Yoga With Adriene

Kundalini Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Hand Mudras
Long Sitting
Yantra Yoga

Perform basic hatha yoga postures, holding each for several hours, until the arrangement is within tolerance. Should work on reducing strain and treat the blockages by stretching and acupressure.

Asanas are perfected over time by relaxation of effort with meditation on the seeming emptiness and separation of self from all-that-is. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions 84 asanas. Both methods, holding selected poses for a minimum of 3 - 5 hours, as well as moving postures as in martial arts and dance.

After a desired posture has been achieved, practice prāṇāyāma, the practice of consciously regulating the breath (inhalation, the full pause, exhalation, and the empty pause). This is done in several ways, such as by inhaling and then suspending exhalation for a period, exhaling and then suspending inhalation for a period, by slowing the inhalation and exhalation, or by consciously changing the timing and length of the breath. Alternate nostril breathing is ony one form of Pranayama. Bellows breathing is another.

Zazen Sitting
Long Sitting, 1 hour to 8 hours per day, for 10 years
Hatha Yoga
Tibetan Yantra Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Deep Breathing, Hara Breathing
Mudras, static and moving
Mantra - Toning
Pilates (core Training, Large Inflatable Ball, Step, Resistance Rubber Band

Yoga with Adriene

Hatha yoga postures, holding each for several hours, until the arrangement is within tolerance. Work on reducing strain and treat the blockages by stretching and acupressure.

Yoga Asanas

1 21 11 12 15 35 60 61


63 64 65 67 31 29 40


48 19


52 38 68 69 70 73 71

swivels, Chinese women in park

hand clenching, Chinese men in park

tree posture, leaning back

gathering the hay

standing chin and neck stretches from wrestling

runner's stretch, for calves, foot fully on floor

one leg on bed, one arm touching, one arm up

Sitting Postures


33 3 4 16 5 53 37 56 8 20 18 30 24 66

side splits

Lying Down

32 28 7 13 36 45 47 57 49

Support Positions

17 23 10 39 43 25 27 14 6 34 51 26 72 74
Mudras - hand postures

Bandhas, blockages


Direct Tantra instructions
Crossing the border between physical and energetic, sexual energy transmuted. shows why singing may be a portal through which we may step. similarly, all focused (transmuted) physical actions may be a portal if used correctly. divine is present at all moments, we just continually miss the opportunity given due to an incorrect focus on the mundane aspect

Much of the literature that is currently considered 'spiritual' contains advice that can be taken physically, as if the sacred texts went beyond spiritual guidance, and contained engineering information that a person can use to physically strengthen their energetic system.

As a wise monk said, 'those who understand will begin to practice.'

I wake up sometimes, a little, and I know it's holy because I can see the sign, but I don't know how it happens, so I cannot do so consciously. By laying out the steps, and following them, it should be possible to encourage the awakening in a more repeatable manner, both for myself and others who may choose to follow.

Simple steps, like those listed below, including long sitting (hours daily), repetition of the mantra or toning (I use pop songs, lol), and ever-deepening states of trance absorbtion, with the goal of withdrawing from the senses, and ultimately, dissociation of ego.

Make a sound, as in singing, with an audience drinking at the well. For we are the straw, and the Lord is the water in the glass, and the presenting life problems and associations are the force that draws the precious energy through us.

It has been my experience that sitting for long periods on a lower and lower seat, while simultaneously toning a mantra or even a popular song, eventually stimulates acupressure points, which can then be pressed on as they are felt, thereby restoring pranic flow in the body. If you combine this with classical hatha yoga postures and simple stretching, like in dance or gymnastics, further energy is liberated. By then trying to teach others with love and compassion, a flow is created, getting a bit esoteric now, which goes beyond my understanding but seems to be the case every time. Finally, leaving self behind, and imitating the unfolding experienced in The Tibetan Book of The Dead, for example, larger magic may appear. I will be selective in presenting background material, trying to pare down required reading, instead concentrating on describing the step-by-step initiation tecniques as I have experienced them.

On the mantra, so much focus has been on repeating the words given, but I find the tonality and sound vibrations to be paramount. Since everyone's body is a different size, a different resonant tone will be required for each individual. You can find the correct tone, whether singing it yourself, or using an outside sound source, by noticing whether your lower stomach and groin start to vibrate with the tone. You can literally feel it within your body. Other centers to notice, are when a tone affects your chest, especially massaging the heart and lungs. Most of the communication I receive is hands-on, so sometimes I understand what is happening by reference to classical, written materials, while other times, I just trust my body, and the quality of the experiences.

