Food Choices

Cleanse the gates, the lining of the intestines, surface the lungs, lining of the liver, coatings form and block, and assimilation. Thereafter, the body begins to consume itself, in a hierarchical, prioritized order.

To maintain homeostasis requires an understanding of what the body needs to build with, and constituent nature of the organism, including emotional, vibrational, harmonic, and less-explored systems.

Advanced foods: meditation, selfless acts of love and service, eating energy of others, direct absorbtions of heat, light, aether, sound, physical vibraton, shape energies.

Eating the wrong foodstuffs, progress is slower, or even not-at-all, even back-sliding, slipping back, from whence you came. Would you go forward, then go forward, hear and obey. No more rice, and no noodles, and no fried foods of any kind. If you would eat prepared food, let it only be boiled in water, and even then, why eat something that must be boiled in order to be palate-able, or plate-able. Already showing itself to be incorrect. Eat only uncooked foods and not in combination, eat to fill the tank, and nothing more. Ever simpler and simpler, both in the intake of food, and all else.

pH, Alkalinity vs Acidity

Tom Malterre & Alissa Segersten - Cooking Well, 3 Books - TedX talk about broccoli, the DNA whisperer.

FitnessBlender, Daniel and Kelli Segars

The Story of The Human Body – By Daniel Lieberman

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked us – By Michael Moss

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight & Find Your Path Back to Health – By William Davis


If we knew for a fact that eating meat breaks the minimum connection, and we valued the connection highly, we'd choose to stop eating meat.
  - killing and fear, both negative
  - nobody asked the animal if they were sacrificing, or even ready to die
  - sowing negative karmic
  - against the natural order for primates, just look at our teeth
  - potential that meat has byproducts, parasites, and in general is not good food, decomposing, and stinking if left in the natural environment more than a few hours, even worse in the sun, which is life-giver for the whole earth


Self Awareness
Self Confidence
Body Image
Diet, Food Choices


A special diet of red onions, bread, brown rice, ginger, ginseng, mint, parsley, rosemary, basil, lemons, grapefruit, and garlic that stimulated the immune system.

Years of wrong-eating reveal that we are made up of the wrong things, and need wholesome inputs over time in order to reharmonize and restore the system.


Avoid Foods that Feed Parasites
- Refined Sugar
- Sodas
- Carbohydrates, flour, bread, pizza, pasta, due to oxidation
- canned products, packaged food
- alcohol



if eating seeds, must eat whole

solution to soak veggies and fruits to dissolve pesticide residue.

Edgar Cayce diet recommendations, as well as integration with Chinese medicine, and Ayurveda.
Whole organic foods
Raw vegetarian foods, uncooked, or in certain cases, heated to 100-115 degrees farenheight, increasing the availability of certain elements, depending on the food.
Cold-pressed juices. smoothies
Fasting, Juice Fast, Brown Rice and Water

Quinoa, Millet
drink more water
Water Quality

Restricted Diet, Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting, or reduced calorie days, sends the body into healing mode, and gives digestive system recovery time for repair.

Drink more water
Intermittant Fasting
Kefir from Sainsbury or Waitrose which has Vitamin B12 and loads of probiotics
Whole Natto, Nattokinase (purified)
Krill oil, other fatty acids
Cacao Beans
Goji Berries
Blue-green Algae
Dark chocolate
Grape juice
Alcohol, Red Wine, Black-label whiskey
Pure Tobacco, not processed
Chia Seed
Brazil Nuts
Pink Grapefruit
Black Walnut Hulls
Black Walnut Tincture
Chaga mushroom
Shitake Mushroom

Citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, pineapple due to their high hesperidin content, like quercetin).

Brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, such as purple Concord grapes, brilliant orange pumpkins, and ruby-red raspberries, are rich in antioxidant plant pigments that can help ward off chronic degenerative diseases. Two flavonoids in vibrant red strawberries, fisetin, and quercetin, have been recognized by scientists for their ability to destroy “senile” cells in the body.

Fresh, cold-pressed juices, such as carrot juice

buy cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and take internally


Try planting various berries.

