

The engineers of Tesla motor's shocked everyone when they abandoned the versatile induction motor in Model 3 cars. They used a totally different motor called IPM-SynRM. Let's understand why the Tesla engineers made this crucial design change.


Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering fields. Mechanical engineers design and oversee the manufacture of many products ranging from medical devices to new batteries. They also may design power-producing machines, such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.

Further, mechanical engineers may need to design other machines inside buildings, such as elevators and escalators. They also design material-handling systems, such as conveyor systems and automated transfer stations. Like other engineers, mechanical engineers use computers extensively. Mechanical engineers are routinely responsible for the integration of sensors, controllers, and machinery.

  • Analyze problems to see how mechanical and thermal devices might help solve a particular problem.
  • Design or redesign mechanical and thermal devices or subsystems, using analysis and computer-aided design.
  • Investigate equipment failures or difficulties to diagnose faulty operation and to recommend remedies.
  • Develop and test prototypes of devices they design.
  • Analyze the test results and change the design or system as needed.
  • Oversee the manufacturing process for the device.

Advanced software packages helps mechanical engineers create and analyze designs, run simulations and test how a machine is likely to work, interact with connected systems, and generate specifications for parts. Engineers prepare layouts and drawings of parts to be made and of the process for putting the parts together, often using three-dimensional CAD-CAM design software. Mechanical engineers may work on cutting-edge industrial pursuits, particularly in chemistry, factory automation and robotics.

The fields of alternative energies and nanotechnology will also offer new opportunities for occupational growth. Mechanical engineers design production projects to harness developments in nanotechnology, which involves manipulating matter at the tiniest levels. Nanotechnology will result in improvements of technology in fields such as healthcare and in the design of more powerful computer chips.


Mechanical engineers typically need a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering technology. Mechanical engineering programs usually include courses in mathematics and life and physical sciences, as well as engineering and design. Mechanical engineering technology programs focus less on theory and more on the practical application of engineering principles. They may emphasize internships and co-ops to prepare students for work in industry.

Some colleges and universities offer 5-year programs that allow students to obtain both a bachelor's and a master's degree. Some 5-year or even 6-year cooperative plans combine classroom study with practical work, enabling students to gain valuable experience and earn money to finance part of their education. ABET accredits programs in engineering and engineering technology. Most employers prefer to hire students from an accredited program.

High-quality engineering animations may be found on the 'Lesics' YouTube channel . Their website is Lesics.com


A Professional Engineering (PE) license, which allows for higher levels of leadership and independence, can be acquired later in one's career. Licensed engineers are called professional engineers (PEs). A PE can oversee the work of other engineers, sign off on projects, and provide services directly to the public.

The initial PE exam can be taken after earning a bachelor's degree. Engineers who pass this exam are commonly called engineers in training (EITs) or engineer interns (EIs). After meeting work experience requirements, EITs and EIs can take the second exam, called the Principles and Practice of Engineering. Each state issues its own licenses, although most states recognize licensure from other states, as long as the licensing state's requirements meet or exceed their own.

Steam Turbine Animation

Nuclear and coal based thermal power plants together produce almost half of the world’s power. Steam turbines lie at the heart of these power plants. They convert thermal energy in the steam to mechanical energy.

Brushless DC Motor

The innner workings of a brushless DC motor is explained in this video with help of animation.

Helicopter Turboshaft

A turboshaft engine acts as the powerhouse of modern helicopters. They are also used for power generation and marine propulsion! This video will illustrate the inner-workings of turboshaft engines in a clear and logical way.

Manual Transmission

The working of a Manual transmission is explained in an illustrative and logical manner in this animation. Here, the working of sliding mesh and synchromesh transmissions are well illustrated. This video also explains the working of a reverse gear.

Qualities For Success

Ask yourself if you can see yourself being a engineer, working with technical concepts and complex equipment, which can be challenging. While engineering classes and internships will prepare you well, certain innate qualities that you bring to bear will help you succeed.

Qualities for Success
Mechanical engineers design and build complex pieces of equipment and machinery. A creative mind is essential for this kind of work.
Mechanical engineers often work on projects with others, such as architects and computer scientists. They must listen to and analyze different approaches made by other experts to complete the task at hand.
Mechanical engineers use the principles of calculus, statistics, and other advanced subjects in math for analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work.
Mechanical skills allow engineers to apply basic engineering concepts and mechanical processes to the design of new devices and systems.
Mechanical engineers need good problem-solving skills to take scientific principles and discoveries and use them to design and build useful products.

Engineering Organizations

Whether you’re a civil, environmental, manufacturing, mechanical or other type of engineer, there’s an industry trade group ready to offer training, networking opportunities and other specialized resources that can help you stay current in your field and manage your career.

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