
Trump JFK

Trust The Plan, Q-Anon

The Matrix - Keaneu Reeves
New World Order (NWO)

1. Kids Story: Plandemic arrests, cabal becoming undone, exposed, they moved too fast, they should have kept secret, now, like Pearl Harbor, the American Nation has been roused from slumber by covid vaccines, and BOY IS SHE ANGRY.

secret war between Trump and a global cabal of Adrenochrome pedophiles. Military. Current Movie passing for politics, with actors, masks, stages, CGI. Mass arrests.

The big reveal, white hats
Memes, Photos, Videos
Plan to take back our world
Recovery of rule by law
Representative govt, not cronyism, lobbyism, blackmail
Integral military, police, and courts
Honest money, not fiat and debt
Street Action | Taking the truth to the streets
Mass Non-compliance is the only way out of this covid scam and genocide
Off The Grid
Quantum financial system (QFS)
Nesara, Gesara
Nueremburg 2 trials
Blockchain voting
Constitutional, common-law, Restored Republic of the United States
End of the US corporation, end of maritime law, and pre-supposed lost at sea

people catch on to the cabal
The cabal is divided, weak spiritually, standing on lies and untruth, deception, hiding, fearful, arrogant, so a high probability of long-term success. Without a strong adversary like satan, we aren't tested fully, leaving soul-life on the table. The Lord sees fit to test us in this way, so we may respond in kind, having been born for goodness and love. The secret is out, you are them in fact, not figuratively but it may or may not be time for you to know or realize the truth of this.

Waking The Sheep, deprogramming techniques
Truth Banners - Flyers, clothing design, Stickers, Posters, greeting cards, thumbnails, Signs
UNITY Self-Government System
Political, Industry Whistleblowers
Celebrity whistleblowers
Arrests Of The Cabal