
Marketing Program

The marketing industry is much more than advertising and social media. Listen to experts share a lifetime of experience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In order to rank well on Google's organic search results, the foremost consideration must be to create unique content, and lots of it. A well-written page will do more for your search-engine ranking position (SERP) than focusing on black-hat search engine optimization tricks. With that said, however, there are several on-page factors that must be included in every web page you write. To begin, use the title tag sparingly, and summarize what your page is really about. Google is smarter than you might think, and uses complex search algorithms to deduce page content. Both the title and description tags will be displayed right on Google's search results. Visitors will be reading your headline copy, deciding which link to click on, so don't just write for Google, and keep your readers in mind.

On the page itself, use just a single H1 tag, either copying the title statement exactly, or sticking pretty close to it. Choose one or two keyword phrases for each page, and don't try to work several different topics into one page. If you have a lot to write about, that's great. Make several pages, each specifically targeting one or two keyword combinations. Your keyword phrase should open your first (and last) paragraph, as long as this doesn't throw off your writing or grammar. Don't stuff keywords into every sentence, or worry overly about keyword density, as that's outdated in most search algorithms by now. In fact, most any 'simple' strategy has been fully milked. Use variations of your keywords, and interesting sentences, not just substitute synonyms.

Off the page, the two most important factors are the domain name you're using, and incoming links to your pages. Choose a domain that has your target keywords right in the name. Dot-com is best, and dot-org does indeed work well for organizations. First-page Google rankings are not out of reach for long-tail phrases, but avoid highly competitive terms when getting started. A few solid links from high page-rank websites are worth more than hundreds of 'zero' page-rank sites. Try to get .gov or .edu links if possible. Check out student pages that allow comments, or join the alumni association if you are a university graduate. If you are a current student, take full advantage of your publishing rights at your school. Your student pages will have a .edu extension, and you can link freely to your own outside website pages.

Google Analytics provides free tracking of your visitor traffic, enabling you to monitor growth, and find out what works. After you copy the code to the header on each of your pages, this free stats package displays great graphs, going far beyond the number of visitors to your page, into user flow, what links they clicked on, how long they stayed, bounce rate, the percent of repeat visitors, search traffic, and referral traffic. This free stats package displays great graphs, going far beyond the number of visitors to your page, into user flow, what links they clicked on, how long they stayed, bounce rate, % repeat visitors, search traffic, referral traffic, and more.

Long-tail Keyword Search

When a search is performed, search engines match pages based on the keywords entered into the search box. The order of the words, spelling, and punctuation of the keyword phrase provide additional information that the engines use to help retrieve the right pages and rank them. Therefore, ensure that you use keywords in title tags, body text, and meta data on your website. The best practice is to use your keywords naturally and strategically. If your page targets the keyword phrase Eiffel Tower, for example, then you might naturally include content about the Eiffel Tower itself, the history of the tower, or even recommended Paris hotels.

Keyword phrases are fundamental to the search process. They are the building blocks of semantic language construction and of search engine algorithms. In fact, the entire science of information retrieval, including web-based search engines like Google, is based on keywords. As the bots crawl and index the contents of the web, they keep track of those pages in keyword-based indices. This makes it much faster for Google, for example, to retrieve the search data they need in nanoseconds.

Understanding which websites already rank for your keyword gives you valuable insight into the competition, and also how hard it will be to rank for a given term. Keyword research is one of the most important, and high-return activities in the search marketing field. Generally, the more specific your keywords, the better your chances of ranking higher, based on less competition. In reality, popular search terms actually make up less than 30% of all searches performed on the web. The remaining 70% lies in the long-tail of search. The long-tail contains hundreds of millions of unique searches that might be conducted a few times in any given day, but when taken together, they comprise the majority of the world's searches.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is creating and sharing content, in order to acquire and retain customers. Publishing compelling content can lead to higher search engine ranking for long-tail keywords.

Google AdWords

Learn how to optimize ads on Google AdWords, a platform where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network.

