Kooksta.com is the result of several years of work by a group of Thai students living in Bangkok. I'm Kanchana, and I graduated in law, from Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok. We are making a free directory of higher education, starting in the United States and Canada in English, then expanding into Asia and Europe, via multiple languages. On our site, you can find lists of college degree programs, and visit those you are interested in, keeping our page open in the background, or saving our site to your favorites.
We also have subject pages, focusing mostly on online classes, but also choosing a college major, multiple choice tests to gain practice, and ultimately, career training and selection. However, let's not get so involved with career training as to forget our search for meaning, creativity and love. With this in mind, please look around, and if you have questions, please contact us at "kanchanawattana at gmail.com"
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There are many factors to be taken into account when choosing a college major. You might pick your major based on your abilities. Understanding what areas you have skills in and which areas could use work is a great way to start the process when choosing a university major. However, don’t discount the fields where you lack ability just yet; you’ll be able to build those up more during your studies. Finally, will you be able to easily and readily find employment in a related field after you earn the degree? Avoid the possible discouragement from employment rejection later on by considering a broad field of study. Employment rates will differ between professionals who enter the workforce with a bachelor's degree and those who go on to earn a master's or other advanced credential.
Alternatively, you may pick your major based on values that you hold. Choosing a major based on your core beliefs can lead to work that is more rewarding and encouraging. However, attending university is a time of experimentation and self-discovery, and most people solidify their values during their college years. At first glance, your passions seem just like interest areas, only stronger. But this is quite an understatement. Passions are areas of deep interest, sure, but they also incorporate your values and abilities into something that becomes a burning, lifelong desire.
This website is not affiliated with any educational organization, and all trademarks are the exclusive property of the respective owners. Kooksta.com is the work of a group of students in Bangkok, and all copyrighted works on this website are offered for educational purposes only, governed by the four-factor rule, section 107 of the US Copyright Act, 1976.