Health & Wellness

Strengthening the body is key, through sunlight, clean air, water, diet, elimination, exercise, meditation, and the proper functioning of the immune and repair systems. Eat whole, live foods, and pursue goodness, and useful purpose.

How does the human organism function, and what are the required building materials and support functions?

The penalty for sin is death, and in the short trm, th penalty for error is suffering, and the penalty for bad food choices, pollution, interference, ignorance, etc, is disease.

Maintenance of a 'regular' (homeostatic) environment

Guard the gates, pollution, corruption
Minerals Water
Intention, purpose
    Ocean air, mountain air
    Wim Hof deep-breathing oxygenation
    Sunlight, etheric energy
    Negative ions
    Leafy trees, plants, animals
    Alkaline vs Acid diet
    Restful sleep
    Steaming hot sauna, mineral clay baths
    hot tub
    Hot stones
    Isolation tank
    Aroma therapy
    acupressure, Thai massage
    essential oil massages
    hard exercise produces antioxidants, detox through sweat
    strengthen immune system
    Intermittant fasting
    pH, Alkalinity vs Acidity


- Activated charcoal tablets
- Band-aids
- Larger sterile pads
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Iodine
- Elastic bandage, clips

activated charcoal
baking soda
Emergency Care
- choking (Heimlich maneuver)
- broken bones
- wounds
- CPR (drowning, choking)
- Poisoning

Adhesive Tape
Activated Charcoal
Medicated Powder (rashes, heatstroke)
Sewing Needles
Small Scissors, curved
Long strips of cloth
Water Purification tablets
Portable Water Filter
Oxygen Tank

chlorine bleach
dental floss
pure honey is a natural antibiotic, wound treatment
Vitamin B, C, D
Hydrogen Peroxide
Betadine, Beta-Med, Antiseptic
Larger Sterile Pads
Small Scissors, curved
Elastic Bandage, Clips


study wilderness survival, shelter building, finding and purifying water, learning edible roots, plants, leaves, fruits, bark, flowers, seeds.

Prepping - 50-lb bag of rice, beans, pasta, etc

vacuum-sealed bags.

rice storage, cool, dry
sealed bags beans
sealed bags rice
canned food
charcoal, stored in dry place
Food Storage, Water
Prepper's Check List

some cash on hand
Common Prep Items

The Dollar Store

Start stocking food, and food-growing hydroponic gardens, hydroponics.

Dry food storage
The Organic Prepper

China stockpiling food, good for over a year. This is telling us that they are anticipating food supply problems. Also, banking and currency issues. Truly time to buy property, then build and buy tools, equipment, raw materials for making useful products like soap, skin creams, candles, fermented food, stockpiling food and supplies.



Chyawanaprash, an Ayurvedic concotion made from more than forty different herbs. You can't eat that which you don't even know about, so study local herbs and mushrooms, other forest plants and products first. Then, find a center or school of traditional medicine. At a minimum, a good place to source herbs, bark, roots, and learn more about the field.

Tips are in the physical structure of plant healing properties. Thus, plants from harsh climates, or those that have thick, impenetrable skins, or spikes, are more likely to have healing properties.

Ayurveda introduction

Sahej Ayurveda Introduction

Dr Pankaj Naram -

Darryl D'Souza - Then, right-click on the photo, and save as pdf. Indian engineer, covering the function and stresses of the major organs.

Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose

- air purification, ionization, altitude, hyperbaric chamber, oxygenation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Acupuncture Meridians

Thai Traditional Medicine

Tibetan Medicine

- herbs as food, and as medicine
Harry Hoxsey - herbal cancer cures

Dr. Sebi, Alfredo Darrington Bowman, a Honduran self-proclaimed herbalist and healer, fasting, herbs, interesting treatments.

Grey hair, natural treatments - Black tea and salt, nutrients hair needs, 'He Show Wu,' Fo Ti Root, chinese herbs.

Minerals Ionized in Water - can hold a larger concentration in solution.
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