SEO Tutorial

SEO is the #1 gateway to growth. Today, Rand Fishkin, Wizard at Moz, teaches you a few (not-so-secret) ways to get to the top of Google search results.

Tik Tok Famous

Elliot Choy documents his efforts to gain subscribers rapidly on TiKTok in the span of one week.

Marketing Education

While there are many reasons to go into the marketing field, one of the strongest motivations is if you truly enjoy talking to people, and have a desire to help others. A sales professional can help match product offerings to the needs of buyers, and is always learning more about the technical aspects of selling. One of the best books on sales training is 'How to Master the Art of Selling' by Tom Hopkins. Go to your local library or bookstore, and buy a copy. Who is Tom Hopkins? Tom Hopkins got his start when a man came into his real estate office promoting a three-day sales training seminar with J. Douglas Edwards. It was then that Tom realized selling is a learned skill. He was so inspired by the sales training he received that he became an avid student. He began attending seminars, reading books on selling and applied what he learned. His last year as a real estate agent, he sold 365 homes. In total, he closed 1,553 real estate transactions in a period of six years, a sales record that stands unmatched till today. In his book, he explains how to handle rejection, prospect for clients, how to give a sales presentation, get referrals, handle telephone sales questions, and offers his tested closing techniques.

If you learn how people make buying decisions, and how to tailor your sales presentation to the buyers mindset, using 'Stimulus, Pause, Response' methodology, your closing rate will soar. There is no limit to the number of test-closes you may need to make before you are able to flush out all objections to ownership. The key is not so much in the closing strategy, but more in the qualification stage, where you learn if the person or organization that you are presenting to needs what you are selling. The image of sales as a pushy profession is incorrect, at least for top earners. Spend your time prospecting for needs, and match those soon-to-be 'owners' with the benefits of your products. The sales will follow naturally.

Sales Closing Techniques

Successful high-end software industry salespeople combine consultative software sales with just the right amount of arm-twisting. It is possible to earn a base salary of up to $87,000, and commissions running up to $250,000 a year for top salespeople. Sales people are often paid on a commission-only basis, with a small base salary offered during the training or evaluation period. Over a period of time, a successful sales professional will build a portfolio of satisfied customers, growing a high salary out of the many derivative contacts they have made. This year, with an average compensation of $164,783, biotech sales salaries edged out medical and surgical-device salespeople, who earned an average annual income of $150,890. Whether you are working for a company selling their products or services to other businesses, or are in direct sales to individuals, the process is the same. Take the time to study the art of closing, and you'll be in high demand.

The Ben Franklin Close - on a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle, and look at the prospect in the eyes for a moment, and say, "Let me see. As I understand what you're saying, these are the reservations you have to purchasing today." While you are talking, write a minus sign at the top left of the page, and list under it, the objections that your prospect has raised. The prospect will watch you write, and be impressed that you have been listening to every word that they have said. Then, pause for a moment, write a large plus sign at the top right of the page, and smile, saying, "... and here are the benefits you will obtain from your investment in our products." Make a longer list on the right side of the page, outlining your sales promotion in brief. Finally, and here's the hard part, stop speaking and wait. Allow the prospect plenty of time to make a decision. You are there only to answer questions and provide support, so that your buyer can make the best decision for their business. The image of a pushy salesperson is outdated and more to the point, ineffective. If you have done your job well, asking a simple multi-part, closing question, will earn you the sale. "Don't you agree that these benefits outweigh your total investment?" If your buyer is still hesitating, ask them directly how you can help solve any problems they are having in their business, and then test-close once again.

What's the Best Time to Post on Social Media?

1 to 4 pm is the best time to post about a website on Facebook.
1 to 3 pm is the best time to post about a website on Twitter.
Best time to post about a site on LinkedIn is before or after business hours.
9 to 11 am is the best time to post about a website on Google+.
2 to 4 pm, or 8 pm to 1 am, are best times to post about a site on Pinterest.

