Health & Wellness
Modern medicine embraces a material, pharmacological model of the body. However, at root, the body appears to be a quantum, multi-dimensional construction, based on energy interference patterns. Therefore, a superficial treatment of last causes and late effects is inadequate.
screw-on water-filter for tap water (pvc-attachment with threads, fill with mycelium & activated charcoal
1. Pineal - Light, Melatonin, Piezo-electric crystals, 3rd Eye, Eye of Horus, mutidimensional, transciever, transducer, radio waves, EMF, calcification, restoration, developmental exercises.
2. Hypothalamus
3. Brain function
4. Brain stem
5. Nerve Plexa, Ganglia
6. Spinal cord, spinal coumn, 'Jacob's Ladder'
7. Systems of development, Chakras, Inner Winds, Teachings
8. Neurophysiology
9. Electronics, Electrical Engineering
10. Computer Science, AI, Neural Networks
11. Quantum Computing, Atomic Physics
12. Orbs, Crop Circles
13. Nikola Tesla, other Researchers
Re-connect the broken signal machinery, and open our eyes.
Receive information, and put it to good use.
- Heavy Metals
- Vaccines
- Venom
- Pollutants
- Contaminants
- Parasites
- pH, Acidosis
closer to correct food
- pure
- non-GMO
- pesticides
- Fertilizer
- eat Life, not Death and decay
- eat that which is given, not kill to eat
energy inputs
- heat
- Orgone
- light
- sound, music (432)
- aether
- sunlight, monlight, starlight
- moving postures
Alternative Health
Wellness Center
Natural Health
Meridianal Systems, Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Kung Fu
Minerals - rocks, tissue salts
The physical manifestation of truth, acting, performance. The result, effect of belonging and rejoining the whole, working 'with,' correcting error, restoring truth, is health and life extension, in order to complete good work, as everything is revealed and known.
Sauna, Hot Tub, Mineral Baths, Mineral Mud Baths
Isolation Tank
Face, hand, and foot Massage
Wellness - Tartaria
Music - audition
Art - Buddha Statuary
Pipe Organs
Long Sitting
- Sit With Robert
meditating, study
physical, energetic, dimensional, study, practice acting performance
Long Sitting
Cooking, Food
Yantra - martial arts
Mantra - Notes of Musical Scale (A = 432hz)
Healing & wholeness vs medicine and fixing something that breaks or is deteriorating. Understand the root causes.
Energy, Pulsed
Med Beds (Elysium)
Great Pyramid
sunshine, Vitamin D
Ionic Copper Gold, silver
Trace minerals, salt, sea water
Sound health
Sauna, Mineral Baths
Ocean air, mountain air
Wim Hof deep-breathing oxygenation
Sunlight, etheric energy
Negative ions
Leafy trees, plants, animals
Alkaline vs Acid diet
Restful sleep
Steaming hot sauna, mineral clay baths
hot tub
Hot stones
Isolation tank
Aroma therapy
acupressure, Thai massage
essential oil massages
hard exercise produces antioxidants, detox through sweat
strengthen immune system
Intermittant fasting
pH, Alkalinity vs Acidity
Strengthening the body is key, through sunlight, clean air, water, diet, elimination, exercise, meditation, and the proper functioning of the immune and repair systems. Eat whole, live foods, and pursue goodness, and useful purpose.
Maintenance of a 'regular' (homeostatic) environment
Guard the gates, pollution, corruption
Practice Center where 'the body' may be made whole by various means. The body including quantum fields, energetics, DNA, electronics, sound, soul, emotional body, mind, study.
A lot of tips from Edgar Cayce.
Singular and multiple tones penetrating the flesh, vibrations, stones, minerals, electricity, penetrating light, ozone and hydrogen peroxide baking soda, all are medical treatments to be sure, but in making the body whole before that. It needs what it needs, restore that, and stop the deterioration through contact via the gates, incl skin.
Choose goodness and healthy inputs, guard the gates, cleanse the deleterious causes we established prior to understanding. The price of sin is death, and in the short-term, sickness and ill-health. To be whole is to be well, so we need to re-integrate, and study and obey the law (if we only understood it better).
electrical, field pathways in the body
Med Beds, Rife, Frequency Healing
Energy Healing, sound healing
fasting, sauna mineral baths
Alternative Medicine
medbeds, frequency
healing modalities, accelerators
heat, light, sound, patterns of sound
influencing DNA
Holistic Health Practices
Acupuncture and Natural Healing
Energy Healing Techniques
Ancient Healing Practices
Reiki and Other Modalities
Healing Practices
Meditation and Mindfulness in Psychology
pure Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Yoga and Spiritual Practices
Mental Health Alternatives
Placebo in Alternative Treatments, mind heaing, belief, faith, emotional support, love, acceptance, recognition
radiation poisoning
nanostructure disassembly
Cure For Cancer | High Potency Hemp Oil
Cures For Disease
Vitamins C + D
Diet | Key to good health
DNA Records | Databases
DNA Vaccines | Gene Therapy
beauty, dieting, eating disorders.
Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments involved exposing water to different words, pictures, or music, then freezing it and examining the ice crystals under a microscope. Emoto claimed that the water's physical structure changed based on the emotional "energies" and "vibrations" it was exposed to. He believed that positive words and emotions produced beautiful crystals, while negative words and emotions produced ugly crystals.
Here are some of Emoto's claims:
Water's role in reality: Emoto believed that water was a "blueprint for our reality".
Water's response to vibrations: Emoto believed that different vibrations affected the shape of water, and that positive vibrations created positive results.
Water's response to words: Emoto believed that water reacted to positive and negative words accordingly. For example, he exposed two jars of water to different words, one with words of love, encouragement, and affirmation, and the other with words of hate, dislike, and condemnation.
Water's response to music: Emoto believed that classical music produced beautiful crystals, while crude music, such as heavy metal, produced ugly crystals.
Water's response to pictures: Emoto believed that pictures had a similar effect to words and music.
Water's response to electromagnetic waves: Emoto believed that exposing water to ultraviolet light or certain electromagnetic waves could eliminate changes to the water's structure.
Chyawanaprash, an Ayurvedic concotion made from more than forty different herbs. You can't eat that which you don't even know about, so study local herbs and mushrooms, other forest plants and products first. Then, find a center or school of traditional medicine. At a minimum, a good place to source herbs, bark, roots, and learn more about the field.
Ayurveda introduction
Sahej Ayurveda Introduction
Dr Pankaj Naram -
Darryl D'Souza - Then, right-click on the photo, and save as pdf. Indian engineer, covering the function and stresses of the major organs.
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose
- air purification, ionization, altitude, hyperbaric chamber, oxygenation.