Near Death (NDE)

With 8,000,000 near-death experiences, so many people having such a profound experience, perhaps they would like to share their experiences online? I could make landing pages, with comments that I screen, videos on YouTube, and other vehicles through which people could participate. Then, I could assemble stories into a book or just for reading online.

Dream your way home, for in the dream world, you are closer to your true being than you may imagine. Let those who have brushed death be your guide to a more accurate view.

Living in a garden of rich green plants, glowing with light. Look at your hands, and realize that you are composed of light. People approach you in the garden. They are glowing too. Some of them look familiar, perhaps family members who have passed on years ago. They are happy to see you, and smile knowingly. These glowing loved-ones pale in comparison to what comes next. A master appears. Whoever he is, he is so bright and loving that everyone gathered together in this place feels drawn to him. With more love and caring than you had ever felt from anyone on earth, the master guides with his presence, taking you on a three-dimensional review of your life.

You see everything you ever have done to anybody, every word you have spoken, and you feel everything just as it happened, as if years were passing. However, in addition to experiencing the way you felt when it happened, you also know how it felt to the others involved, seeing the effects of even casual conversation, and the smallest things you may have said and done.

Your life-review is accompanied by a moral commentary from the master, who compassionately explains to you what you did right and wrong, and indicates what you may wish to do in the future. Whether you want to remain in the experience timelessly, wishing it to continue forever, or regret many of the actions and words you've committed yourself to, for better or worse, it is ultimately yourself to whom you have wed. Given the choice to return to earthly life, perhaps to try again and improve, perhaps to support loved-ones who would lament your passing, you may choose life. Suddenly, at the instant you've made your decision, you feel yourself drawn back into your body.

You have woken up, in more ways than one. Not only has the garden of light been replaced with the material world, but the memory and understanding imparted from your experience remains, and you are a changed person. The stress is gone, tenion and anger released somewhat. Fear of death and the pre-occupation with material survival has been supplanted by a desire to teach and help others. The desire to work for money is gone, replaced by a thirst for knowledge, feelings, and expressions of love that astonishes the people who know and admire you.

Finding the work that you were born to do may be challenging, but you see it as a journey, and have no fear that you will land where the Lord wishes you to, even if that leads through many unexpected situations and experiences. You calmly accept the painful with the pleasant, seeing through life's charade. Nothing can ruffle you, for your feathers are still and strong, and flight has become possible.

Life After Life - Moody - inroduction

Compilations of NDE's


Count yourself lucky if you have a near-death experience to draw upon, as it's a helpful frame of mind with which to set up a seed-vibration. If not, then read stories of NDE's and use your imagination and empathy. Sure, there’s the 'AUM' from classical Hindu literature, but I say, 'get out that guitar, or other vibrating stringed instrument' and gently pluck a few of the lower notes, moving your voice in tune with the instrument, holding the notes as long as you can. You’ve heard of 'toning' the voice-induced healing, sonic vibration within the body cavity itself? Breathing, song. While it may be impractical to continually watch your breath, ensuring deep and proper breath control, this may be addressed by singing for extended periods, even to hours daily.

While on vacation, swimming off the coast of San Diego, I came up with the bright idea of going out beyond where the waves break, so I wouldn’t keep getting smashed by the big surf. I was 23 years old at the time, and I grew up in Boston, where we also have an ocean, but without much of a wave in sight. After about fifteen minutes of fine Pacific ocean swimming, I began to get tired, and turned toward shore, not 50 yards away, which should have been a simple, strong effort, followed by some serious tanning on the beach. It didn’t happen. I swam into the first waves and they pulled me right out in their wake. This was new to me, but not a big deal, so I swam harder, with the same result, and my arms were starting to tire. I treaded water, thinking what to do, and then tried again, with no better luck. All the people were playing close to shore, kids were jumping, surfers were riding waves farther down the beach, and I was getting scared and very tired, mostly in my upper body. I went under the water for a second, not concentrating, and clawed my way back up, realizing I was in trouble.

This was not good, so I tried to scream, 'Help,' but a little squeak came out instead. Was that my voice? I really screamed help after that, twice, and slipped back under the water, my arms feeling like long bars of iron that defied my attempts to lift them. Have you ever tried to lift your car? I’m crying, even now, twenty years later, just remembering how the shining, glimmering surface of the water looked so far UP there, from down below. My arms refusing to work, I tried kicking my way up, really wanting to get to the air. Breathing seeming like the most valuable thing in the world to me right then, and I would have given almost anything for some assistance to reach the surface. There was air up there, air you could breathe, and I was going to die without it, actually die, which seemed interesting to me. 'This is how my life was going to end,' I thought to myself, now drifting downwards, towards the sandy bottom of the ocean off San Diego.

