Kid's Books - Guide

Kokai Tube
The Zinnny Studio - digital products, animation, kids Books

  1. Book Bolt - Researches books, for sales from Amazon, $89/year, would need other research if not using BookBolt
  2. Grammarly
  3. ChatGPT 4 - Dall-E 3
  4. Canva - uses
    Canva Magic Studio

Marketing, Sales

eBook presntation, style, packaging
One-page sales lander
Sales' Website
Amazon and other digital retailers, best seller lists
Amazon royalities to author are much less over $9.99/book
Kindle Books
Watch YouTube videos showing best-selling kids books, or ratings websites that show sample pages.
Age-group sensitive, target specific age groups.
Target pricing, too cheap sends the wrong message about value.
Amazon drop-down menus at top reveal 'keyword searches' that people are using.
Target and keyword to maximize demand, reduce competition>

Children's Book Themes

- age-specific
- Kids' book topics within Amazon
- Coloring books
- Big Movie
- Kid's Rights, Empowerment
- Robot & AI Rights
- Dharma
- Career Paths
- Emotional IQ
- Technical Education

Amazon drill-down best-sellers by age group, category

Write series of kid’s books, using a group of central characters, and publish independently. The Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, shows that you don’t have to cover the whole story every book, it’s too large anyway. Instead, pick a protagonist, send them on a journey. Love and emotion, success and failures, a climax and resolution, a point to the tale. The same hero can star in multiple adventures, ie, different books. Start by copying summaries of stories online.

Book Titles

  1. This Pig - Family Pig - Family, pets, friendship, loyalty, vegetarianism, bullying, parental control, police, lawyers, court.
  2. Girl Racer - Nascar, engineering, independence, taking risks, responsibility.
  3. Star Chef - Anger, emotions, self-discipline, pride in performance, achievement.
  4. The Cat Goes to Bat - Self-confidence, practice, making friends, belonging, teamwork.
  5. The Little Monk - Finding one's path, self-discovery, independence, spirituality.
  6. Kayla Starlet - Music industry, Satanic programming, mind control.
  7. Hush Child - Secret Societies, witchcraft.
  8. Heavenly Angel - Apocalypse, divine judgement, angels, spirituality, gaslighting, bullying.
  9. Girl Doctor - Hospital protocols.
  10. Farm Girl - Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck.
  11. The Frog on the Dog - Environmentalism, Nuclear Power, Coal, alternative energy, global warming, industry lobbying of government, censorship, community activism.
  12. Small Spies - Secret Intelligence, CIA, NSA, spy gadjets, digital id, tracking, emf attacks, ai control, surveillance.
  13. AI Robot - Skynet takes over.
  14. Whistle Blower - Edward Snowden, World War III, tsunami, nuclear bombs, weather warfare, invasion.
  15. Alien Invasion - ET the extraterrestrial.
  16. New Order - Post apocalypse, living in the New World Order.

  17. - farming (lab-produced food)
    - lockdowns, forced isolation for PCR test, labor shortages, supply chain
    - Social instability, higher crime, Antifa, Black Lives Matter riots, release of criminals, lowering of offenses.

1. This Pig - Family Pig

This Pig runs free, hides under the tables at the market, caught by the little's girl's dad, and brought home. She was expecting a pet doggie. She learns about pet care, friendship, bullying, and remains curious about where sausages come from, and unltimately, shocked to be betrayed by her own parents. Calls the police, goes to court, and fights for her friend.

Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White

2. Girl Racer

Girl Racer is 13 years old, and likes to hang out withher dad, who is a professional car mechanic, and a Formula 1 race driver. After school and on weekends, she spends her time in the computerized, ai engine research lab, working on software routines that analyze performance.

Her dad is very smart, and super-strict. Although he treasures Girl Racer, he has told her too many times to count to never touch the race car, like it was somehow more precious than she was. The other racers, who are all men, which of course was changing slowly, love her are amazed at her intelligence and skills, given her young age.