Basics: you can tell a person to sit comfortably on a small stool about one foot high, legs crossed, for two or three hours a day (pictures coming), but how many of us will realize the importance of such a simple exercise, and further, how many of us will then perform the required sitting daily? As in many of the coming exercises that I will recommend, you simply can read through the material if you are not yet ready to practice, integrating the ideas with what you already know from other spheres in your life. You may find that after finishing the book, you have learned enough to go back to start practicing. It took me years of on-and-off dedication to finally have everything click in my brain one day, and then I suddenly just started practicing daily. I heard a teacher say, "Let those who understand begin to practice." Trust me, for years I wanted to understand, and discussed, and pondered, and read a lot, and argued, but now I don't really talk about it any more. Either people know it to be true, or they are still in the information-gathering stage, which is a fine place to be, in its own right. Hey, no need to listen to what I am saying, it's all a step-wise, experiential path, kids, try and see for yourself. Everything I have written, I have done myself already. I am just sharing.

I find it easier to approach with music playing on a small bluetooth speaker, according to my mood. Now, just any old sitting isn't going to produce results, you have to sit up straight. How straight? Well I got the general idea by learning to ride a Schwinn unicycle, the point being if you don't have a perfectly straight line, you fall over immediately. Now, I don't require you to be able to ride a unicycle well, but certainly you must master the sitting, and purchase of a unicycle will accelerate your knowledge of a perfectly straight line fast and without discussion. I'd like to digress for a moment to discuss the notion of 'perfectly straight,' which I don't mean to say exactly. It's more of an engineering usage, like perfectly joined pieces of metal within an engine's tolerances, for example, for in practical application, it's only important that your 'energy line,' if there is such a thing, is relatively functional. Before you start to have insight into what functioning Chi flow is, however, it's great to have an objective standard reference, like riding a unicycle, to show you what straight enough means. Look, you are either pedaling away on one wheel, balanced upright, or you are not and fall over. End of discussion.

Back to the sitting on the low stool about a foot high, you sit just like you did once you mastered the unicycle. if you skipped that learning exercise, good luck, as I suggested it to save you time, a lot of time. In the beginning, you may find you stand up a lot, to avoid leg cramps, or because your legs fall asleep. Likely, you are not sitting well, or allowing your bone to pinch a nerve or cut off blood flow. You need to constantly flex your buttox and leg muscles, or rotate your hips slightly, in order to maintain longer sitting. I also use a hard rubber pad, or several layers of folded cloth, or towel, to cushion my bum. Try for an hour of sitting, and if your back hurts after half an hour, I bet you skipped learning to ride a unicycle, didn't you? Your back needs to be straight within tolerances, try practicing sitting up against a wall, legs out straight, and curl your toes up towards yourself, practicing lengthening the backs of your legs. Try to touch your toes without stretching your arms out, and hold that position for a minute, then sit back up straight. I find that after an hour, you can touch your toes easily. Your back should never hurt, not after an hour, not after 5 hours. I stand up regularly, and as long as you maintain a deep meditative state, it doesn't seem to interfere with progress.

Great thinking, inspiration, waking up apparently gets done in the right company with the right songs playing, with the audience drinking at the well. Seek out the real guru, even if the form isn't what it appears.

Even if we get tired of the daily round of study and practice, especially in the beginning, we can review the lives of saints to inspire us to renewed effort and inspiration, standing on the heads of those who are stronger and wiser than ourselves.

Sitting, Hatha Yoga, Acupressure

Physical limits in muscular flexibility are somehow entwined into the development of the organism, thus rendering hatha yoga supremely and immediately important, more than i thought! lifelong tensions and suppressed emotions hiding in every extreme stretch of every joint and limb! Be careful NOT to go too fast as can injure the body easily. Likely same with breathing and food intake! thoughts and feelings and associations, like place and people, sounds shapes and smells, temperature and humidity, aoltitude and prevailing ideas of the population, ground cover, ie density and age of plants and minerals beneath our feet.

Take a yoga class, BKS Iyengar

On the plane, with no words started showing older Asian woman, hand positions and stretching, her enthusiasm and copying started the magic but she got tired. A flight attendant joined and she also copied the motions. Also, I lost a nice, overweight woman quickly, when I pointed out her overweight hips an butt and legs, so be more careful and do not say that kind of hurtful thing. Fun leading a class, with the kids also.

