Guard the Gates

digital studio

before birth - psychology, exercises, choice PSYCHOLOGY, MIND HEALTH, FOOD, WATER, ENERGY AIR, BREATHING birth - methods, underwater, sound, meditation, stop cutting umbilical cord too early, need to allow the full transfer of materials. infancy - sports training, 1 minute old, the first HOUR, The first day, The first month, the first year, grasping, monkey training - more generally, "Infant Fitness" EARLY EDUCATION (materially) early childhood home Family SAFETY, SELF-DEFENSE, FITNESS school ACADEMIC EDUCATION The path 1. Human Development Dating, relationships Social Skills Happiness, Contentment Psychology Self-confidence, self-respect Self-determination Wisdom Teachings 2. Fitness air, breathing Yantra yoga Sound Water Power

The work-man is worthy of his wages. Doing good work, there is no concern of sufficient food (especially eating less, and moving on towards energy), nor safety (especially training in self-defense, locating under law, mastering pain, and not attached the body).

Primary work is to see. Without the ability the see (both the third eye as well as understanding), like a blind person we have to feel our way, which is still ok, but it's more cumbersome, slower, and not as clear. First, astral plane. Priorities, limited time. Organize, then get to work.

TibetanMaters.com - breathe in, drink in, internalize, study, condense, concentrate, distill, organize, prioritize, summarize, list.

SitWithRobert - breathe out, pour out, externalize, materialize, teach, assign value, communicate, entertain, entrain (train), guide, show.

Need pure food, or cannot eat. To eat poison is to betray the vehicle. Order supplements online, like ganja seeds in bulk, protein powder.

Need pure water or cannot drink. Initially, take water from within fruit, as it is well-filtered, but the poison still penetrates. Know the grower, all oragnic, nopesticides

Quiet. Safety. A place to concentrate without being disturbed. Respect, honor, assistance.

1. Clean the keyboard. Take to a shop.
2. Buy a new keyboard, look at old ones we have.

Determine value
Correct Intention
Air - Breathe correctly
clean water
no food - reduce in steps
clean the body
correct food, understanding the body to know what it requires

Work: Air Quality - purification, filtering, electrification/magnetization, ionization, plasma - 1. cleaning, 2. energization Water Food Protection Shelter - construction Heat Cooling - misting, evaporation Community Medicine - frequency No fear, for there is nobody (externally) to fear, and No body to fear. Only joy, and happiness, and love. And the wages of sin are death.

Air - breathe correctly Water - pure water Food - eat that which is given -
  • Water, Sound
  • - Hydrogen, Oxygen, Frequency (Transitional Body)

    As for anger and injustice of evil souls, don't be angry at them, for they are misled and suffering. They deserve pity, ot retribution. Teach truly, and let the cards fall where the Lord sees fit to place them. All souls targeted by the evil souls will shine brightly, and are not material in any case. You cannot teach those who choose not to listen nor pay attention.


    The Silva Method
    Helen Hadsell
    Think and grow rich - Napoleon Hill
    The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale
    The Law of Attraction
    Tibetan Masters

    Select - knowing what you want. Not so easy to begin, lots of distraction.
    Unless you identify exactly what you desire, and name it, the necessary and required minimum focus is not there.

    Helene Hadsell: Name It - Claim It

    Claim - to argue, make a putative statement
    claim - a stake in the rights of, ownership of

    SELECT - identity, choose
    select - of a higher grade

    Project - to project, like a projector, the soul energy into the material plane

    Expect - belief, expectation - pregnant, expecting a baby, anticipating, identification/aniticipation/participation. You don't just believe it, you are it.

    Collect - demand payment

    "Select a goal to get started. Choose the right goals, one of the first of which is certainly waking up, opening third eye."

    Project it in many ways: See it as already having it. For example, the Indians see the rain falling on the ground while they are doing their famous Rain Dance. They do not see the beginning stages of clouds forming or darkening skies-just the end result of rain hitting the ground. In the same way, a doctor, healer or patient should always see the end result of the patient’s perfect health. That is, they must visualize the patient not getting well, but instead already being 100% well. This is a synchronous, coincidental, spiritual correspondence.

    Expect it, is again seeing yourself as already having or enjoying the end result. The following is a simple visualization technique I enjoy doing while waiting for something to come to fruition. It’s a yoga breathing exercise that anyone can use. While sitting in a chair, inhale slowly for four to seven seconds (whichever is most comfortable for you); hold your breath for four to seven seconds; exhale slowly for four to seven seconds; finally, do not breathe at all for four to seven seconds. Repeat this breathing sequence for five minutes’ time. While doing this rhythmic breathing SEE yourself having what you want to have or being what you want to be.