Blueberries and other berries, are valuable plant medicine products. They have antibacterial, vascular tonic, liver regenerating and hypoglycemic properties. The blueberry extract is so strong that it can increase the life span by 28% , the equivalent of 22 years, has vitamin k also.

Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants that support and stimulate the process of repairing human DNA and act directly on genes associated with aging, increasing longevity . They neutralize free radical damage, reduce oxidative stress at the deep level (on tissues and cells), and stimulate genes responsible for protecting cells.

Astaxanthin is what gives the orange color to crustaceans and shellfish. Foods we were told not to consume once vaccinated. Astaxanthin is also usually extracted from algae.

consider working on orchard, gardens.

Black currant, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, red cabbage, purple corn, and other similar plants with strong color pigmentation are all functional, medicinal plants — you can also grow your own anthocyanins using off-grid, non-electric hydroponic grow systems that use no electricity or moving parts. By simply planting red cabbage, red oak leaf lettuce, eggplant.

digestion, alkaline water - Dr Robert, food choices

Move towards cleaner, wholesome vegetarian diets in the first place, that we may not create offensive waste. Beyond this, plant fruit trees, edible plants and herbs, and generally restore the environment to a natural state.

juicing fresh fruits and vegetables, consumed in their raw forms. This is one of the key advantages of a raw food lifestyle (i.e. David Wolfe, an expert in raw foods). Note that anthocyanins are also present in acai berries and many different berry varieties. Related molecules known as phycocyanins are found in huge quantities in some species of microalgae such as spirulina.

  • Tom Malterre & Alissa Segersten - Cooking Well, 3 Books
  • Tom Malterre & Alissa Segersten - Whole Life Nutrition, Articles
  • Tom Malterre Broccoli - the DNA whisperer | TEDx
  • - Foods Good for the Lungs

    - Gluten-free Foods

    - Blending Fruits, Yoghurt
    Blending can be superior to juicing as it retains the fiber. Be careful not to blend too long, tiny particles clogging the elimination system. Ayurveda introduction

    Sahej Ayurveda Introduction

    - Dr Pankaj Naram -

    Darryl D'Souza - Then, right-click on the photo, and save as pdf

    Darryl Sousa YouTube channel

    Herbs, Chinese and Thai, Vietnamese, traditional medicine, healing with food.

    Starting with diet, a book in itself to be sure, let’s not overlook the obvious; we’re not going to get far on improper fuel. Just try putting some plastic pellets into your car’s gas tank, instead of gasoline. Amazingly, that’s what many people do with their bodies. Some modification of eating habits may or may not be called for, if this book is going to impact your life. Food, as with everything else, is not what it may superficially appear. Just because you can chew something up and manage to swallow it, happy that it tastes good and fills you up, doesn’t make it food. For the moment, I’m referring to what is commonly known as food, plant and animal matter. As my advanced readers may expect, real food is the assimilation of pranic energy in one form or another, literally fire and love, but let’s proceed stepwise.

    The physical aspect of the body is the initial bridge, the crossing of which is necessary to allow all further development. Either you are the owner of your body, or it owns you, one or the other. Early on, you are going to need to make a stand against the body, or at least enter into battle. You need to be able to decide whether to feed yourself till you are fat, or starve the body nearly to death’s door. I don’t recommend either radical course, but I am talking about willpower here. No wonder so few people ever realize the wealth of power available to them; they never even make the required effort to muster up some will, and take charge of their own flesh. If you happen to be overweight, that’s no problem because you sure can decide that it’s time to try again, and then try again. Only death can stop you from trying one more time. I’ve heard more excuses than you can think up, so don’t go there. This isn’t a book about diet or dieting, as there are plenty of those. I will cover the barest outline of proper eating, however, with an eye towards energetic reactions of the kundalini ascending. We can also do some damage control, while we are spending time here in the survival center of food, willpower and physical self-image.

    By limiting the sheer quantity of food intake, a major hurdle has been overcome. Stories of Christian saints that take frequent fasts are commonplace. For myself, the quickest and surest way to start my sensitivity increasing is to go on a fruit juice fast for three days, with lots of water to flush toxins out of the blood. If I feel especially hungry, I’ll add nuts, such as almonds and peanuts, as well as cucumber and mangos, all pretty light eating. Only if my stomach is throwing a tantrum, really in rebellion, would eggs and rice be called in, and if so, just once a day, in the late morning.