Long sitting on a low seat in unicycle posture, learn correct hatha yoga postures, extended into both single postures being drawn out at a min of 3 hours each, as well as rapidly moving hatha yoga and kung fu, other systems. While listening, or reading, can assume various hatha yoga postures, and press gently on acupressure points for long periods of time. Hold each hatha yoga posture for hours, days, until release points are activated, eventually moving slowly from pose to pose all day. Acupuncture study/treatment, removing the blockages to the pranic flow. The chiti will do work for us, activating other lesser-known energy systems.

Hand Mudras

The Hatha Yoga postures are an integral part of the awakening process, and although perhaps designed to be dynamic systems, you can't move that which you cannot achieve in the first place, so it is fine to concentrate intially on being able to master the postures statically. During further awakening, the postures will come by themselves, whether we are ready or not, so if we would choose an awakening then we automatically choose the postures. Not only are they required, but they will express themselves of their own accord, for the body knows these truths already. The body is the teacher, and we must obey, because the price of disobedience in the short-term is pain, and in the medium term, the price is disease, and ultimately, death.

Literally by establishing balance like when I was on the rail at the skate park and standing on the edge of the balcony and then singing or toning and getting out of the conscious mind, greater energies come.

Both lifting on, and pressing down on, a wheeled cart, as in the airport, fixes the back and exercises the muscles. on our land, can fill a large-wheeled cart with clay, dug from the ground, or sand to mix, or bricks moving to building.

As an exercise, can push a wheeled cart, like in the supermarket, lifting it slightly to create muscular tension, while toning the lowest notes i can reach, breathing in a little deeper each time. no rush, and walking on a smooth surface, while pushing, or pulling the cart. public walking by helps also, as it forces me to be in secret a bit, or they start staring! move up the scale ever so slowly, ensuring that each new tone and even semitone has the same full richness, not trying to go up, keep paying attention, the idea is to resonate the notes correctly. practice register changes and speeding up the transitions, so can use in songs, and always practice in a quiet place!

After maintaining an awkard position for several hours in the back seat of my pickup truck, while sleeping out one evening behind a large Buddhist temple in Thailand, I noticed certain painful muscle groups in my legs, hips, back and groin area. Lying on my back, I finally relaxed into an odd bodily configuration (Hatha yoga asana), with my feet splayed upward, like a woman giving birth, one foot on the window, and the other foot finding purchase entwined around the passenger seat headrest (for lack of space to stretch out fully). In this embarrassing position, I was able to treat the acupressure points deep within the interior hip and groin areas, releasing blockages in areas we do not normally probe.

Emotional Development

Feelings, Happiness, Connection, Equanimity

Study the biographies, writings and speeches of the world's greatest seducers:, PUA, Erroll Flynn, Casanova, Lord Byron, Charles De Gaulle, Gabriele D'Annunzio

emotional - chakra work, Jung, psychology, emotional education and wisdom, for many are those who are happy and well-adjusted when things are going well, and how few captains among us calm and cheerful and kind, through the center of the cyclone that threatens death, or buffeted by the winds of misfortune, pain, and loss, in the many forms that it may befall us.

Reaching people without division or separation creates a feeling of joyful connection and love, which is the language of Angels. That's why you can communicate with animals and other organisms.

Audience - if the greatest of these is joy and love, then don't teach dry intellectual understanding, leaving the receiver of the valuable signal unable to reach and hold the message. For if they do not feel it nor receive it, why were you sending it.

There is an old saying at the temple, easy to be a monk in silence and by oneself in a monastery, but the true test of achievement is to go out among the public, and return half the good person who set out the door. Learn to reach them where they are, more kindly and tolerantly with love and acceptance, and with fewer teachings.

The habit of the monk is their clothing, for what is done habitually clothes us materially, becomes us. We are made up of it, composed of it. To compose, to create music, to make it up, to create the material substance of it.

Obstacles will come, so accept all difficulty and things you do not like as your teachers, for pain is the guide, and without stress and difficulty there is no recovery and learning, or integration into practice. as your wisdom matures, and one-steady-state arrives, neither moved by praise nor blame, neither apparent happiness or suffering no matter what befalls you, only stability and blissful amusement at your former ignorance and participation in the ups and downs of sensual reality. whether your bowl is full and it is sunny and warm, or starving to death while freezing, feeding a dog with your leg. now, to get boots, plan an itinerary where great souls are practicing.

