Kids' Animation | Cartoons

Peppa Pig


Moonbug Kids (reuploading other channels videos)

Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes, 116M subscribers

Disney Animation Studios



Iconic Characters

Family Format - LITTLE KIDS
Needs some edge
Mommy - very strong, acts like a man
Daddy - very sensitive, gentle, acts like a woman
Sister - likes weightlifting martial arts
Brother - designs clothes, like to draw, Arts & Crafts
Pet Dog (Dinosaur) - loves hard-boiled eggs
Pet Turtle - climbs the refrigerator

Gandpa -
Grandma -
Uncle - Electrical Engineer, runs a Tesla factory
Auntie - Barbizon Model

Backward cousins from the country (Ozark Mountains)
Ragtag Group of Friends - PRETEEN
- Harry Potter
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Star Wars

Tie in to an industry, and social issues.

  • App, YouTube - Peppa Pig teaches ENGLISH (languages)
  • Miss Bimbo Immersive Online Game
  • Cool male and female names that capture the character's personality
    'super' man
    'wonder' woman
    'Spider' man
    'Bat' man
    Peppa (pepper) Pig
    'King Arthur,' like on Mr Roger's Neighborhood
    His Wife, The Queen, who Mr Rogers honors, and bows to, 'Your Highness'
    and their daughter, 'The Princess,' who all live in the castle, in the 'Land of Make Believe.'
    Merlin, the magicician, dresses in black and is an evil, plotting, scheming villain.
    'The Knight in Shining Armor,' who is trying to win the hand of the princess, and battles Merlin.

    Frog on The Dog - environmentalists, whistle-blowers.

    Boo Boo Bear, who pops into the scene with a sound effect and animated effects if someone hurts themselves. He comforts them, and has magic to make the boo boo hurt less.

    Miss Bimbo, sassy, fast, independent French girl, wealthy and fashionable, but is a counter-example, warning against selfishness and material desire.

    The Little Monk, who gives short Life Lessons (Dharma) worked into stories, where scenes bring the lesson to life.

    Hillary Hippo - giggles and laughs a lot, cheerful but secretly insecure (weight issues and body image, leading to self-image and self respect concerns). Looks like Hillary Clinton.

    Andy Ant, tiny little 'person'.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
    'Climbing Turtle,' enjoys rock climbing, and ropes. Practices circus trick, like juggling, riding the unicycle, and walking on a high-wire.

    Tin Man (wizard of oz) - Kid's-level robot (Star Wars)

    Lion Hand Puppet (Mr Rogers) - Wimpy Kid, lacks confidence, Nerd, Smart

    Daddy Pig - old fashioned, 'Archie Bunker,' loving and kind, but says the wrong things, a counter-example, and Mommy-Pig corrects him.
    Mommy Pig - Liberated, feminist
    Peppa Pig - 'Calvin' & Hobbs, Hero, Frodo Baggins, Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
    Peppa Pig's Best Friend
    Little Brother - Batman & 'Robin,' Side-Kick 'Kato' (Green Lantern)

    Dolls, Puppets

      Elsa and Anna shopping
    Toy Pudding - 40 Million Subscribers
    Come Play With Me - 15 Million Subscribers


    Animated Overlays
    Magical effects
    Animated characters mixed with human beings.
    video on a animated background that loops
    short clips of full animation, within videos

    There may be software that can turn a video into a sort of 2D animation, getting better all the time.

    There's a lot of free animation clips and effects in the public domain, and open-source animation.

    Lofi Girl - looping animation with background tracks

    Finger-animated Video

    Doll House Film Set
    Miniature Furniture, equipment
    Half airplane set
    Tour Bus Set, and half tour bus set



    Genevieves Playhouse
    Genevieves Playhouse - Playlists (using small figures like Peppa Pig with fingers to 'animate')

    Lion toy 'animated' by fingers, escapes from the zoo, and the dog-catcher is called, but he can't do the job, so they call 'Wonder Woman' (toy doll), who ropes the lion with her golden lasso, and makes him tell the truth about how was able to escape.

    Miniature set, with Play-Doh, Barbie, cooking, movie characters (Elsa, Frozen), using fingers to move around the dolls and cooking pretend meals, while a stroyline unfolds.

    Barbie is a fashion designer, and hires other dolls to model in her fashion show, but there's a problem. Ken is releasing a competing brand, and is holding a concert on the night of her show.



    Model Town
    Model Cars, Toy Cars, Train Sets
    Model Scale Buildings, airplanes


    Giant Peppa Pig at the Tiny Land (SIZE DISTORTION, imagination, where she feels 10 meters tall)
    Peppa Pig and the Giants (BFG, Jack & The Beanstalk)
    Peppa Pig's Goldie the Fish Becomes Gigantic!
    Giant Peppa Pig and George Pig, in the scale model town
    Giant Play-Doh 'Godzilla,' destroys the town, but ant-man saves the day, by swinging Godzilla by the toe
    (Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver's Travels, Ant Man, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids)

    Thumbnail Examples


    Barbie: It Takes Two

    Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures

    The Lego Movie - Wikipedia

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