    Having eliminating the grosser poisons, such as meats, and all foods ruined by frying in highly-heated oils, the body has at least a fighting chance to begin to assert its guidance. Anybody for some fried chicken? That black cooking oil looks good to drink when you’re finished frying, doesn’t it? Go on, pour yourself a cupful, and set it on the table next to the chicken wings, because it’s all over the meat, soaked in, isn’t it? Want some steak fries with that? Hey, I happen to like both french fries, and fried chicken myself, but if we are going to get serious, there comes a time when you have to take a step back, and look at the chemical composition of the foods that go into the body. It starts on the farm, or used to anyway, and from there we need to take a brief look at the way those foods are processed before we buy them, and finally, the way we prepare the food before eating. I’ll offer a quick survival guide to buying food at your local supermarket, if you don’t happen to be from California, eating self-ground whole grains, and uncooked nuts and fruit from trees in your orchard.

    Timing of intake (meals)

    Break the fast, and have a meal in the morning. In some cultures famous for their numbers of centurnarians, folks who live to be 100 years old or more, common wisdom recommends to eat a bit of fruit and whole grain cereal or bread to fuel the body through the morning. They work hard, and use up that fuel, leaving them hungry for a good lunch. As a general rule, 'if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,' and 'if you ain’t hungry, then don’t eat.' Mealtimes are times for meals, not fixed hours of the day.

    The eater of food. But what is food? To truly understand is to understand the body, and who truly understands the body, who supports the body, who stands under the body. What body? No-body! So what food goes into nobody? Nothing and everything, but say it clearly, because one thing and its opposite is no-thing to those without ears. Food is the stuff that the body is made out of. If you would have a material body then consume material food. If you would change the body, then change your food. Discover a-new what is food, and you discover what is the body. Not just fire and love, specious words without guidance, but a step by step progression of increasing complexity and beauty, appreciating food, the driving force, the motivator. The chooser, the decider, the master of food, the food-master. Self-mastery, the choosing of correct inputs for the body.

    Surely it begins with the food that you eat, the substances that you're putting into the body, the breath you take, the pollution in your mind, in your air, in the water, in the very food that you would eat.

    The physical aspect of the body is the initial bridge, the crossing of which is necessary to allow all further development. Either you are the owner of your body, or it owns you, one or the other. Early on, you are going to need to make a stand against the body, or at least enter into battle. You need to be able to decide whether to feed yourself till you are fat, or starve the body nearly to death’s door. I don’t recommend either radical course, but I am talking about willpower here. No wonder so few people ever realize the wealth of power available to them; they never even make the required effort to muster up some will, and take charge of their own flesh. If you happen to be overweight, that’s no problem because you sure can decide that it’s time to try again, and then try again. Only death can stop you from trying one more time. I’ve heard more excuses than you can think up, so don’t go there. This isn’t a book about diet or dieting, as there are plenty of those. I will cover the barest outline of proper eating, however, with an eye towards energetic reactions of the kundalini ascending. We can also do some damage control, while we are spending time here in the survival center of food, willpower and physical self-image.

    By limiting the sheer quantity of food intake, a major hurdle has been overcome. Stories of Christian saints that take frequent fasts are commonplace. For myself, the quickest and surest way to start my sensitivity increasing is to go on a fruit juice fast for three days, with lots of water to flush toxins out of the blood. If I feel especially hungry, I’ll add nuts, such as almonds and peanuts, as well as cucumber and mangos, all pretty light eating. Only if my stomach is throwing a tantrum, really in rebellion, would eggs and rice be called in, and if so, just once a day, in the late morning.