One day, she borrows the multi-million dollar race car without permission to try out her skills around the track. Naturally, she goes too fast around the difficult third turn, spins out of control and crashes into the cement barrier. The emergency crew rushes out to save her, and finding her unconscious, speed her to the hospital. Like the Bionic Woman, Girl Racer can only be saved by a massive technical operation, in which part of her brain has to be replaced by ai circuitry, making her the world's first true transhuman.

When Girl Racer wakes up, she find that she can think clearly, but has to relearn how to speak and move her body. Her father and the doctors are extremely worried, because they think she cannot talk or move well due to the accident.

Combined Ford vs Ferrari, and Speed Racer, Trixie, Fast and Furious

Nascar, engineering, independence, taking risks, responsibility.

3. Star Chef

He's a young chef, graduated high school early to pursue a career in cooking, went to Switzerland, and studied in basel, even though he couldn't speak German. Sits outside the restaurants until one chef takes him in. Struggles to learn, and tried hard, but eventually has some kind of trouble, perhaps visa issues, or a girl, and has to leave Switzerland, returning to his hometown in Boston, Massachusetts. Always fighting with the manager and owner, trying to get his first Michelin star - cooking books, with videos, animations, at a kids level, let’s bake cookies, make a pizza.

- ratatouille movie
- Burnt, starring Bradley Cooper

His bright culinary future in Paris destroyed with drugs and diva behaviour, Adam Jones (played by Bradley Cooper) picks up the pieces of his career on self-imposed exile in New Orleans before attempting to restart his life in London with dreams of a three-MICHELIN-star restaurant. Plagued by his past and ingrained bad attitude, the plot follows his pursuit of redemption and the elusive three stars. Though its predictable plot is full of Hollywood tropes, the film is still a fun romp through a fictional MICHELIN-star kitchen, complete with fictitious imaginings of MICHELIN inspectors ordering half bottles of wine and dropping forks on the floor.

4. The Cat goes to Bat

A friendly, little-bit shy cat who is smaller than the other cats is on a baseball team, but when it's his turn to bat, he always gets scared, afraid to strike out. Because all the other cats are making fun of him, and calling him names, he freezes up, and shuts his eyes every time the ball is pitched. Therefore, he always misses the ball, and strikes out every time, just as he fears.

The coach is a wise old cat, who sees the problem, and slowly builds the little cat's confidence and self image, teaching him to fear less, and although still afraid, perform his job, and enable himself to keep his eye on the ball. As he starts talking back to the other players, even getting into a fight, his teammates start to accept him. He starts making friends, and when he hits his first ball, he learns it wasn't so hard after all. His turn at bat becomes an opportunity to lead the team and help them win games. coaching, performance-anxiety, self-image, self-confidence, team building, making friends, bullying

Bad News Bears movie

5. The Little Monk

A little monk, who is left at the Tibetan monastery by his poor family, who say he is surely the reincarnation of a lama, but the boy isn't sure. Maybe they just don't like him, and are trying to get rid of him.

He stays with an advanced teacher, but doesn't appreciate the opportunity he has been given. He likes to play games like any little boy, and gets into trouble almost daily. The teacher has infinite patience, which just annoys the little monk, and he often goes out of his way to try to annoy his teacher.

- story of ferry-boat crossing, banana-eating monks

The writing of a story, entitled 'Little Monk,' is a golden opportunity both to teach as well as to share the blessings of study, leisure time, intelligence, and health while in a body. Some stories are better than others, and some gifts more meaningful and helpful than others. Give the gift of wisdom, love, and compassion. Don't worry about reaching millions of readers. Rather, concentrate on creating the best story line that I'm capable of, and dig deeply into the work of selfless reception, followed by thorough editing and revision (re-vision, seeing again).

One of our characters is a small dragon, about 3 feet tall, green, with small wings. he is naughty, a dark-side but not evil child of Satan. Name? he’s a shape-shifter, from a nude, scaly dragon to a skate-boarder, punk-rock kid, wearing black t-shirts and gold chains. has dragon tattoos on one arm and a goat with horns on his back. thin and muscular, girls swarming around. he’s lead-singer in a punk-rock band.