    A certain phenomenon occurs as you do this special breathing exercise. As you slowly exhale about the forth time, you will become aware of a very relaxed feeling in your arms and legs. You will feel so comfortable that you will not even want to move. This is because physical tension has been reduced within the muscles and nerves of your body. At the same time, a second phenomenon occurs. Anxieties and mental tensions are also relieved.

    Purchase Items

    Negative Ionizer
    Air Filter
    Air Conditioner
    Heat Exchanger/Pump
    Water filter
    Water pump for increasing water pressure to home
    Good mattress
    Blankets, sheets, pillowcases
    Tables and Chairs (sculpting, Computer, dining)
    Spools of strong thread
    Sewing needles
    B & O speaker, find next sale
    Foam or rubber to sit on, varying thickness and firmness
    Hp computer, full-size Pavilion or iMac
    Motorcycle, good helmet, twisted cable lock.
    Mountain Bike
    Extra guitar strings, especially two highest strings.
    Replace the sides of the amp with thin, strong plastic.

    Electric razor

    Good Socks
    Thin Shirts
    Oversized Wool Sweater
    Hiking boots (for motorcycle also)
    Heavy Long-sleeve Shirt (Import Shop)
    Plastic rain poncho (camping supply)
    Good hat

    bamboo staffs
    big blue container for rain water storage
    solar-power charger USB, for phone and speakers, or converter for truck, extra truck battery w/12 volt converter
    portable gas cooker (coleman) with gas cannister
    black plastic buckets for dishwashing, water
    better wood blocks to jack up
    big blue barrels (for fermentation)
    fire extinguishers
    build storage shed


    Rent a place with large roof-area that accommodates a few people in the sunny mornings, and nice windows, to work with natural lighting. Large rooms with wood flooring for video, can install wall mirrors. good to practice fitness, yoga, singing, counseling groups. If rent home with land, or townhouse with roof or large balcony, can hang double-size mosquito netting, or build simple structure and screen it. Parking, with a gate. English-speaking university students. Further, if unfortunate circumstances arise, would be trapped in the location, or like our land, own but not be living there.

    Consider renting a quiet place, and spending time in the forest or visiting large temples. Bring mosquito nets and string if going to forests, or must keep walking. Beware prior or current mining or factories, as there may be polluted groundwater, noise, smells, or air pollution.

    Expect the first days and even weeks, months to be lonely, and a challenge. Always compare with homeless (which is also lonely), and with no money. Anticipate the difficulties of starting fresh, to meet the requirements of successful transition. Treat ourselves to good food, and easy living at first. Balance the loss of routine, ease, and familiarity, with the potential for improvement.

    Locate at the end of the road, against a hill. If living too far out, I’m potentially exposed as a target. Choose a community with forest temples around, surrounded by nature, perhaps hills or mountains that discourage development. Sole access, no road to rear property or shared. No undeveloped land nearby that a factory or pig farm might come in. Quiet, low-crime, food-producing area with clean water and air. Important to me to have community and girls, even if not dating, as just seeing and being around their energy is vitalizing.

    Must use the third eye and second sight to see the magic in the surroundings. Meditate and be still. Drink in the message through your being. Dream the answer. Study the achievers and follow their example, in order to recognize the right place, even while looking at it or being there. Tibetans and native peoples have a tradition of appraising events by the signs that accompany them.

    Long-term value of locating near a Wat with hills around. If the Wat has a large hill next to it, can hike early in the morning for sunrise, or mountain bike, as well as ride dirt-bike trails in afternoon. Great addition to my environment, and attractive for the center. Can put up small structure at top, or carry backpack with speaker, mosquito net, water, food, light weight down blanket. Note mosquitos in forested areas. Even during virus, can get outside in larger temple or forest if walking, sit practicing guitar, or bring mosquito net to take a nap outside, tucking edges beneath my mats. Mushrooms growing wild in forests. Less bother of insects walking or running, or riding a bicycle or motorcycle.

    Consider the location of forest temples, for even if not able to study directly with the monks, their presence will cause emanations due to their practice. Located in an auspicious location, the natural surroundings will amplify the effect.

    Easier to build and work in the cold, rather than the heat. Don't fear the cold winters in the mountains. It is exactly the difficulties and elevation, isolation, that keep the areas free from over-development, and attract nature-loving people. Don't judge the cold while having nothing to do, currently. Once started, there will be plenty of work to do, keeping warm through activity and yogic breathing practice. Also, can build a small fire in the mornings and evenings, staring into the flames, perhaps practicing singing.

    Note that all places on earth are only projections of your senses. Regain your sense of place, and know that safety, warmth, affection, bliss and other factors determine a good spot to sit, and sleep through the night. Resting more deeply, that you may not be as tired as you imagine yourself to be. Perhaps you are just tired of ignorance, and meagre association. Is it a home you seek, or a place to exist? Beware that your land purchase doesn't end up owning you, just as the land that you've already acquired competes for your time, depth of concentration, and peace of mind.