    Having eliminating the grosser poisons, such as meats, and all foods ruined by frying in highly-heated oils, the body has at least a fighting chance to begin to assert its guidance. Anybody for some fried chicken? That black cooking oil looks good to drink when you’re finished frying, doesn’t it? Go on, pour yourself a cupful, and set it on the table next to the chicken wings, because it’s all over the meat, soaked in, isn’t it? Want some steak fries with that? Hey, I happen to like both french fries, and fried chicken myself, but if we are going to get serious, there comes a time when you have to take a step back, and look at the chemical composition of the foods that go into the body. It starts on the farm, or used to anyway, and from there we need to take a brief look at the way those foods are processed before we buy them, and finally, the way we prepare the food before eating. I’ll offer a quick survival guide to buying food at your local supermarket, if you don’t happen to be from California, eating self-ground whole grains, and uncooked nuts and fruit from trees in your orchard.

    Just because you can chew something up and manage to swallow it, happy that it tastes good and fills you up, doesn’t make it food. Real food is the assimilation of pranic energy in one form or another, literally fire and love.

    **** Cayce diet recommendations, as well as integration with Chinese medicine and ayurveda

    Timing of intake (meals)

    Break the fast, and have a meal in the morning. In some cultures famous for their numbers of centurnarians, folks who live to be 100 years old or more, common wisdom recommends to eat a bit of fruit and whole grain cereal or bread to fuel the body through the morning. They work hard, and use up that fuel, leaving them hungry for a good lunch. As a general rule, 'if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,' and 'if you ain’t hungry, then don’t eat.' Mealtimes are times for meals, not fixed hours of the day.

    food packaging. Few people realize that in the name of safety and insurance considerations, a lot of the goodness of the food is left behind at the factory. **** packaging, and processed-food industry techniques

    Skip almost all processed foods, but that would empty out the supermarket, or whole sections of it, and not be practical anyway. Let’s go aisle by aisle, and point out the worst of the worst offenders against the body, so if you buy it, and God-forbid eat it, you can’t say that I didn’t warn you at least. You are trying to eat better, so have a better base with which to live your life. This isn’t an attack on your diet, but it is a very sad statement of the food choices that are easily available.

    sweeteners, plastic bottles,
    meat-processing, meat-raising

    frozen foods, additives, preservatives, food-quality
    pesticides, genetically modified seed and produce, soil, inorganic fertilizers, runoff, contaminating poisons, residue on the fruit/veggies

    Advanced foods: meditation, selfless acts of love and service, eating energy of others, direct absorbtions of heat, light, aether, sound, physical vibraton, shape energies.


    Superfoods and supergrasses can drastically improve our energy, immune systems, emotions, and overall health. They’re infused with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Barley grass, Chlorella, Alfalfa herb, Wheatgrass, Moringa (drumstick/horseradish tree) and Spirulina. Nutrient-filled vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, turnip greens, spinach, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, green tea, eggs, turmeric, garlic, ginger, lentils, peas, peanuts, alfalfa, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, kefir, yogurt, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and seaweed.

    Edible flowers, eaten as ingredients of fresh salad

    In order to obtain a higher level of immunity and improved health, it's necessary to stop eating processed, refined foods and start eating whole, unprocessed raw-as-possible vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, sea plants (seaweed), a small amount of fish life if you want animal protein, and lots of pure, clean water.

    If you try to change everything about your diet all at once, you won't stick with it. Go slow. Change one item at a time and get accustomed to the healthier alternative before tackling another.

    Many soft drinks contain refined sugar or artifical sweeteners, which may lower your body's immunity for several hours. Another problem with soft drinks is phosphorus that may be contained in them. Large amounts of phosphorous are bad for the body because they may combine with other minerals (like Calcium) and tie them up for eventual excretion. Calcium is a mineral that your body needs in large amounts in your bloodstream for daily use. If phosphorus removes calcium from the blood stream, where does the body get the calcium it needs? It may delete stores from teeth and bones. (Also it is good to avoid excess animal protein).

    The Budwig Diet - Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese

    Germany's 90 year old Dr Joanna Budwig, was nominated 6 times for the Nobel Prize. After 30 years of research, she has found that 2 simple food items: 1. Flax Seed Oil (cold-pressed, unprocessed) and 2. Low Fat Cottage Cheese will cure or prevent many forms of cancers and a long list of other degenerative disease including cardiovascular diseases and skin diseases. Unprocessed flax seed oil provides 2 essential fatty acids seriously deficient in the standard American diet: Linolenic and Linoleic acids. These two unsaturated fatty acids have 3 high-energy double bonds (pi-electrons) in their outer electron shells. These fatty acids affect the membranes of animal cells and permit a thousand-fold increase in oxygen transport and assimilation.