Dilute then transform the defilements, such as anger, greed, ignorance, jealousy and arrogance. It is not a matter of replacing them with qualities we don’t have. When we feel angry, this is just a distorted manifestation of what we truly want to be. If you are an angry person, cherish those feelings as a teacher. It's through your anger and the way you deal with it that you are going to grow. Denying anger, or feeling guilty about it will not help. This is the Buddha nature in hiding.

Happiness is a sign, like the truck is fully functional, but if one thing is broken, the truck doesn’t run well. Similarly, many factors must be present to be happy, but only one or few amiss, and certainly people are suddenly not happy.

Practice may be cleaning the mind, and to change character, ie, offering kindness and silence in the face of abuse (equanimity), loving patience in the face of ignorance. Not just limited to the physical, as in Kundalini, but more subtle aspects of emotional stability, tolerance, patience, awareness, and intellectual understanding. Feel kindness and be happy for people, not judging them so strongly and stay out of their path, but being ready to give help if any come to me and ask.

Control sexual urges, or at least not ejaculate. According to the teachings, the sex drive is primary and needs to be conserved. It is the pool of life from which we draw the energy to transform our lives, to be active and full of vigor. Sexual hunger drives us outward into society seeking companionship, relationship and connection.

Same with hunger and eating. very basic and strong energy concerning the fear of losing self on death, and safety issues like housing money, and possessions. We need to harness these unbridled horses (passions), and direct them wisely. The hunt for food can inspire education and high-quality food production. People will come to learn.

Especially in the beginning, should not smoke, as need to pay better attention, the signs and steps being small and easily missed. not only wasting time, but interfering with the process of waking up. also, can write in early morning or late at night, the conscious mind being less distracted. live near holy places with quiet meditators and monasteries nearby. do not smoke pot, not for singing only, but for myself, as it is exciting to have my full intellect available. After smoking a few days, I get bored and depressed, whereas with my mind open and fresh, I actually get kind of excited about what to focus on first. Get better sleep, on a good bed, and into the fresh air, not air con in a closed room all the time.

Meditation, Trance

Paying Attention, Concentration

I met three forest monks, from between Ban Mo to Sangkom. looks like i have the higher teachings but missing basic ones! Lucky to have Mahayana wheel monks studying in Thailand. Visualizing the Buddha is central to meditation, and although I like to talk (to teach and share), my concentration is not as good as it should be. they called me Ajarn, which was nice, but I lack their quiet nature and calm.

attention, at every turn, at every moment. Make real progress every hour, every day

Imagination, visualization use the power of the mind to guide reality. The law of atteraction, that which you focus on and give attention to, and believe in with highly-charged emotional affect, will come to pass.

- Hypnosis

Meditation - not some blank state, focusing on the breath, as in concentration, but rather to meditate (or ruminate), to reflect on the integration of the teachings in living fruitful application and increasing states of awareness.

Emotional tone, for your energetic balance affects those in close proximity, suffer not the close association with needy, energy-detractors, for energy is a precious commodity, equal to prana and the result of it. poise, both in bodily alignment, as well as in thought-choice, word-choice.

Breathing, Pranayama

Sitting for long periods, and practicing songs, I start to breathe better automatically.

Chanting Hare Krishna

Wim Hof breathing tutorial, high altitude and sparse oxygen causes physical changes in the body struggling to adapt to the stresses. Mountains are excellent training grounds, especially doing short sprints up an incline. Train at altitude, so you can breathe with the Tibetan monks and sherpas.

David Blaine endurance and yogic achievements

Running along a mountain path while singing, carrying a loaded backpack, as when I was above the large temple in Thailand.

Women divers in Japan, holding their breath for long dives, as well as risking their lives, plus Japanese culture, and aging, they are likely to be supremely advanced, especially as a group. worth visiting for an extended period. meditating, learning to free dive.


Wake up and breathe in, inspiration in English, to ‘inspire’ and motivate. be filled with love, joy, kindness and connection. then breathe out, expiration in English, to ‘expire’ and end. let out the pain of separation, the frustration of occupation, the fear of the future. breathe out fully. then breathe in again, a little deeper this time, and hold in the fresh air, filled up, satisfied, then breathe out, letting the impure air go, letting selfishness and laziness out.

Then, breathe in for your family, one by one, taking in their pain and mistakes, and breathing your good energy back out to them in your heart.

Breathe in again for yourself, taking in higher energy, and breathe out your past.

Then breathe in for others, eating their suffering and loneliness, and breathe out help and comfort.

Breathe in for yourself, aware and strong in the moment by moment, breathe out for yourself, letting go of concern and this world.