    Rather than build, if open after lockdown, consider spending days in old, larger wats, as these magnificent spaces would be virtually impossible to recreate. Sitting silently, working on posture, breathing, and mind-control. India and other places also, much easier to visit than to imagine carving stone to make elaborate temples, rooms, and sculptures.

    Lucky to find monks that wish to sit quietly and not get overly caught up in mundane affairs. You can't both have companions as well as sit quietly alone, focusing on awareness.


    Pang Mapha
    Pang Ung
    Ban Rak Thai

    Overseas Irrawaddy Association website, phone in Mae Sot. Phoe Thingyan says his group sends 1,000 boxes of rice each morning and evening to the refugees, but that he has had to ask the Thai military for permission to accept donations.

    police cards – unofficial documents that allow displaced people to avoid arrest or deportation -- are purchased through middlemen for an average cost of 350 Thai baht/month. Cards are marked with a photo or symbol showing that the holders have paid.

    Amnart Nantaharn, chairman of the Tak Special Economic Development Zone Office

    Hire a Girl

    Teach Thai
    Teach English (YouTube)
    Teach Finance (YouTube)
    Teach Yoga, Fitness (YouTube)
    - Video Editing, YouTube, TikTok
    - Gather digital assets, Images, GIFs, Video Clips, Audio

    Hire secretary, translator, massage, exercise, write jobthai ad. Write up full list of duties. Lease space, new hire can help me look. Hire only after a trial period.

    If hiring, realize that most people will be vaccinated. Don't mention vaccination casually, as it's a sensitive topic, and people may react unkindly to finding out that I'm against the agenda. Unlikely that I will educate them, and their prejudice may increase, this on top of being a foreigner.

    Directly hire out of university in their final year, with an entrance contest or testing. Create an interview process.

    Not only jobthai and other employment websites, but local contests (flyers), facebook, social media, kickstarter in Thai, such as English, engineering projects, painting, ceramics, music, dance, etc, not so much prize money needed, but rather exhibition space in a park or theater, can work with city government to get a venue established several different events per year. Can also market (sell) their work to the public, so they can earn money while going to school.

    list job duties: make flyer, post online

    Search for Rental, Land for Sale
    Look for Agents

    Yoga, Exercise
    Acupressure Massage

    Clean House
    Hand-washing Clothes
    Shopping at Market
    Cook Vegetarian Meals

    Lay in water Lines
    Build Hydroponic Systems
    Plant & Care for Garden, Weeding

    Can Play Musical Instrument or Sing
    Can Dance
    Walk in Forest, foraging for products
    Rock Hunting
    Sculpture, Painting, Drawing
    Sew Throw-pillows
    Make Candles

    Offer English tutoring young girls, flyer, and approach more, Japanese massage, shiatsu, offer massage. Hugging, massage flyer, trade massage with lonely people. Studying Thai, cooking, yoga, and other activities that will involve girls. Companionship will come, as in tutoring girls in English privately. Can seek out families with kids.

    Hire for Fitness videos, good practice, dance, entertainment skits. travel around seeking the right girl to hire. also ad on Job Thai, move to her city, if she has friends there. might be able to network. YouTube fitness channel, hire local girl with abs. Chunkier girl makes three of us, as I could use the workouts.

    Can have them garden, cook, do facials, nails, etc, other ventures to offset their salaries. Also, uses the current funds in an intelligent manner, reducing risk.

    Hire one or two girls to make youtube channels and market online, social media as well as landing pages. if living on location, not attracting neighbor’s attention. a bit sexy, teaching classes, dancing, music videos, stretching, fitness. Videos with fit, young girls wearing tight or revealing clothing gain many views. Same with instagram and social media. Remember the Thai girl making papaya salad, with 8 million views.

    Beautiful girls are developing followings and posting photos, videos on instagram and other social media, driving visitors through profiles on multiple dating sites, ie, "I’m not on here much, we can chat on instagram," also can do landing pages. potentially could just use an alternate ‘girl’s’ profile. watch complaints or losing account. can do financial education too, especially crypto, investing, making money, starting online businesses, marketing online.start on videos, finance, English, consider hiring a girl willing to wear cut-off shirts or just tight t-shirts, to teach English, learn finance, create courses, social media marketing, edit video, create thumbnails.

    Try all workers day by day. if people are late, talk back, or don’t work hard, rotate in new people until have a great team effort. Some people may work hard, but if they are disruptive, it’s not worth my stress and emotional cost. Not worry here, just a few days work, and not have to stand around.

    Start fun things to attract a few other girls, she may offer facials, English lessons, aerobic or yoga, exercise class, even at rental house. Consider renting a nice house just outside a town, teach 2 young, pretty girls how to flatter and pamper women, run their own business.