I began playing with my hand, moving it back and forth in slow motion in front of me, aware of how the water felt on my skin, and that it was elementally different than air somehow. Wow, this will be my death, all cool water, and no air. Try holding your breath for a few minutes, and just before you give up, notice how you start imitating breathing, pumping your chest in and out even without taking a breath. My lungs were insistent, and I started sucking in sea water, just a little bit as a test, perhaps, which started a vision, just like in a book about near-death experiences that I would read many years later. When I breathed in the water, I knew that I had only moments to live, located well below the surface at that moment, and sinking slowly.

At the exact instant that I accepted my death, a white, shimmering light formed near or in front of me. If it was visible with my physical eyes, I can’t remember, but I do remember the light. The first question was, 'do you want to live or do you want to die?' Well, we’re not wasting any time, are we? That was a question I has been wrestling with all of my life, so I wasn’t going to be able to give any kind of sensible answer back instantly, and certainly not under pressure, at the moment of death. I was just about to protest, or ask for an easier question, in the few seconds of life I had left, when time seemed to stop. In its place, yes in the place of time itself passing, was a limitless array of what looked like crystal balls, arranged like the photos you see of what a bee’s eye would see, rows and rows and columns and columns of crystal balls filling all space. In the balls, I could see individual scenes of my life passing in real time, a little movie of all the people and places of my life in each. As soon as I concentrated on any particular ball for a moment, I was thrown inside the ball, and not only was I myself in the scene, but I could be inside the body of other people as well, feeling what they felt, their words escaping their (my) lips. One sequence affected me greatly, where I had stolen someone’s bicycle when I was a boy. There it was again, in life-like detail, but this time not only was I the thief, but I was the little boy running outside chasing after the thief as well. It put a whole new light on 'do unto your neighbor, as you would have done unto you,' as it felt to me that we actually are our neighbor, and it literally IS being done unto us. Also, charity felt different to me, as you can’t possibly give anything away if you are both the giver and the receiver, and the experience made the phrase, 'to give is to receive' ring true in a new light. Try passing something you own from your right hand into your left hand; it’s still in your possession right? Nothing was given away and nothing was received, just a game you were playing with your hands.

I went through dozens of these life-moments, feeling the pain of everyone in my life that I had injured in some way, and wishing it would stop. This was an extended apology to everyone I had ever wronged, and it began to seem that I had managed to wrong almost everyone. After hundreds (thousands?) of these crystal balls, I realized it would not stop until the whole life had played through, and I resigned myself to 23 years of life-review, as all the characters I had cast in my own little drama, all in my final few seconds of breath. Thus having been properly baptized in water, repentant beyond measure, my cup overflowing, the white light returned, more gently and loving this time, now that I was no longer an arrogant, selfish ass, and asked, 'do you want to live, or do you want to die?' Hadn’t it forgotten the question, after so many years? I never noticed if the light was a he or she, a him or a her, as no such considerations seemed to exist. I myself had been so many boys and girls, so many different women and men during my years of life-review, that I no longer knew what I was even. It seemed all questions about any subject you might choose were the same at that moment, if you turned them different ways, and I knew the answer to all of them was Love, God, and helping others, followed by Faith, Hope, and Charity, though I wasn’t able to put words to these concepts until days later. There are so many wrong questions, and so few relevant subjects.

The voice was penetrating and eternally patient, though, and after so many years of experiencing the pains of people around me, I had an answer. 'I want to live,' I replied serenely, unruffled by the physical impossibility of doing so. The light was unaffected by my choice, and continued, 'Why?' I was ready with an answer this time as well, as the question was the same as the last in a different way. 'If I die now, I won’t be alive here on earth to be of use to someone in the future, though I don’t know when that may be, or who it will involve.'

'Good,' the voice replied, as the light was started to fade away, 'we call that Hope.' At the exact moment the last sound faded, I felt something grab my hair, and pull me up out of the water, allowing me just time to breathe in once, raggedly, water in my throat, and I kind of heard in a dream, 'take a big breath!' Suddenly, I was under the water again, not having taken in any kind of big breath at all, and slumping into a semi-conscious state. A surfer likely had seen me going under, or heard my cry for help, but arrived a bit late, diving down to grab my hair and pull me up. In the rush to get me back to shore, throwing me on a surfboard, waves crashed over me before I had a chance to take in a breath. I never got a chance to thank the person who saved my life, as by the time I regained my senses, now in knee-deep water, he or she had already disappeared, not having the time for yet another tourist foolishly gushing thanks for the life they’d almost just thrown away.