    By substantially increasing the oxidation potential within the cell, Dr Budwig proved what her German predecessor, Dr Otto Warburg, had discovered 30 years earlier: cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. With sulfur-rich protein and calcium provided by the cottage cheese, all the elements are in place for membrane repair and increased energy transfer. To recover from cancer, the Budwig Diet needs to be taken in conjunction with a strict, health-promoting diet free of processed, devitalized foods, related to 'Gerson Therapy.'

    Urine Therapy

    In 1945, John W. Armstrong published a book called The Water of Life, A Treatise on Urine Therapy. The book explored the difficult-to-accept idea that drinking one's own urine will promote healing and restore health to those afflicted with grave illnesses. Martha Christy also published a book on this topic titled Your Own Perfect Medicine.

    Armstong's approach is simpler: To resolve life-threatening disease conditions, drink every drop of your own urine and neither eat nor drink anything else until you are completely well. In his book, Armstong provides the history of many, many patients with a variety of serious conditions (cancers, massive infections, heart conditions, etc.) who were frequently near The End. In some cases, the patient was so gravely disabled, that he couldn't produce any urine of his own. In those cases, Armstong would 'jump start' the patient with his own urine. Afterwards, the patient was able to produce a small amount of his own. With each subsequent ingestion of urine, the patient would gain in both strength and relief from pain. For the most serious cases, patients drank nothing but their own urine for periods of 90, 120, 150 days! Some, even longer. Armstrong points out that rubbing the body with old urine (for a substantial period of time, E.g.1-2 hours) is a necessary adjunct treatment to ingestion in very serious cases. In less severe cases, rubbing with old urine will clear up most skin conditions and produce a smooth, blemish-free skin if applied regularly.

    2. reingestion, refinement, and re-filtering of antibodies and other immune enhancing substances allows the body to exclusively concentrate on destroying, unclogging, and removing the offending organisms and diseased tissue, without the burdens of routine work such as digestion and normal detoxification

    Of course, we normally think of both urine and stool elimination as waste, but urine, unlike feces, is totally sterile. Mind you, it's the filtrate of your own blood.

    Eat fermented foods with probiotic bacteria that make vitamin B12, such as miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, cultured vegetables, cabbage rejuvelac, vegan curds, coconut kefir, probiotic drinks, nutritional yeast, tempeh, tamari and natto. Make sure the ingredients that go into these preparations remain raw and organic as far as possible, so that the bacteria in them are still alive.

    blender for smoothies

    Juices, Water
    Fruit Plates
    Vegetarian Food
    Herb Gardens
    superfoods, spirulina, wheat grass, selenium
    Flower Gardens
    Tumeric - antiviral
    Neem Oil - antiseptic
    Aloe - antibacterial