Breathe in for others, cleaning up their messes, breathe out for others, giving them everything you worked hard to get.

Mantra, Sound, Vibrational Energy

I need to sit at least 5 hours a day and sing, not even trying to learn the songs, just focusing on the vibrational sound energy, practicing tones. Remember the trance state achieved in Kathmandu at the Hindu temple. chanting Hare Krisna to modern songs, surrounded by a growing group of faithful believers.

Practice vibrating notes and stretching, squeezing the whole body till sweating in progressively colder environments, and may cross over into Tummo if start visualizing mandala and the dream-state.

Tummo Instruction

In a great, empty, good sized room with resonance, can play music louder, and let the vibrations do their work.

Musical instruments, long sounds, computer-generated multi-tones, and tibetan singing bowls.

pineal activation and other hormonal control

DNA & mind programming with words of truth

During La Isla Bonita, I started chanting/speaking in a deep tone, in synch with the song, and direction and information started to channel. Best to simply record, as too slow and interruptive to write it down (as now). Need a second phone because cannot record while song is playing, and also like to video the crowd sometimes or a girl while singing.

Trance, drummming

recordings of mantras, and live chanting

recording and sound generating equipment/computers
(sonics, vibration, levitation, healing)

use physical aids, such as resonance, pyramids, cones, materials, crystals, elemental materials, gold, silver, energy inputs such as magnetics, color, sound, electricity, fire.

mantra, sound instrumentation
tibetan singing bowls, hollow tubes, physical vibratory energy

music that liberates the energy in my own experience, especially repetitatively, and with disregard for the lyrics, replacing with lyrics that directly state the steps or the subtle reality.

Mandala, Visualization

Mandala a tool to be used to project consciousness out of the body into the image. not to just look at it, or meditate on it, although that as well, but rather you use the image’s concentric circles and overlaid imagery to imagine yourself leaving your localized body, and physically/mentally entering into the image, thereby leaving your body! a tool for immediate out of body experience and entering the astral realm.

natuarally occuring mandalas, created by sound frequencies:

sand on a vibrating metal plate, where the metal vibrates less will show the standing sound-wave nodes

- 144Hz frequency made visible through a CymaScope

- 12 Piano Notes - Cymatic Mandalas

- Cymascope Invention

Fibonacci Sequence

Tibetan Yoga

Tummo, pranic winds

Kriya Yoga

In Trul khor, the physical postures are in movement while the breath is still. This allows the body movement to guide the vital breath—which in turn is carrying the mind, reaching towards the places that need more nurturing and vitalizing them. Shardza Rinpoche, a great Bon meditator and scholar who attained the rainbow body, emphasized the importance of keeping one's body, breath, and mind (or visualization) together.

Balance - as defined by riding a unicycle, but not placing undue reliance on the legs and pedals, rather as in a handstand, keeping the back aligned with the centerline of the unicycle. Same with walking a tightrope wire, juggling, horizontal pole walking, as in the circus.

Acceleration produces heat, which needs to be dissapated

The Alexander Technique; Pilates; yoga; Laban/Bartenieff; Linklater (Warren); breathing techniques, including Stough Breathwork; shiatsu and other massage techniques; tai chi; qigong; resistance stretching; myo-fascial release; physiology and anatomy; visualization.

We may progress to the point of eating fire and love, but you must change your diet in steps, as the physical body needs time to adjust to the levels of energy that are streaming through it. Rapid change may harm comparatively static systems that can't keep up.

ESP, Siddhis

TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ |

Ritual is not wasted. By acting and moving in a certain playful, representational way, donning costumes and masks that reflect visions that masters have reported seeing, we act out a play of correspondence, that magically brings the two worlds closer together. By being like, being similar, they like us, as we like what is like us. We establish a connection and relationship with what is similar and familiar, and conversely, fear and move away from what we cannot understand and don’t like, because in our childishness and ignorance, it appears unlike us.