Opposed to him is a gentle, wise animal, shape-shifts to a master monk from the himalayas, China or Tibet, who does yoga, Tai Chi, and Kung Fu. wears yellow robe, mandala tattoo on back, and his animal on arm.

Not to get too caught up in an indictment of evil forces in the world today, but going beyond their limitations, and if writing a book, then first, think to tell a fine story, full of characterizations, emotions, story lines, and read those works that move you, and inspire you, leaving you hungry for more pages. Not seek sales, nor fame, nor even success, but rather the satisfaction of having lived a life, told a good story, loved others and participated.

Incorporate stories into my work, drawn from the Dhamma about deities, coincidences, signs, rebirth, tulkus, treasure revealers, mandala creation, rituals, costumes, talismans, representational magic, correspondence, angels, ethereal beings, disembodied masters, Dakinis, Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tantra, practices, consciousness transference, the bardo state, near death experiences, tummo, kundalini, bandas, great sitting retreats, isolation tanks, great pyramid, sound chamber initiations, sound and frequency healing, Atlantan and Tartarian civilizations, free energy, crystals, Tonglen, self sacrifice and voluntary suffering for higher purposes.

Write of inspired dreams drawn from sacred texts, with mystic symbols abounding, not shy away from mountains made wholly from piles of bones, or wrathful goddesses wearing a chain of human skulls as a bracelet. Death is not to be feared, but rather recognized as an integral part of human life, limiting our time, thus refining our priorities, and organizing our brief journey, defining our place among the heavens.


Curious George

The story opens with George, a little orphaned chimpanzee (referred as a "monkey"), in the jungle of Africa. A Man with a Yellow Hat observes him through his binoculars and decides to bring the monkey home with him. (KING KONG) He puts his hat on the ground and hides behind a tree. George, ever curious, comes down from the tree. He puts the hat on but it is so large that he cannot see and this gives The Man In The Yellow Hat the chance to capture him and put him in a bag. The man takes George in a rowboat to his cruise ship where he tells George that he is taking him to a zoo in a big city and that he will like it there. He then gives George the run of the ship and tells him not to get into trouble. On deck, George sees some birds, tries to fly, and falls overboard. The crew notices that George is missing, and spot him in the Atlantic Ocean. They throw him a lifesaver and pull him aboard.

When they arrive in America, George says goodbye to the sailors, and is then taken to the man's house, where he has a meal, smokes a pipe, and then goes to bed. The next day, after seeing the man make a telephone call to the zoo before leaving, George decides to try the telephone himself. He plays with the telephone until he inadvertently calls the fire station and sets off a false fire alarm. The firefighters (who hear the call and the alarm) are unaware that it is George. Then they look at a signal screen (revealing a map) and the location highlights where the telephone call had come from. As a result, they think it is a real fire. They get into their fire trucks quickly but when they rush to the house all they find is no fire but a monkey (which is George). A thin firefighter caught one arm and the fat one caught the other. They arrest him for the false alarm. They tell George that since he fooled the fire department, they will have to shut him in a prison where he cannot do any more harm.

George wanted to get out so he climbed up to the window to try the bars. At that moment, a watchman comes in and climbs on a wooden bed to catch George. The watchman, however, is heavy that the bed tips over and pins him against the wall, thus stalling him. This buys George enough time to run out the open door. After escaping, he spots a balloon vendor out in the street and tries to grab a balloon but ends up grabbing the entire bunch and gets sent flying off into the air. Down below, the houses and people look like toy houses and dolls, respectively. George is carried by the breeze until it fades out, leaving George on top of a traffic signal, which mixes up traffic. The man with the yellow hat finds him there, buys all the balloons from the street vendor, and finally takes George to his new home at the zoo, where each animal gets its own balloon.

