Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Social skills

It has been said that a spiritual battle rages, good against evil. A battle royale, unto eternity, the yin yang dance of the universe, truth and falsity, completing a divine union. This age-old story is a lie, a deception, created to ensnare innocent souls who lack discernment. Although deceivers may assert that there is a battle, in truth there is no contest.

The game is won individually, by choices we make, within the constraints of karmic result. Not so much that good truimphs easily and fully over evil, which certainly it doesn't, but rather the inner choice made by each soul determines their nature, and their connection to heaven. The material existence is a limited hangout, created by the Lord, to substantiate weak signals through souls by allowing free will. It's a foregone conclusion, and there never was any confusion, only stupid lies and a weak attempt at nonsense. Pity the fools who have been tricked by Stinky Stan the Hairy Dancing Fool, and his legion of hungry ghosts/spirits.

I can tell people what I see, in a good, kind way, but if they are not yet ready to see, be aware that they may lack wisdom, and not respond right away as you may expect. Don't be too harse on them in your judgement, as you also were and are slow to learn to obey, slow to even study the law. Remember, it is not with others that I am tasked, but with myself. Withdraw from the affairs of the world, as it is highly distracting. Focus on the root, seeing the path for self and others, helping others where possible, and working on ourselves, leaving behind a record of goodness, both in print as well as in deed.

The blocked soi is a great exmple. Endangering life, causing hardship and suffering, yet others cannot see fit to fix the problem. Do not judge them, but let this be a lesson to you, to stay out of the business of less-developed minds, a poor sign for the auspiciousness of the center.

Berenstein Bears series (260 million copies sold)
by Stan and Jan Berenstain

Sweet Valley High (250 million copies sold)
by Francine Pascal

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series (120 million copies sold)
by Jeff Kinney

First Day of school
Walking to school
School Bus (Wimpy Kid)
Bicycling to School, bike got stolen
Bicycle accident, skinned knee
School Nurse
Big Fight
Daydreaming in the Classroom
Staring out the window
Passing Notes
Teacher's Pet
Class Comedian
Class Star, talent, singing contest
- it's alright to stand out and be first, but don't be a show-off
- Care about other's feelings, Listen to others, don't interrupt people when they are speaking
- Don't be Selfish

- Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Nerds, Confidence
- making friends, popularity
exclusion, mean kids
- best friends
- social skills
Rules of Honor, The Code, don't rat on people, keep secrets, loyalty, standing up for the Wimpy Kid

big fight with her friend and make up later
Secret Club

The Big Quarrel Between Peppa Pig and George, her little brother
- close relationships (Peppa Pig and her Dad, Mommy and Daddy Kiss)
- trust, honesty
- blaming, arguments
- stealing, lying
- sharing toys
Secret Crushes
Teacher's Bum
- boys and girls, Dating

Playground, swings, see saw, big slide, climbing gym
new kid at the playground is kind of a Nerd, but Peppa stands up for her
Getting picked for teams
Running Fast
Building Strength
Standing Up to The Bully (big, stupid, slow)
Self-defense, Self-respect, setting limits on sex.

Ego Development & Trance States

Let's not get so involved with the world of sensual perception, materialism and making money, as to forget our search for meaning, creativity and love. First as children, and then later on again as parents, we have a busy schedule. There's not much spare time in a day to work on your inner self or search for meaning, after you throw in 8 - 10 hours of work, commuting, and just collapsing in front of the TV at night to unwind.

Writing in the field of human potential, John Gowan's major works are Trance, Art, and Creativity (1975), and Operations of Increasing Order (1980). Gowan's work led him to the notion of a developmental order within states of consciousness. Disruption of this order can lead to mental illness or lesser cases of emotional inhibition. Gowan used Piaget to define the rational development of the mind, and Erikson to chart emotional development. He notes that most adults become emotionally arrested at the level of vocational fulfillment, financial success, and a stable marriage.

Self-initiation through the inner guide may lead to conscious and unconscious integration. The person learns how to handle issues of identity, love and intimacy, and finally death. However, pushing on our boundaries, we run the risk of losing our sense of identity. This is why true creativity is always associated with the genuine danger of self-destruction. By closing the gap between unconscious emotions and rational understanding of behavioral patterns, psychotherapy may facilitate healing of mental and emotional disturbances. This is 'The Hero's Journey' into conscious transformation, the age-old spiritual quest.

This is a symbolic journey from the ordinary sensory consciousness of physical life toward the psychic capacities encountered in the trance state. A type of trance is achieved in therapy, and native rituals, by interrupting ordinary awareness and creating a discontinuity, wherein the ego is temporarily overwhelmed or simply ignored. Prayer and near-death experiences may help to point the way, but it is up to the individual to tread the path. One harvests not only a knowledge of Self, but also first-hand experience in the imaginary realms, the vision of the soul if you will. We can finally put it all together as an integrated, whole person, enjoying new insights, personal freedom, and enhanced creativity.

