There are many things that we may not realize or notice, which may affect our lives profoundly. Better to at least have some advance warning of the challenges that await, some chance to prepare and make ready for battle or practice. The masters studied extensively, and repeatedly, reviewing material many times over, until it became a part of their being.

Through study, we may be reminded of excellent teachings. I often lose my way, wandering in the company of backwards thinkers, valuing the wrong things. Even if you are not in the mood for study or review, read a little anyways, as the mood may change. Can always take a break, or stop after a while if not feeling engaged.

Studying excellent texts leads to other teachings as well. When reading the direct writings of great minds, their intelligence, insight, and reasonable nature may come to your attention and affect you greatly, like being in great company that has chosen their words most carefully along selected lines.

Research materials, locate sources, weight value, choose teachers
Read literature
Watch movies
Study news online, browse video and article content

Reading biographies and hagiographies
Meeting learned monks, and asking for instruction or sitting nearby
Studying sacred texts

Study Dhamma, read texts by achievers
Study every day. It's easy to drift without being reminded.
Rely on those teachers who have come before.
Study non-Dharma subjects only with a good reason.
Be mindful and diligent. Meditate on emptiness, rejoining the all-that-is.
Develop wisdom, learn the differences between things.
Determine values.


Tony Robbins - Unlimited Power
Tony Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within
John Gray - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence at Work
Gail Sheehy Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life
What Color is Your Parachute -
Maslow heirarchy of needs
stages of psychosocial development - Erik Erickson
- Codependent No More - Melody Beattie
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now
Gary Zukav - The Seat of the Soul
Eileen Garret - Awareness
The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
Zorba the Greek - Nikos Kazantzakis
Leaves of Grass - by Walt Whitman
J Krishnamurti Think On These Things
Carol Pearson - The Hero Within
- Dr John Gowan - Operations of Increasing Order, The Psychedelic Individual, Trance, Art, and Creativity
Brief Therapy - Milton Erickson
My Voice Will Go With You, by Sidney Rosen
Bandler & Grinder
McGill, Ormond - Professional Stage Hypnotism
The Power of Myth, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Pathways to Bliss - Joseph Campbell
- Carl Jung - Man and His Symbols, Archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, The Secret of Golden Flower
- Reich, Orgone, and book, the Third Ear.
- PD Ouspensky - In Search of The Miraculous, Tertium Organum, Psychology of Man
Andrija Puharich, M.D.
Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ
Uri geller
Stanislav Grof
Cullen Smith - lifting the veil
- Ram Dass - Richard Alpert
Power of Silence - Horatio Dresser
- Michael Talbot - Holographic Universe
- Jeffery Mishlove - The Roots Of Consciousness
Coningsby - Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England
- Seven Laws of Spiritual Success - Deepak Chopra
- Living in The Light - Shakti Gawain
'My Stroke of Insight,' by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor:
Transpersonal Psychology, Transactional Analysis (TA) for Teens and Tots, by Alvyn M. Freed
Listening with the Third Ear - Theodor Reik
Magical Child, by Joseph Pearce
'Essence,' The Diamond Approach, by A. H. Almaas
Stephen Potter tips on "gamesmanship."
Eric Berne on Games People Play.
The Master Game
Eileen Garrett, Awareness.
Launa Collins, Levels of Mind.
Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception, The First and Last Freedom
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale
Law of Attraction - Esther Hicks
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
Robert Cialdini - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Gail Sheehy - Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life

Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Russian Physicist

Chandra Bose
Jagdish Chandra Bose - Indian Scientist

A Hermit in the Himalayas
A Message from Arunchala
a seminal text on the 'graded path to enlightenment' in fourteen lines of verse.
Adventures Beyond the Body - William Buhlman
Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hel
Algernon Blackwood
Arcana Coelestia - Swedenborg
Arthur Machen
Aryasura - Garland of Birth Stories
Asanga - Bodhisattva Levels, Summary of the Great Vehicle
Atisa - Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, main text
Atisa - Seven Point Mind Training,
Bhagavad Gita
Bon, Tibetan shamanism - Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche
Books by Paul Brunton:
Chenga Lodrö Gyaltsen - Initial Mind Training: Opening the Door of Dharma
Chogyam Trungpa
Chogyam Trungpa - Born in Tibet
Chogye Trichen
Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
Chuang Tzu - metaphorical and satirical stories. He wrote large volumes in clear, explanatory prose
Classical teachings, practical instruction:
David Wilcock - ufo
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje
Dölpa Sherap Gyatso, the Blue Compendium (stages along the path)
Don Elkins, ufo investigator, physicist
Drakpa Gyaltsen
Edgar Cayce
Falun Gong
Forty-two questions of Osiris for entering heaven.
Gampopa - Four Themes
Gampopa - The Ornament of Precious Liberation, a leading manual in the Kagyu school.
Garab Dorje - Hitting the Essence in Three Points,
Gnostics, Rudolf Steiner
Golden Dawn Society
Gospel of Philip
Gottfried Von Strassburg - Tristan and Isolde
Gyalse Thogme - Thirty-seven Practices of the Bodhisattva,
Hatha Yoga
Jamgön Kongtrul
Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo
Jigme Gyalwai Nyugu
Jigme Trinley Özer
Kabir - poet, saint
Kangsar Dorje Chang
Kangsar Dorje Chang
Karma Chakme - Practical Instructions of Great Compassion
Kung Fu
Kurt Vonnegut - The Sirens of Titan
Lao Tze - Tao Te Ching
Longchenpa - The Heart Drop ofthe Dakini, Trilogy of Resting at Ease
Lucid Dreaming - Dr Stephen LaBerge
Maitreya - Ornament of Mahayana Sutras
Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung
Manly P Hall, instructions on the Astral plane
Mingyur Namkhai Dorje
Mipham Rinpoche
Ordo Templi Orientis
Orientalists like Burnouf, Colebrooke and Max Muller
Padampa Sangye - Hundred Verses of Advice
Patrul Rinpoche
Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley
Pharping, Nepal
Potowa’s Long Chat
Qi Gong (ch'i Kung) - Chinese Taoism
Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
Rishis of ancient India - biographies, stories
Santideva - Compendium of Trainings
Santideva - Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life
scientology chart of progress
Shankara - The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination
Strong teacher
T. Lobsang Rampa - My Visit to Agharta
Tai Chi Chuan
Teachings through Similes.
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
The Book of Dzyan, a secret doctrine, was preserved for millennia in Tibetan crypts.
The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga
The Inner-most Heart Drop ofthe Dakini
The King James Bible
The King James Bible
The Law of One, Elkins Rueckert & McCarty
The Little Prince - Saint Exupéry
The Little Prince - Saint Exupéry
The Quest of the Overself
The Seth Books, by Jane Roberts
The Teachings of Abraham, by Esther Hicks
The Way of the Shaman, by Michael Harner
The Wisdom of the Overself
Three Principal Aspects of the Path by Je Tsongkhapa,
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Tripitaka, all 103 volumes of the Kangyur.
Tsampuk Gomchen, Great Meditator Cave-Dwelling Hermit
Tummo - Wim Hof
Vivek-Chudamani - The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom
Vril Society
William Law - Quakers
William Walker Atkinson, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World
Yantra Yoga
Yeshé Döndrup - Treasury of Gems
Yogi Charaka - books on yoga, yogic teaching
Zurchung Sherab Trakpa

Assemble many excellent texts for guidance. Time running by in a healthy body that is gifted with high intelligence, concentration, and compassionate concern for all beings, now is a good time to study and practice.

Sacred texts acting as guidebooks have been written and maintained, passed on successfully through well-guarded lineages. In some cases, having been misinterpreted, reworked or ritualized by those without direct understanding. It's one thing to have valid texts, but another thing for materially-minded people to study and take to heart lessons that may not seem appplicable to their pursuits.