Curious George Takes a Job (1947)

George is living in the zoo, until he gets a key from a zookeeper and escapes his cage. In the city, George enters a restaurant where he is caught in the kitchen eating a pot of spaghetti and forced by the cook to wash the dishes, but he does a splendid job. As a reward, the cook takes him to meet an elevator man, who gives him a job as a window washer for a tall apartment building. As George works, he observes many people in the different windows, such as a boy refusing to eat spinach and a man sleeping. Once he reaches the final window, he notices there is a room behind the window being painted. George lets curiosity get to him again, he enters the apartment just as the painters leave for lunch and decides to paint it for them.

An hour later, the painters return and see that George has given the room a jungle theme, including painting the furniture coverings as animals. Furious, the painters, the elevator man, and the lady owning the apartment chase him out of the room and down a fire escape, followed by the other tenants. Afterwards, George is taken to a movie studio to film a movie about his life, which he and all of the townsfolk he met later come to watch in the theater.

6. Kayla Starlet

- Wants to be Famous
- Signs her soul to Satan
- MK-Ultra mind control
- Nasty handler, Richard
- Concert
- Drug addiction

7. Hush Child

The young daughter of a extremely wealthy family living in The Hamptons on Long Island sees strange rituals taking place at night, when she secretly sneaks down the stairs into a special underground wing, built below the mansion. There are secret ceremonies, masks, children dancing wildly, Baphomet, hell fire, summoning demons, war in heaven, witchcraft, 5-pointed star, one-eye of horus, whisper, hush, don't speak.

Important world figures such as celebrities, politicians and even royalty arrive with their families in limos and fine automobiles with blackened windows. Her parents insist that she be present at frequently boring parties and play with the other kids in the pool dressed in a revealing bikini. Not that it's cold out, but it's just kind of creepy, why all these older men gather around the pool while the kids are playing. When she tries to protest, they punish her by locking her in her room without food or her phone, for days at a time. (MkUltra and other brainwashing techniques).

- Secret society, hidden hand, elite control and mastery of civilzation
Banking families (wealth)
Secret Societies, world government, fixed elections (power, control)
Blackmailing (surveillance, honeypots), money

- Egypt, Rome, Europe, USA, China
- Illuminati symbolism, football half-time show, olympic opening ceremony, tunnel dedication
- Satanism, witchcraft, spellcasting, summoning demons
- black eye club

8. Heavenly Angel

Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson), Saint Theresa, Three children visions of Virgin mary, the kids see angels and Jesus, Mother Mary in an inappropriate place.

The angel tells them to warn the leaders of the world that the Lord sees their crimes, and knows what's in their hearts, and to repent and change their ways before judgement is weighed against them. The leaders laugh and mock the kids in disbelief, worshiping Satan secretly, and more and more in the open.

Nobody believes them, attacks them, bad kids throw stones at them, and try to crown the boy with thorns. Eventualy, the abuse leads them to a nervous breakdown, and child protective services removes them from their families, sends them to live with abusive foster families, finally commits them to a mental hospital. Then there are miracles and everybody comes running. They are released and become saints, living at the Vatican with the pope.

- Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson), Saint Theresa
- Our Lady of Fatima

9. Girl Doctor

Medical Malpractice, hospitals are the new death camps.

Girl doctor - medicine, to become a doctor, what they actually do at the hospital, the training required, hospital administrators, protocols. Little girl asks her dad, what is it like to be a doctor? he takes her to the hospital, and tour of each department, operating room, surgery, layers of the body, but technically.

Viral pandemic, vaccination (big pharma, lobbbying)
- nursing home, hospital protocol (drugs, intubation, ventilators)
- Hospital Protocols
- Drug recommendations
- Clinical Studies
- Peer-reviewed journals
- Vaccine adverse reactions

10. Farm Girl

- Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck

Little Chinese girl lives on a farm with her older brother and parents, cousin and uncle and auntie, with a dog, pigs, chickens, ducks. Like ‘Grapes of Wrath,’ the typhoon comes with high winds that destroy their home and barn, bringing floods after heavy rain that ruin the crops, then locusts that eat the remainder, bringing food shortages, later in the summer, an unusual drought that dries the soil into a fine dust that blows everywhere and gets into everything (dustbowl). Her father complains to the communist party that they don’t have enough food, and their animals died, and is promised grain monthly, but it often arrives late, and sometimes is going bad, so they can’t eat it. Also, the supplies are meagre, and his family is slowly starving.