Carlos Casteneda
Voodoo, witch doctor
Aboriginees of Australia

Shamanic Transformation Sacred Plants Plant Spirits Nature Spirits Guardian Entities Animal Guidance 'The Fifth Element', 'Aether.'
1. Earth
2. Water
3. Air
4. Fire
5. Aether

8-fold Yoga of Pantajali
Yogas of Naropa
MEANING - the intention and understanding
SPELLING - derivation of spelling through time
DEFINITON - to describe the limit of, to define, to establish the measure of
The shape of sound, cymatics
Correspondences between shape and energy
focusing of intention, concentration, identification

Having falsely identified with temporarily stable frequency patterns (a human body that comes equipped with a given scope of senses) with a false sense of time, and space, the prison walls are well established.

Beware the difficulties of loss of organization and communication in bringing back visions and tales from the beyond, the other side, the Astral, the Etheric, the Akashic. Worthy of the effort, get beter skilled at bringing cogency and understanding from the whirlwind of ideas and information that is given. No shortage of insights or material, the task seems to be more in developing skill in connecting ths wealth back to the those beings less able to see and less able to hear. Not helping or enlightening by scribbling a mess of unconnected, irrelevant materials, spread ofver many fields, unusable and unapproachable in the present form.

Occult - That which is Hidden, secret.

The Meru Project, Stan Tenen
Toroid Shape, Torus
solfeggio frequencies
fibonacci spiral
Kings Chamber
Barabar Caves, India
temples of Vijayanagara like the Hoysaleshwara temple, channakeshava temple
Tartaria, Churches, Bells, Pipe organs
frequency, energetic phenomena
Spelling of words, casting spells, words, sound, vibration, energy, magic

Hypno-therapeutic Communication - Words, timing, delivery, context, brain of the receiver, world map, mind map, association

Telepathy and Psychic Abilities
Time Travel
villain - cruel, evil, or destructive
reptilian brain, dragon, unevolved, stuck, primitive
brute (Brutus in Popeye), barbarian, low-IQ, strong physically
savage beast, immature emotionally, out of control, lust, greeed, competitive, against, fight, war, harm, eat.
animal nature
Opposites Attract, Yin Yang makes a whole
skillful performer
performance (a lie)
actor (pretend, untrue), play a role, actions

colors, association with emotions, light therapy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV50AV7-Iwc&list=PLamm2cZkPDsVNFithbD85tQbp_kV6F7UC Culture videos playlist (500 videos) David Snyder https://www.youtube.com/user/SanDiegoKarate/videos?sort=p&flow=list&view=0 NLP - neurolinguistic Programming http://www.nlppower.com/2015/01/20/learn-nlp-hypnosis-online-free/ Tony Robbins https://www.youtube.com/user/TonyRobbinsLive/videos?flow=grid&view=0&sort=p https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJLMboBYME_CLEfwsduI0wQ


- Build your church upon a rock, not on sand, where winds may blow and destabilize the foundation -

Develop equanimity, not being moved easily by either compliments and praise, nor being upset by criticism and attack, even to physical misfortune. Whether others applaud you or criticize you, you must learn to turn away from both craving and enjoying praise and avoiding and disliking blame or criticism.

Develop emotional stability, neither becoming unduly moved by compliments or beneficial circumstance, nor overly concerned by loss, attack, or hardship yet retain childlike enthusiasm and equanimity. If the outward situation calls for it, act like a powerhouse, or a stern disciplinarian, but remain the actor, unmoved internally. Let it be a challenge to your ability that others cannot discover the difference.


    Seeking gain, avoiding loss.
    Seeking pleasure, avoiding pain and suffering.
    Seeking praise, avoiding blame and ridicule.
    Seeking fame and honors, avoiding disgrace.

Become aware of, and then reduce the frequency and intensity of bad thoughts, and then negative emotions in turn. Do not harm beings of any kind in any way. Make distinctions between positive and negative actions. Applaud positive actions and discipline harmful ones. If you indulge in anger, it makes your persona harsh and coarse. Be glad upon seeing others' success, and do not belittle their accomplishments. At the same time, try to diminish you own pride and self-importance.

Your practice should not stray into a shallow desire for happiness. Transcend both pride and joy, suffering and pain, resting in momentary being and infinite connection. Experience true loss and pain, and learn fearlessness, accepting death and suffering along the way.

One should not overstretch, nor understretch. If one thing is over-stretched, something else gets understretched. If overstretching comes from a swollen ego, then understretching results from a lack of confidence. If overstretching is exhibitionism, understretching is escapism. Stand up for your rights, stand up and fight for what is right. On the other hand, leave others to their own devices, not to say leaving them unassisted, for the rope having been thrown, it is still up to them to catch hold of it. Holding their hands, would you live their lives for them as well?

Be aware that all is one, and that they are yourself. Interact without judgement and anger, accepting their ignorance as a reflection of their state of development, not taking insults or attacks personally, don't give them credit for so much power.

