulate noise, with screening on slides that can open when I'm home. Can also have steel shutters over windows for when not home briefly, and other people working in my compound that will be there when I'm away.

building materials, using found or recycled, reclaimed materials, alternative materials, rammed earth, add crushed bamboo to our cement, coconut husks, even in small quantities, green architecture, interlocking bricks, natural building materials, rammed earth, snap-together parts, use of industrial and mechanical fasteners like nuts and bolts, welding, bags of soil that decompose into loose stone

For buildings, can construct multiple walls, of alternating stone and earth, oregone energy, with winding passages as in ancient times, that allow wind to pass but not sound! or dampening sound substantially - if this is not sufficient, can use air recycling, ventilation, other methods to introduce fresh air into a sealed chamber, and this will certainly stop most sound, esp if well-insulated, and not resting on the earth directly, which would allow vibration. must be on posts! rubber insulators if possible, such as old tires.

Can have natural air by means of multiple bends in hallways or chimneys, in order to dampen external sounds. Pay attention to resonant frequencies in the dimensions and shapes of the rooms. Given limited funds, likely would be forced to utilize our land if need cement and tile structures. Get to work finding the resonance frequencies and room shapes and sizes. Best would be domes, but harder to make, so hexagons, rectangles, squares. Triangles, pyramids. Can experiment with moveable walls on rails, or other methods.

printed or sprayed buildings, alternative cement, additives
Bathrooms, waste disposal, bacterial culturingconvert waste to biogas

Alternative Building Materials, do it yourself, home-made

Bunkers, Survival Shelters

Tractor, home-made backhoe! hydraulics, steel, restoration, repair. Dump-trucks to move earth, can bring in building materials, send our trucks or let them know where to dump on our land, where cities are digging up old roads, cement bridges, or homes or businesses being torn down

Air conditioning with wind, sun and water: Ben Bronsema

High-quality adjustable screens that fit well inside windows, so people can have airflow (without mosquitos or flys) either in their own home, or when travel. Most windows will have frames available. Built with slim aluminium frames with poles inside, like my laptop screen.