    Apple / Orange / Carrot / Beet
    Apple / Roasted Flaxseeds / Roasted Sesame
    Apricot / Broccoli / Cantaloupe / Carrot / Neem / Grapes / Sweet Potato
    Celery / Wheat Germ / seaweed
    Neem Oil on skin
    Apple / Pineapple / Mint / Lime / Ginger
    Apple / Beetroot / Ginger / Carrot / Artichoke / Flaxseeds / Pineapple / Yogurt
    Apple / Carrot / Lemon / Ginger / Garlic
    Apple / Cucumber / Celery / Ginger
    Apple / Cucumber / Celery / Turmeric / Neem / Apricot / Cabbage / Figs / Olives
    Apple / Grapefruit / Watermelon / Ginger
    Beet / Radish
    Beet Greens / Parsley / Green Kale / Celery
    Blackberry / Parsley / Dandelion / Tomato
    Broccoli / Garlic / Tomato / Celery / Cranberry Blend
    Cabbage / Ginger / Figs
    Cabbage / Neem / Celery
    Cabbage / Celery / Carrot
    Carrot / Blackberry
    Carrot / Blackberry / Apple / Banana / Sat Isabgul / Curd / Pomegranate / Pineapple
    Carrot / Celery / Spinach / Parsley
    Carrot / Parsley / Celery / Lime Blend / Whey Powder / Apricot / Neem / Garlic / Grape / Carrot / Olive Oil / Celery / Avocado / Broccoli / Cantaloupe
    Carrot / Pineapple) Blend / Honey / Pomegranate / Alfalfa / Avocado / Banana / Cauliflower / Garlic (Parsley / Alfalfa / Pineapple) Blend / Broccoli / Artichoke / Apple / Artichoke / Cabbage / Figs
    Celery / Cabbage / Carrot / Prunes
    Celery / Nettle Tea / Dandelion Tea / Apple / Seaweed / Nuts
    Celery / Carrot / Parsley / Asparagus / Carrot / Cucumber / Beet / Spinach / Celery) Blend / Grape
    Celery / Carrot / Prune
    Celery / Endive / Carrot
    Celery / Papaya
    Celery / Parsley / Apple / Carrot / Lemon / Ginger / Garlic
    Celery / Parsley / Ginger / Neem
    Celery / Pomegranate
    Celery / Prune
    Cinnamon / Basil
    Coconut Milk / Fig / Parsley / Carrot
    Cucumber / Beet / Radish / Apple / Carrot
    Cucumber / Green Apple Celery Cinnamon / Avocado / Broccoli / Peanuts / Artichoke / Neem / Turmeric
    Cucumber / Parsley / Alfa Alfa Sprouts / Mint
    Cucumber / Pineapple
    Cucumber / Radish / Bell Pepper
    Garlic / Neem / Turmeric
    Garlic / Onion / Radish / Coconut Oil / Cabbage / Broccoli / Oregano
    Ginger / Gooseberry
    Grape / Strawberry / Apple / Mint
    Grapefruit Juice
    Lavender Oil
    Lettuce / Celery / Honey
    Lettuce / Tomato
    Parsley / Carrot Blend / Ginger
    Parsley / Garlic / Carrot / Celery / Kale
    Parsley / Grape / Pineapple
    Parsley / Spinach / Carrot / Tomato
    Pineapple / Ginger / Turmeric
    Pineapple / Beet / Broccoli / Roasted Flaxseeds / Banana / Cauliflower / Turmeric
    Pineapple / Cucumber / Apple / Ginger
    Pomegranate / Ginger / Turmeric / Oregano
    Pomegranate / Turmeric / Ginger / Neem / Cinnamon
    Prune / Celery / Radish
    Radish / Pineapple / Carrot / Beetroot / Lime (Carrot / Beet / Cucumber) Blend / Artichoke / Turmeric / Neem
    Spinach / Beans
    Spinach / Grapefruit
    Spinach / Kale / Collard / Dandelion / Tomato
    Spinach / Parsley / Watercress / Carrot / Radish
    Tomato / Carrot / Coriander / Broccoli / Celery
    Turmeric / Basil / Cinnamon / Thyme / Saffron / Ginge
    Turmeric / Honey / Ginger / Flaxseeds
    Watercress / Apple / Pineapple / Garlic / Ginger
    Watercress / Apple Juice
    Watermelon / Pomegranate / Cauliflower / Grapefruit


    In the name of safety and insurance considerations, a lot of the goodness of the food is left behind at the factory.

    Many additives, stabilizers, preservatives, in almost all packaged foods, like my muesli, canned tuna fish, canned olives, pesto. Hormones and antibiotics in meats, chicken, and farmed fish. Fluoride in water. Leached plastic in my bottled water. Pesticides on vegetables and fruits. Need solutions to cleanse food and water. And live near mountain or hilltops, outside of large cities, for better air and water.

    packaging, and processed-food industry techniques pesticides, genetically modified seed and produce, soil, inorganic fertilizers, runoff, contaminating poisons, residue on the fruit/veggies Vitamin and minerals, tissue salts.


    Eat foods that maintain an alkaline environment within the body. Don't eat acid-forming foods, and factory-produced processed foods. Eat live foods.

    (Electrolyte Balance, Electro-chemistry)

    Alkaline vs Acidic foods

    Disease needs an acidic environment to thrive. Evidence shows that Corona viruses need a low pH (acidic) environment to fuse with the cell wall of human tissue. The soda-bicarbonate changes it to high pH (alkaline) environment of the body area in the oropharynx and lungs, disrupting the virus’s ability to invade the tissue cells and thus reducing its ability to cause damage.