If children, or adults that are as children, if mocking, don't get angry or take it so personally, just as you are learning to love and have compassion and wisdom for unskillful drivers. A true Hassid is able to withstand ridicule and attack, without discomfort, never mind losing their cool. By the time I'm frustrated and annoyed, the battle is far along already. Regain my equanimity and super-cool. Reserve anger for battle, if suffering an actual attack that requires a response. Even in the extreme, a true master would limit anger, in order to respond with a clear head. Remember the movie with the submarine captain learning to lead. Make a decision, take action, take control.

Be blessed with patience in listening to attacks against yourself, and don't get overly upset even though unkind and destructive words are being hurled at you, injuring your well-being, assaulting your sensibilities, and cursing your future achievements and success. Despite the attack, may you be blessed with the wisdom to reply kindly and tolerantly, like with the unskillful drivers on the road. If repetitious, depart if necessary, but not holding malice in your heart, but rather compassionately understanding their ignorance and limitations, wishing them happiness and growth as they in turn will help others as they mature, whether in this life or in future incarnations.

Be appreciative of enemies and difficult or challenging circumstances. Without adversity, nothing appears to need improvement. Be grateful that error was revealed, so you have clear targets to work on. Suffering is beneficial, as it awakens the student to reality, and helps one notice what is valuable, and what is distraction. Not just blind forgivenesss, as a dolt repaying evil with goodness, but actually grateful and happy to learn lessons from them, and have the opportunity to teach as well. Further, have compassion, for their errors have karma built in, and wishing nothing but the best feelings of happiness for all beings, lament their punishment as if it were your own, for they are you in fact, more than you may realize.

Whether others applaud you or criticize you, you need to turn away from both craving and enjoying praise, as well as avoiding and disliking blame or criticism.

Padampa Sangey - Approach all that you find repulsive. Anything you are attracted to, Let go of it. Don't be puffed up by pride and accolades, and Don't be dragged down by criticism, attack, or loss.

Padmasambhava - Adverse conditions are a practitioner’s true wealth, a golden opportunity for advancement in letting go of both obscurations and attachments. Not just as testing, but valuable challenges through which to grow deeper in understanding and realization of the ephemeral, as compared with the root nature, which is unruffled both by fortunate as well as unfortunate circumstance.

The hero's journey

a path of enlightenment.

Shaman training and initiation

Thomas Szasz - Seek, above all, for a game worth playing. Having found the game, play it with intensity, play as if your life and psychological well-being depended on it, as indeed they do. Follow the example of the French existentialists and flourish engagement, moving as if your movements had some purpose. If life does not seem to offer a game worth playing, then invent one. Any game is better than no game at all.
Erikson - chart of emotional development. He notes that most adults become emotionally arrested at the level of vocational fulfillment, financial success, and a stable marriage.

Happiness is a sign, like the truck is fully functional, but if one thing is broken, the truck doesn’t run well. Similarly, many factors must be present to be happy, but only one or few amiss, and certainly people are suddenly not happy.

Given available energy, and the sight to recognize that some paths have more merit or application than others, just choosing the hero's journey is rare. Avoid inferior awareness, leading only to seek material comforts, well beyond that level actually required for bodily support, thus wasting the scant time given. Somehow, you can't speak the truth directly, neither will they hear, nor understand, for having looked upon the face of God, they would die. Thus, resorting to allegory and myth, the speaker gently loosens their bindings.

Self-initiation through the inner guide may lead to conscious and unconscious integration. The person learns how to handle issues of identity, love and intimacy, and finally death. However, pushing on our boundaries, we run the risk of losing our sense of identity. This is why true creativity is always associated with the genuine danger of self-destruction. By closing the gap between unconscious emotions and rational understanding of behavioral patterns, psychotherapy may facilitate healing of mental and emotional disturbances. This is 'The Hero's Journey' into conscious transformation, the age-old spiritual quest.

Mystics may use information drawn from the Tree of Life, summarized in the Tarot, which depicts interactive elements of the psyche as well as the archetypal forces of the universe. This is a 'ladder of consciousness,' which each aspirant may climb toward higher mystical states. The physical basis of experience is symbolized by the bottom of the ladder, and has to do with safety and sensory impressions. From there, we move into the realm of feelings, intuition, and ideas, ultimately progressing to states of deep meditation or semiconscious day-dreaming. The goal is to contact the 'still, small voice within,' as it has been reported in many spiritual texts that 'no man shall look directly upon the face of the Lord and yet remain alive.'

This is a symbolic journey from the ordinary sensory consciousness of physical life toward the psychic capacities encountered in the trance state. A type of trance is achieved in therapy, and native rituals, by interrupting ordinary awareness and creating a discontinuity, wherein the ego is temporarily overwhelmed or simply ignored. Prayer and near-death experiences may help to point the way, but it is up to the individual to tread the path. One harvests not only a knowledge of Self, but also first-hand experience in the imaginary realms, the vision of the soul if you will. We can finally put it all together as an integrated, whole person, enjoying new insights, personal freedom, and enhanced creativity.