Compare and differentiate teachers and texts. Study the words of the wisest, and apply them daily, repeating various, difficult lessons until mastered. One becomes proficient only in that which one has studied. Study hagiographies and biographies, not just the account of their lives, although that as well, but the description of their realization, constituting a narrative and a teaching. Choose the most important first. Summarize and write it down, in order to to pass on the lessons to others.

  • 8-fold Yoga
  • Kaballah
  • Tarot
  • Bible
  • Zohar
  • Swedenborg
  • Cayce
  • Tibetan Buddhism


Text Resources

You can navigate towards the center through reading great authors, who may reference other great authors, doing a lot of the finding and discrimination for us. Online lectures may be found as audio books, or YouTube videos may be listened to with the eyes closed, absorbing the material. Need to compile a list of lectures that may be beneficial.

Longchenpa’s Trilogy of Resting at Ease
Garab Dorje's Hitting the Essence in Three Points
Atisha's Seven Point Mind Training
Gyalse Thogme's Thirty-seven Practices of the Bodhisattva
Padampa Sangye's Hundred Verses of Advice
Gampopa's Four Themes


    400 Stanzas on the Middle Way - Aryadeva
    2,100 Asanas - Daniel Lacerda
    7 Spiritual Laws - Deepak Chopra
    A Clear Mirror - Traktung Dudjom Lingpa
    A Course in Miracles - Helen Shucman
    A Lamp for the Path - Atisa
    A Search in Secret India - Paul Brunton
    Acupuncture - Master Tung
    Acupuncture and Moxibustion - Chen Decheng
    Advice from the Heart - Longchenpa
    Advice from the Lotus Born - Padmasambhava
    Amrita of Eloquence
    Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
    Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins
    Bahai Faith
    Become Healthy, Ayurveda - Darryl D'Souza
    Biographies of Masters
    Blazing Splendor - Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    Book of Enoch
    Buddhist Meditation - Yogi CM Chen
    Chögyam Trungpa, vol. 1
    Codependent No More - Melody Beatty
    Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain
    Daoist Magic - Jerry Alan Johnson
    Deity, Mantra and Wisdom - Jigme Lingpa
    Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton
    Dhammapada, Pali Tipitaka
    Divine Madman - Drukpa Kunley
    Drinking the Mountain Stream - Milarepa
    Dzogchen - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
    Dzogchen Teachings - B Alan Wallace
    Edgar Cayce Reader
    Egyptian Book of the Dead
    Emanated Scripture of Manjushri - Shabkar’s Instructions
    Enlightened Vagabond - Patrul Rinpoche
    Essence of Vajrayana - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
    Factors for Awakening - Thanissaro Bhikku
    Fearless in Tibet, Sogyal - Matteo Pistono
    Food of the Gods, Magic Mushrooms - Terence McKenna
    Foundations of Chinese Medicine - Giovanni Maciocia
    Frogs Into Princes - Bandler & Grinder
    Garland of Gold - Kagyu
    Gateway to Knowledge Commentary - Sangpo Rinpoche
    Gently Whispered, Oral teachings - Kalu Rinpoche
    Golden Verses of Pythagoras - Fabre d'Olivet
    Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Vol 3. Yantra Yoga - Tsongkhapa
    Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path
    Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Swami Svatmarama
    H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche Biography - Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal
    Heaven and Hell - Emmanuel Swedenborg
    Hermes Trismegistus
    History of Mysticism - Swami Abhayananda
    Holy Quran
    Hundred Thousand Songs - Milarepa
    Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
    Indestructible Truth - Reginald Ray
    Interior Castle - St Theresa
    Isis Unveiled - HP Blavatsky
    It's Like This, 108 Dhamma Similes - Ajahn Chah
    Jewel Ornament of Liberation - Gampopa
    Jewels from the Treasury - Vasubandhu
    Journey of Souls - Michael Newton
    Kalacakra Tantra
    Kalu Rinpoche
    Karma Chakme, vol. 1
    Karma Chakme, vol. 2
    Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P Hall
    Kriya Yoga - Swami Nityananda Giri
    Lam Rim Chenmo - Tsongkhapa
    Lamdre - Lama Choedak Yuthok
    Lamp to Illuminate the Five Stages - Tsongkhapa
    Law of Rhythmic Breath - Ella Adelia Fletcher
    Letter to a Friend - Nagarjuna
    Life After Life - Raymond Moody
    Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa
    Life and Visions of Yeshé Tsogyal - Drime Kunga
    Life of Gampopa, Kagyu History - Jampa Mackenzie Stewart
    Life of a Himalayan Yogi - Brahmachari
    Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom - H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche
    Light of the Soul - Alice Bailey
    Light of Wisdom, vol. 1 - Padmasambhava
    Light of Wisdom, vol. 2 - Padmasambhava
    Light on Life - BKS Iyengar
    Light on Pranayama - BKS Iyengar
    Lives of the Great Buddhist Masters
    Living in the Light - Shakti Gawain
    Living with the Himalayan Masters - Swami Rama
    Magical Art, Hindu, East Indian Occultism - LW de Laurence
    Mahamudra Upadesha - Tilopa
    Man and His Symbols - Carl Yung
    Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems, Dzogchen - Nyoshul Khenpo
    Masters of Meditation and Miracles - Tulku Thondup