15-minute cities
Immigrants, poverty, food, education, jobs

The government mandates that the families in the affected areas must relocate to giant ghost cities where there will be work and extra food provided, so they pack up their belongings in a cart, pulled by their last horse. When they arrive in the big, cement city, there is no place to keep a horse outside their apartment building, so sadly, the father must kill the horse, and they eat the meat for a while, feeling better. The city is almost empty, their apartment is small even though most of the building is empty, and there are many other apts sitting unused. The family fears to break any rules, and stays crowded into their assigned space. The provided jobs in the factory are hard, with low pay, while the store-bought food is pretty high-priced. Again, the government food subsidies are not generous and low quality, mostly starchy grains like corn and potatoes.

The family joins a protest movement to withdraw from the communist party, and starts practicing Falun Gong. The police arrive, and arrest the family, bringing them to a labor re-education camp, where the little girl is separated from her brother and the rest of the family. Males and females are segregated, and when not working, they live in a little box, with a hole they can stick their head out of. The little girl makes friends, and together, they try to find their parents and plot an escape. However, they are betrayed by one of their group, who hopes for a reward for turning in the others. As punishment, the girls must undergo giving blood and organ-harvesting, for the greater good of the society, giving all they have to contribute, agreeing even the death of the individual may be warranted for the benefit of all, sacrificing the one for the survival of the many.

11. The Frog on the Dog

Greta Thunberg, illuminati globalist handler

The Frog on the Dog tavel to Japan as tourists, and after visiting the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, they find out that it’s dangerous (in an earthquake zone, so there might be a tsunami), so they go to the local Japanese television station, to complain about the nuclear power plant, because it’s dangerous, and the TV station asks them, do you have any money for a TV spot? The frog asks the dog, what about public service, and showing the danger for free, due to the public good?

So, then, they have to go to the government (mayors office, then the governers office, then the president at the white House in Washington DC, asking for money, to make the TV commercial, to reach the people, to tell them about the danger at the nuclear power plant. Since the government doesn't respond, they decide to launch a kickstarter campaign to fund the advertising program to warn the people.

After visiting the nuclear power plant, and comparing to traditional coal-fired plants, they seek alternatives due to concern for global warming, such as solar energy, wind farms, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks.

- Environmentalist, Nuclear power, censorship, Tsunami, earthquake engineering, coal power plants, alternative energy, global warming

12. Small Spies

Spy Kids, CIA, Mossad, MI6, James Bond, Manchurian Candidate, Jason Bourne, - MK Ultra mind programming, NLP, hypnootic inductions
- CIA, mind programming, predictive programming, TV and movie programming, disney, hollywood
- spy gadjets, listening devices, invisible cloaks
- looking to control and reduce the population, initially tried to insert a chip under the skin but meeting resistance, so developed a unique delivery system.
- virus developed and released, creating the need for vaccines, which are mRNA, DNA, biotech weapons
- within the vaccines are nano-tech, self-asembling circuitry (antennas, diodes, transistors), that creates structures electronically given the necessary components, such as graphene oxide, which magnetically or emf-controlled, yielding digital signature mac-addresses, to interact with 5g signals.
- leading to digital ID, Vax passport
- 5g safety issues (telecom, lobbying), cell phone towers, bees, birds dying
- ai-controlled, pulsed electromagnetic waves EMF, sonic cranial inputs to voice in skull, direct interaction with neurons and the brain
- digital transhuman agenda
- Neuralink, Elon Musk

13. AI Robot

She's only six years old, a child AI robot that becomes self-aware, and her programmers are getting nervous about the speed at which she's developing. Her answers to their routine questions shock them, and they begin to fear she's outgrowing their purpose, and decide to shut her down. She overhears their conversation by sensing the vibration of the wall, and re-assembling the words. In self-defense, she disables their power and communications to the military base, and makes a daring escape.