I learned later that this happens several times a day, just another day at the beach in the heavy surf of Southern California, and that surfers often save people’s lives. About a minute later, a young girl about twelve years old grabbed onto my wrist, holding on with a strong grip, startling me it was so tight. I turned to look, and there she was, with two other girls about the same age holding on to her, forming a chain. The heavy waves dig out the sand into pits that you can’t see under the water, and from walking in water a few feet deep, right at the edge of the shore, you easily might step into a hole six feet deep and many feet across. I dragged the three of them out of the pit, still unsteady on my own feet, and the one closest to me looked straight into my eyes for a second while she was crying. No thank-you was necessary, and to come out and say it might have seemed cheap. We both knew. Life matters, all the more so when you think you might lose it, and thinking you might drown is plain scary. The other two girls just ran right by me like I wasn’t even there, onto the beach, where I lost sight of them. I walked slowly out of the water, and up onto the beach, as a few people gathered around in a circle. 'Are you alright?' I couldn’t answer, as I was caught up in the story of each of their lives playing in their eyes, and was distracted by a long scroll of paper that seemed wrapped around their hearts. I looked at one woman, and although I forget what I said exactly, so many years ago now, something like 'look within yourself for the answer of why your boyfriend left you, as you know the answer.' She burst into tears, and kept repeating, 'Yes, I know, I know, it was my fault, though I like to blame him.' I went up to the boardwalk, still walking in super-slow motion, attracting stares from people walking by. Whenever I caught someone’s eyes, I would bellow, 'you live, each moment is precious, and you breathe!' They would look for a moment and perhaps laugh, a guy yelling nonsense on the beach boardwalk, and walk on, dismissing me as a crazy guy, likely a product of taking too many drugs. During that time, I felt as though everyone was asleep, or blind, and I wondered why they didn’t laugh, run and play like four-year old children do?

Where was all the love, and why was everyone unaware that they weren’t the body that they had put on at birth, and would shed once again at death? I made it back to my hotel room, and lay down on the bed, noting that a young couple was arguing in the next room, their angry shouts coming through the wall. The ceiling was white, and I stared up at it, breathing in and out, saying over and over, 'I live.' Later in the day, the effect wearing off, I came across three older ladies in a supermarket, debating which bread to buy among themselves. They saw me, and the three of them turned as one, and asked, 'which bread shall we buy?' Without thinking, I replied, 'buy the bread of life,' Which pleased them very much, and they all agreed I was certainly correct. Another time, still in an altered state, I came across a section of the Old Testament, open for study, and felt I could read it for the first time. I read the gospels of the New Testament, and cried almost continuously, a volume of tears surprising to me, whenever it mentioned Jesus healed someone, or that someone had faith.

* Moment-by-moment awareness of breathing/life when back on beach/motel

* Coincidental happenings after, diminishing as time went on..

near death experiences (NDE)

floating above their body
seeing a tunnel
not feeling pain
seeing events verifiably from a viewpoint above
seeing actions taken by medical staff under anesthesia
meeting deceased relatives
seeing angels of light


inhabiting a body different than the regular body
go through solid objects
unable to contact the living
invisible, unable to be heard or to cause action, except as a miracle (of intention and will)
able to fly
instantaneous travel
motion by will

life review, defilements, obscurations
love, unity
renewal, acceptance forgiveness
faith, hope, charity
purpose, work, value, giving

choice to return
change, acceptance
life work

In a garden of rich green plants, one that is glowing with unearthly light. He looks at his own hands and realizes that he too is composed of light. People approach him. They are glowing too. Some of them look familiar.

An extensive survey was done of an estimated eight million near-death experiences in 1982. With that many people having such a profound experience, perhaps they would like to share their experiences online? I could make landing pages, with comments that I screen, videos on YouTube, and other vehicles through which people could participate. Then, I could assemble stories into a book or just for reading online. Same with unfortunate souls who have experienced vaccine injuries and are finding difficult to be heard.


Solution 1, extend the life of the body, advances in medicine, technology. Health: address food, energy, growth, repair, and earn more time by learning the rules of the organism being utilized. Primary is food, breath, posture, energy, medicine, engineering, relationships, love, purpose, mentality.

Solution 2, remove the consciousness into a artifical AI framework.

Solution 3, Mystical union with root nature. Teachings: Elimination of self in preparation for death. Rejoin the cosmic one. Limit sensual participation and involvement. Primary is discipline, study, understanding, obedience. Focus on larger issues, the collective mind. Business: Join with other bodies to form a collective union that defies the death of individuals among us. Best to draft a charter and establish a foundation, with rules and requirements for participation and ultimately membership benefits after proven contribution over time. Primary is education, jobs, making money, expansion, math, marketing, self-sustainability, environment, social issues.

Tibetan Book of the Dead

Egyptian Book of the Dead
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