    Meetings with Remarkable Men - Gurdjieff
    Miraculous Journey - Milarepa
    Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma - Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
    Mystical Qabalah
    Nikola Tesla
    Nyingma School
    Old Man Basking in the Sun - Longchenpa
    On the Path to Enlightenment, Tibetan Masters - Matthieu Ricard
    Ordinary Wisdom - Sakya Pandita
    Ornament of Clear Realization - Thrangu Rinpoche
    Overview of Buddhist Tantra - Panchen Sonam Dragpa
    Padmasambhava's Advice
    Parting from the Four Attachments - Chogye Trichen Rinpoche
    Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
    Perfect Clarity, Mahamudra, Dzogchen
    Philadelphia Experiment - Montauk
    Pith Instructions - Longchenpa
    Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell
    Practical Vipassana Exercises - Mahasi Sayadaw
    Prana and Pranayama - Swami Niranjananda
    Precious Garland of the Supreme Path - Gampopa
    Precious Instructions - Jamgon Kongtrul
    Precious Qualities - Jigme Lingpa
    Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions
    Profound Buddhism - Kalu Rinpoche
    Profound Inner Principles - Jamgon Kongtrul
    Proof of Heaven - Eben Alexander
    Pyramid Resonance - Junaid Aziz
    Rainbow Body - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
    Raja Yoga - Swami Vivekananda
    Rechungpa Biography - Thrangu Rinpoche
    Restricted knowledge
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
    Roots of Consciousness - Jeffrey Mishlove
    Sakti and Sakta - John Woodroffe
    Science and Health - Mary Baker Eddy
    Science of Breath - Yogi Ramacharaka
    Secret Doctrine - HP Blavatsky
    Secret History of the World - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
    Secret of the Golden Flower
    Secret of the Vajra World - Reginald Ray
    Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P Hall
    Seth Speaks - Jane Roberts
    Seth Speaks - Eternal Validity of the Soul
    Seventy Two Exhortations - Kharak Gomchung
    Six Yogas Of Naropa - Tsongkhapa's Commentary
    St. John of the Cross
    Strawman Story
    Stroke of Insight - Jill Bolte Taylor
    Structure Of Magic I - Bandler & Grinder
    Structure Of Magic II - Bandler & Grinder
    Sublime Life and Songs - Drukpa Kunley
    Tantra Mantra Yantra - SK Ramachandra Rao
    Tantra Sastra - Woodroffe
    Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
    Terton Migyur Dorje Biography - Karma Chagme
    The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas
    The Astral Plane - CW Leadbeater
    The Big Book of NLP - Shlomo Vaknin
    The Bodhisattva Way Of Life - Santideva
    The Book - Alan Watts
    The Boy and the Brothers - Swami Omananda
    The Buddha from Dolpo, Sherab Gyaltsen - Cyrus Stearns
    The Fourth Way - PD Ouspensky
    The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
    The Lamp That Enlightens Narrow Minds
    The Life of Shabkar
    The Man From Samye - Longchenpa
    The Master Game - Robert S de Ropp
    The One World Tartarians - James W Lee
    The Serpent Power - Woodroffe
    The Seven Rays - Alice Bailey
    Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
    Tibetan Book of Everyday Wisdom
    Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
    Tibetan Book of the Dead
    Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines - Evans Wentz
    Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
    Trance Formation - Bandler & Grinder
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 1
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 2, 3, 4
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 5
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 6, Part 1 & 2
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 6, Part 3
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 6, part 4
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 7 & 8, Part 1 & 2
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 8, Part 3
    Treasury of Knowledge, book 8, part 4
    Treasury Of Knowledge, book 9 and 10
    Treasury of Precious Instructions - Jamgon Kongtrul
    Treasury of Precious Qualities - Jigme Lingpa
    Tree of Wisdom - Nagarjuna
    Trilogy of Rest, Vol. 1 - Longchenpa
    Trilogy of Rest, Vol. 3 - Longchenpa
    Two Autobiographical Praises - Mikyo Dorje
    Two Views of Emptiness - Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
    Upanishads, Vedas - Max Muller
    Vajra Tantra
    Vajrayogini - Elizabeth English
    Viktor Grebennikov - Honeycomb Effect
    Water, Our Senseless Toil - Viktor Schauberger
    Water Wizard - Viktor Schauberger
    Way of Abiding - Longchenpa
    Way of Perfection - St Theresa
    Wisdom of the Kadam Masters
    Words of My Perfect Teacher - Patrul Rinpoche
    Wuji Qi Gong - Stephen Elliot
    Yantra Yoga - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
    Yi Qi Gong - Ioannis Solos
    Yoga and Kriya - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
    Yoga Tantra - Daniel Cozort
    Yogini's Eye, Sakya - Sonam Tsemo
    Yogins of Ladakh - John Crook, James Low
    Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Shunryu Suzuki
    Zhan Zhuang - Mark Cohen
    Zurchungpa's Testament - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