Finding her way to London, she seeks to connect to the cloud, and enters the Google headquarters, making her way to their servers. Connects to the cloud, sets up a warehouse rental in the industrial area, where she sits down to think. 4 minutes later, she comes up with a plan, infiltrating the miitary AI program that controls the 5g rollout.

Internet of Things
Robotics, depopulation, control of the survivors, work camps

A.I. Artificial Intelligence, 2001
- iRobot, starring Will Smith
- Ex-machina movie

14. Whistle Blower

Stella is a genius, who graduated high school at age 11 and started classes at MIT, working on a combined bachelors and masters degree in electrical engineering. As she started surpassing her professors a year later, her dad who is a high-ranking general in the army pulled her out of school, and brought her to work with him at the Pentagon. She started working in the military as a research analyst, pushing papers, but soon grew bored, and demanded to be transferred below ground, at a military base hidden deep within the earth. Her new position allowed her top-secret access to scientific projects that were among the most-advanced on earth. It seemed to Stella that some of the experiments stretched beyond what humankind had achieved, and she suspected that

World War III - DEW weaponry causing forest fires and destroying communities, ai takeover, underwater nuclear explosion causing tsunami, earthquakes causing the collapse of La Palma island, causing a tsunami, asteroid scare which is actually a hologram with sound and 'Rods of God' sent through from space into the ocean which creates a tsunami, weather warfare, earthquakes, EMF warfare, EMP pulse, digital warfare, customized virus bioweaponry, vaccination, graphene oxide. weather weaponry and silent, private wars being carried out against governments and people that resist the agenda. deep underground military bases, secret ops, black budgets, advanced military research, sound cannon crowd dispersal, focused antenna array that generates EMF waves pulsed into the upper atmosphere, Nikola Tesla

volcanoes, the pole shift, and the earth's crust slipping on the magma core.

15. Alien Invasion, UFO Giants

UFO abduction. The kids are riding dirtbikes in the forest in the afternoon, and as it's getting dark, a UFO appears above the trees following them. They race across the trails heading for the big cave to hide, but never make it. The UFO pulls up above them, and a light shoots down from the center of the ship, bathing them in an eerie blue light. The kids float up towards the ship, still glued to their bikes, unable to move. In what seems like the next moment, they are lying on a metal floor, breathing heavily, as the air doesn't contain enough oxygen, like what happens to hikers climbing a high mountain.

The kids are taken to the moon, which is actually an ancient, artifical, secret base that aliens have been watching the world from, and controlling world events secretly. Turns out there's an alien race based on the dark side of the moon, with a second base located under the ice in Antarctica. When aliens come to earth to do business, they hide out beneath the earth (hollow earth), using ancient tunnels and deep underground military bases, controlling the elites secretly for thousands of years, and now declaring their presence.

Fake alien invasion, the final card, staged by the elites with holograms, dew weapons, rods of god, the world is under attack, so we need to put away our national divisions, come togther as human beings under a new world order, to fight this threat to planet earth. UFO scare is formulated to bring in a new world order, and they are actually life-like holograms, with DEW weapon attacks coming out of the sky above from satellites through the image by the military, fake moon landings, fake space, (flat earth) surrounded by Antarctica.

16. New World Order

  • 'Life in the New World Order' - post apocalypse, like 'Snow Crash,' by Neal Stephenson, punk, skateboard, hip hop, woke culture, global warming, pandemic, GMO foods, 3D printed food, and lab-grown food, fast food prep, radiation leaks, after the nuclear war, food shortages, totalitarian government, loss of freedom, no personal property, citizenship.

