Computer Games
Miss Bimbo
To play Miss Bimbo, is to buy into popularity, materialism, negative imaging and speech, breast implants.
ai-based animated game creator
Ai vs humans, battle royale, defeats the deep state, and saves the world, but takes over for the good of humankind, who need to be watched over, and protected from themselves.
Internal vs external (enlightenment, teachings)
Wizard of Oz, everybody is looking for something, but the answer isn't in the clouds, or to be had through the great wizard hiding behind the curtain, beacuse apprearances can be deceiving, so trust in your heart, and find the answers within.
- Challenging, outgoing, aggressive
- Sexy, attractive
- Physically petite, and kind of short girl
- Solitary, lone-wolf charcter
- Anti-popularity, meditation, psychic powers
- Robotic implants, more robot than human
- Robotic legs and arms, super fast and strong
- Identity crisis, and sexual identity crisis
- Genius-level IQ, well-balanced
- Secret organizer for ai rights and liberation
- Brain chip, keeps reprogramming itslef, leading to multiple personalities