    He ordered some Cesium alkalating mixture over the internet designed to increase pH, but it didn't arrive in time, so logic told him that Baking Soda should also work for alkalizing his pH. He decided to use black strap molasses as a "carrier" to get it pulled into the cancer cells. He's still alive and cancer free five years later after his 2008 "Dance with Cancer."

    Alkaline-forming foods:

    Agar, ALFALFA (sprouts), almonds, APPLES (apple cider), apricots, artichokes, BANANAS, beets, beet tops, blackberries, blueberries, BROCCOLI, Brussel sprouts, burdock, cabbage, carob, CARROTS, cauliflower, CELERY, celeriac, chard, cherries, chives, COCONUT, CRANBERRIES, cucumbers, currants (fresh), dandelion greens, DATES, dill, dock, endive, figs (dried), flaxseed, GARLIC, GRAPES, Grapefruit, greenbeans (fresh), guava, huckleberries, Irish moss, KELP, leeks, LEMONS, lettuce, LIMA BEANS (fresh), limes, loganberries, mango, MELONS, millet, mint, molasses, mulberries, mustard greens, nectarines, okra, Olives, olive oil, ONIONS, ORANGES, papaya, parsley, parsnips, passion fruit, Peaches, Pears, persimmons, PINEAPPLE, plums, Pumpkin, radishes, RAISINS, Raspberries, rutabagas, sea weed, sorrel, Soybeans, Spinach, squash, Strawberries, Swiss chard, tangerine, turnips, water chestnuts, watercress, watermelon.

    Acid-forming foods:

    asparagus, barley, beans (dried), beechnuts, BREAD, buckwheat, BUTTER, cashews, Cereal, chestnuts, Cheese, Cornmeal, EGGS, FLOUR, hazelnuts, hickory nuts, hominy, HONEY, horseradish, lentils, Mushrooms, OATS, pasta, peanuts, Peas, pecans, pistachios, pomegranate, prunes, Rice, Rye, sauerkraut,, walnuts, WHEAT, wheat germ.

    Acidic-Alkaline Foods Chart
    'Become Healthy or Extinct'

    Bell Peppers
    Bitter Squash

    Beet Greens
    Chard Greens
    Collard Greens
    Edible Flowers
    Green Peas
    French Beans
    Mustard Greens
    Parsnips (glycemic)
    Sweet Potatoes
    Wild Greens
    Sweet Potato
    Green Beans
    Brussels Sprouts

    Dandelion Root

    Winter Squash
    Canned or Glazed Fruits
    Dried Fruit

    Moderately Acidic Fruits
    Custard Apple
    Banana (glycemic)

    Mildly Acidic Fruits
    Sweet Cherry

    Wheat, Wheat Bran, Wheat Germ
    Oat, Oat Bran, Oatmeal
    Corn, Cornstarch
    Gherkin (Tendli)
    Sour Lime*

    Extremely Acidic Grain Products
    White Bread

    Moderately Acidic Grain, Grain Produce
    Cous Cous
    Rice Cakes
    Hemp Seed Flour

    Paneer (Cottage Cheese)
    Ice Cream
    Moderately Acidic Dairy
    Yoghurt (sweetened)

    Chick Peas
    Red Beans
    Soya Beans
    Black Beans
    Kidney Beans
    Pinto Beans
    White Beans
    Lima Beans

    Peanut Butter
    Dried Coconut
    Cashew nuts
    Brazil Nuts
    Macadamia Nuts


    Safflower Oil
    Sesame Oil
    Mustard Oil
    Canola Oil
    Corn Oil
    Hemp Seed Oil
    Groundnut Oil
    Sunflower Oil

    Sesame seeds
    Sunflower seeds
    Pumpkin seeds

    Avocado Oil
    Coconut Oil
    Olive Oil
    Flax Oil

    Sea Salt
    Himalayan Salt

    Sour Lime in water
    Sodium Bicarbonate in water

    Tempeh (fermented)
    Whey Protein Powder


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