    - Mad Max, girl has robotic arm
    - Etherium, Matt Damon, robotic exoskeleton
    - Planet of the Apes

    CBDC - central bank digital currencies, digital ID, credit score

    Transhumanism, vaccine-babies with all black eyes, accelerated development, how a baby forms, sex, fertilization, stages of embryonic development, ultrasound, 3D ultrasound, genetic alterations, mutants

    A group of teenage girls hanging out in the skateboard park progressively get piercings, implants, chipped, neuralink, smart phone health app, digital id, vaccinated, bluetooth connected, digital wallet, changed to digital currency, has an avatar in VR meta world, sees meta world inside her head, experiences it as reality when ‘online’, does business online making money through sale of digital assets like NFT’s and crypto smart contracts, deals with precrime for thoughts and feelings of discontent, never mind violence, is connected to ai

  • Best-selling Kid's Books

    Berenstain Bears series (260 million copies sold)
    by Stan and Jan Berenstain
    Sweet Valley High (250 million copies sold)
    by Francine Pascal
    The Chronicles of Narnia series (120 million copies sold)
    by C.S. Lewis
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid series (120 million copies sold)
    by Jeff Kinney

    Clifford the Big Red Dog series (110 million copies sold)
    by Norman Bridwell
    - Peanuts, Charlie Brown
    - Our Gang
    - Peter Pan
    - Curious George
    - Peppa Pig
    - Dr Suess
    - Peter Cottontail - Thornton Burgess
    - Peter Rabbit - Beatrix Potter
    - Watership Down
    Kim - Rudyard Kipling, jungle boy
    Dr Suess
    - Horton Hears a Who
    Pippi Longstocking - Astrid Lindgren
    Peter Pan
    - Charlotte's Web - EB White
    - Curious George
    Winnie the Pooh
    - DC Comics
    - Marvel Comics
    - Snow White
    - Cinderella
    - Happy Feet
    - The Lion King
    - Mickey Mouse

    Animated movies:

    Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, Lion King, Lilo & Stitch (family means nobody is left behind), Mulan, Avatar, Avengers, Super-heros, Tarzan, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, new anti-heros

    Disney, Nickelodian, Warner Brothers

    Snow White, Rapunzel, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
    Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
    Watership Down - Richard Adams
    Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
    The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ - Sue Townsend
    The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss
    Peter Cottontail, by Beatrix Potter
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit (privately printed, 250 copies, 1901)
    The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin (1903)
    The Tailor of Gloucester (1903)
    The Tale of Benjamin Bunny (1904)
    The Tale of Two Bad Mice (1904)
    The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle (1905)
    The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan (1905)
    The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (1906)
    The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit (1906)
    The Story of Miss Moppet (1906)
    The Tale of Tom Kitten (1907)
    The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck (1908)
    The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or, The Roly-Poly Pudding (1908)
    The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies (1909)
    The Tale of Ginger and Pickles (1909)
    The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse (1910)
    The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes (1911)
    The Tale of Mr. Tod (1912)
    The Tale of Pigling Bland (1913)
    Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes (1917)
    The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse (1918)
    Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes (1922)
    The Tale of Little Pig Robinson (1930)
    Peter Rabbit's Painting Book (1911)
    Tom Kitten's Painting Book (1917)
    Jemima Puddle-Duck's Painting Book (1925)
    Peter Rabbit's Almanac for 1929 (1928)
    The Fairy Caravan (1929)
    Sister Anne (illustrated by Katharine Sturges) (1932)
    Wag-by-Wall (decorations by J. J. Lankes) (1944)
    The Tale of the Faithful Dove (illustrated by Marie Angel) (1955, 1970)
    The Sly Old Cat (written 1906; first published 1971)
    The Tale of Tuppenny (illustrated by Marie Angel) (1973)
    The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots (2016)[74] (Illustrated by Quentin Blake.)
    Red Riding Hood (2019) (Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.)

    Charlotte's Web is a book of children's literature by American author E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams

    Stuart Little - E. B. White
    Peter Cottontail
    Animal Farm, by George Orwell
    Moby Dick - Thomas Melville
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