Psychedelic Chemistry

Controlling your diet is an important element of healthy living. Buddhism stressed vegetarianism. "Vegetarianism improves your health," states Dejian. "The Shaolin vegetarian diet includes grains and vegetables without spices. We eat fruits but nothing too spicy. No ginger or garlic. Monks do not eat anything from animals, garlic, ginger, or onions - nothing spicy or odiferous. We don't eat eggs but can use milk."
Successfully crossing over to different states of understanding, open the doors of perception and bring back the understanding from near-death, or hallucinogens, trance states, music, drumming, meditation, etc

- LSD, Mushrooms, hallucinogens, cactus, vine, herbs - Physical interference with the brain chemistry
- Serotonin
- Animals, life force, fear of death, suffering
- Chemical, molecular, energetic composition of animal flesh and related substances such as milk, eggs, butter, cheese
- Plants, attachment point, destruction of perfection and coherent systems
- Christian Ratsch - Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants, Witchcraft Medicine, Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas.
- Carl A. P. Ruck - Entheogens, Myth, and Human Consciousness, The Effluents of Deity: Alchemy and Psychoactive Sacraments in Medieval and Renaissance Art, Mushrooms, Myth and Mithras: The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe
- R Gordon Wasson - The Wondrous Mushroom, Soma Divine Mushroom
- Albert Hoffman - SWiss, first to synthesize LSD, points way to brain chemistry
- Terence McKenna - Brilliant mind, Food of the Gods, The Invisible Landscape, Sacred Mushrooms

Terence McKenna - Sacred Plants as Guides
⁃brilliant man, reminds us to look in Jung’s footnotes, esp in his later works

- The Treasure Called the Psilocybes: Paul Stamets
David Snyder, right near beach, north of San Diego, NLP applied to relationships,

Choose subjects based on their natural level of susceptibility one trance might easily help you achieve both outcomes. The level of hypnotic responsiveness in the subject is directly related to your own level of confidence and emotional state control. Practice internal power in terms of state-control and the ability to modulate, regulate and maintain internal emotional states.

Franz Bardon

the Tree of Life, as it appears in the Sephir Yetzirah, or The Book of Formation interactive balance of archetypal energetic forces The 22 paths of "concealed glory" on theTree, a "ladder of consciousness" which each aspirant may climb toward higher mystic states.

"Trance" is achieved in practice and ritual by interrupting ordinary awareness, by creating a discontinuity, disruption, temporary chaos. At this level, the ego is overwhelmed, and transformations manifest as sensations at the psychophysical and psychosexual level. Self-image, perceptions, and sense of time may be temporarily lost or distorted. The ego dissolves in unconscious communion with the primal consciousness

Further development leads not only to a change in planes, but a change in the style of cognition to "Art," as expressed through gesture, body language, art, myth, ritual, dream, and archetypes. The symbols used in the ritual are fundamental to other rituals of a more complex nature. Rituals are only as effective as the connection and energy of the operator. In this plane, the accent is on affect (emotional response). With greater experience an understanding of the inner world, a relationship develops which allows the ego to glimpse and participate with transpersonal forces.

Aspirants to this path were always cautioned to have their earthly lives in order before attempting to scale the heights. Aspiration leads up into the state of Psychedelia or mystic rapture, which includes the possibility of mystic rupture of the protective covering of the ego if forced too far, too soon. Rabbi Kaplan notes that, "The further one climbs, however, the more rarefied the atmosphere, and the greater the spiritual danger. The dangers alluded to include mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual chaos. The Secret Fire ascends as a result of a temporary weakening of the Energy in the physical body. This is why so many spiritual awakenings take place under great physical stress, times of illness, or near-death-experiences. Letting go of self-direction.

“Dream Yoga” is also suggested, as this will attune the student to the qualities of the day while sleeping, aid in interior contacts, and may shed light on particular problems of the Work.

Tinctures are fairly easy to make

The language of kabbalah is multi-leveled, with the same word having several meanings, thus many using the words don’t know what they actually mean, or on what level it may be interpreted.

Tibetan systems run somewhere between the Chinese and Indian, in that they are concerned with liberation, but also with the creation of an etherial body made from their bodily essences. This Diamond Body, or Rainbow Body, is pure light and can materialize at the will of the adept. The East seeks liberation through progressive untying of the knots of ignorance that bind humanity to incarnation.

It is very important that the heart not be overheated, and that the energy once accumulated be circulated or discharged in some fashion. This can be a glass of cold water which is then consumed. It can also be discharged out the solar plexus as a general circulation to the rest of the aura.

First, practice intoning the sounds as a single breath, resonating from the center of your heart. After a while, begin splitting the sounds so that A resonates with the head; I with the heart; and O with the Solar plexus. After a period of time, move the O sound down to the perineum where it will have a stranger affect on the ‘Malkooth’ spheres. Substantial resonating of the sounds in the perineum will open up 12 different channels that link the spine to the legs, knees, and feet, uniting these various ‘functional’ Malkooths.

Trance, Art, and Creativity, by John Curtis Gowan

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