Text Message SMS marketing

98% of all SMS and MMS messages are opened.
175 million Americans text daily.
7 billion text messages are sent every single day.
Young people look at their phones 150 times per day.

Students and Digital Devices

98% of college students own some sort of digital device.
27% of college students regard a laptop as the most important backpack item.
75% of college students can't think straight without a smart phone.
25% of college students use podcasts in their studies.
College students spend several hours a day texting.
1 out of 12 college students contact their teachers via social media.
7 out of every 10 college students use digital devices when taking notes.
College sophomores spend the most time daily on Facebook (160 minutes).

Reddit vs Digg

Reddit gets the most new front-page submissions on Monday at 9 am.
Digg gets the most new front-page submissions on Thursday at 2 pm.
The word 'iPhone' commonly appears in Digg titles.

First page of Google results

1 billion names are searched on Google every day.
94% of people only look at the first page of Google results.
15% of names/companies have at least one damaging result on page 1 of Google.

Website Content and Flippa, StumbleUpon

92% of marketers say content creation is effective for SEO.
52% of consumers say blogs impact purchase decisions.
200,000+ users are registered on Flippa.
2,500+ buyers and sellers are on Flippa every 60 seconds.
Just 5% of websites are "flipped" (despite the name of the site Flippa).
2 million web pages are added to StumbleUpon every 30 days.
Fully half of all social media referrals originated from StumbleUpon.
StumbleUpon referrals stay on a page 25% longer than average.

Smart phones

iPhone dominates the smartphone market with a whopping 20.5% share.
1 out of every 20 website visits are seen by iPhone users.
Website traffic from smartphones has doubled over the last year.
37% of smartphone users take a photo of a product during a shopping trip.
iPhone users average $100 per order.
45% of website owners optimize their site for mobile.

Facebook vs Google

Social media and blogs reach 80% of all active internet users in USA.
1 in 7 minutes spent online is on Facebook.
Google+ adds 10 million new users every 30 days.
The average user invests over 7 hours a month on Facebook.
2 out of every 3 Google+ users is male (averaging 28 years old).
57% of Facebook users are male (averaging 38 years old).
The top 3 sponsored ads garner 41.1% of all clicks on Google's search results.
Just 9% of clicks come from Google's top organic search results.
40% of searchers couldn't identify paid ads if there wasn't a right column.

QR Codes

2 out of every 3 QR scans come from Apple iOS devices.
89% of QR code scanning is for information requests.
42% would scan a QR code to get a discount voucher.
68% of QR scans are made by women.
Higher-end buyers aged 14 to 30 most likely to use QR codes in store.
50% of all smartphone owners have scanned QR codes.
55% of smartphone owners use their device to price compare in the store.

Email Advertising

Email has 3 billion users, compared to 1 billion Facebook users.
Just 14% of all email accounts are located in the USA or Canada.
47% of all email accounts are located in Asia and the Pacific.
Almost half of all email received is spam.

Facebook Marketing

43% of accounts are Facebook power users in at least one activity.
19% of Facebook users makes at least one Friend request every 7 days.
35% of Facebook users were tagged in a photo by a Friend.
27% of Facebook users sent a personal message at least once a week.
59% of Facebook users received a personal message within 30 days.
Female Facebook power users post more than men.


2 out of every 3 Pinterest users resides in the USA.
Most Pinterest users (28%) are between ages 35 to 44.
8 out of 10 Pinterest users are women.
3.6% of all social media referral traffic comes from Pinterest.

Online Markets

U.S.: $197.47 billion. (English)
China: $79.08 billion. (Chinese)
Japan: $41.85 billion.
UK: $24.21 billion.
Germany: $22.74 billion.
Brazil: $14.89 billion. (Portuguese)
South Korea: $12.13 billion.
Australia: $12.02 billion.
France: $11. 95 billion (French + Africa)
Indonesia: $8.71 billion.
Canada: $8.66 billion.
India: $8.65 billion

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