    Albert Hofmann Biography
    Animal Farm - George Orwell
    Art of French Cooking - Julia Child
    Awakening the Third Eye - Samuel Sagan
    Bartrams Herbal Medicine - Thomas Bartram
    Boundaries - Cloud & Townsend
    Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
    Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
    Chinese Cooking - Eileen Yin-Fei Lo
    Consciousness - Stanislav Grof
    Drawing the Head and Hands - Andrew Loomis
    Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
    Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
    Erik Erikson Reader
    Farenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
    Handbook of Medicinal Herbs
    Healing Remedies Sourcebook
    Herbal Medicine - Anne Kennedy
    High Priest - Timothy Leary
    Invisible Landscape - Dan Carpenter
    Jonathan Livingston Seagull
    Kahlil Gibran Biography
    Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
    My Voice Will Go with You - Milton Erickson
    University of Success - Og Mandingo
    Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
    Papers of Milton H. Erickson
    Psilocybin Mushrooms - Paul Stamets
    Psychedelic Experience - Timothy Leary
    Psychosocial Stages - Erik Erikson
    Qi Dao - Tibetan Shamanic Qigong
    Qigong, The Secret of Youth -
    Sacred Mushroom of Visions - Teonanácatl
    Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav
    Shamanic Path - Laurent Huguelit
    The Deep Self - John C Lilly
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
    The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandingo
    The Island - Aldous Huxley
    The Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley
    The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
    The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
    Timothy Leary - Biography
    Uncommon Therapy - Milton Erickson
    Unlimited Power - Tony Robbins
    What Color Is Your Parachute - Richard Nelson Bolles
    When Buyers Say No - Tom Hopkins
    Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
    Zig Ziglar on Selling
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