Practice Center
The primary practice is to open your eyes, for without the ability to see, you don't know who and what you are, what you eat, what you are for, what to do, how to move.
- Tibetan Buddhism, India
- Native Traditions, Bon, Aboriginal
- Hinduism, India
Pain is the teacher, Pain indicates mistakes.
Suffering indicates wrong choices and lack of understanding.
Physiology - functional systems
Electrical Engineering
Acupuncture - meridian - tungsten Steel, Japanese swords
Herbs -> energetic stability
Chemically - chemistry - orbital energies - atomic Physics
Given that the physical body is not material, human eyes are a poor choice to observe it. The body is a vehicle through which the Lord dissociates into individuality in a game of forgetfulness.
Posture, Stance, Position, Place, purpose, Take a Stand, Stand Up, participation, common purpose, effort, connection, teamwork, friendship.