YouTube Studio
YouTube Studio
YouTube Creators
add a new channel for each new area of content
YouTube analytics
BeeTalk live and facebook live
- How to set up Logo, to the left of channel name.
- What is a Brand account?
one video can go viral in the youtube algorithm, like teaching how to grow an instagram following, 10 tricks to gain instagram followers, same google ai algorithm, need to think what people search for on youtube and put it in the title, and say key phrases in the video clearly, esp at the beginning, and in the tags, description, and have people comment those same phrases. anywhere google may be able to see it.
YouTube API gives us the ability to list page title, description, video ID. Combined with other datasets and APIs (like Yelp reviews and Wikipedia), along with Indeed API job listings.
Film Making
Video/Film production specialist, great explanations
Filmic Pro , App store
EMOTION, not limited to romance, but also excitement, surprise, fear, anticipation, joy, relief, loss, winning, losing. In the case of a carnival, rather than focusing on rides and amusements, although those as well, song and dance is primary (Mickey Mouse Club, The Wiggles), sexual suggestion or peeks, and emotional interplay on the faces between characters.
Once animated clips or backgrounds are drawn, they can be reused many times in other episodes. Same with costumes, props, sets.
can use large teleprompter next to camera. can actually read captions from other channels or content.
tripod & clamps
HD storage
Buy one of these microphones: Rode Lightweight Mic or VideoMic Pro.