Paralegal Training

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Paralegals and legal assistants help lawyers prepare for hearings, trials, and other proceedings. For example, they may conduct legal research, write reports and other documents, and file materials related to trials or cases. Specific duties for paralegals and legal assistants may vary depending on the area, such as bankruptcy or intellectual property, or type of law in which they work.

  • Investigate and gather the facts of a case.
  • Research laws, regulations, and legal articles.
  • Gather, organize, and maintain legal documents.
  • Draft correspondence, such as confirmation letters.
  • Obtain affidavits and other formal statements.
  • Help lawyers during trials with tasks such as taking notes.
  • File briefs and appeals with the appropriate court.
  • Call clients and witnesses to schedule interviews.

In litigation, paralegals and legal assistants may help lawyers to prepare for trial, such as by researching case law and drafting documents, and to coordinate trial logistics, including by transporting exhibits to the courtroom and setting up equipment. Paralegals’ and legal assistants’ roles also may vary based on the size of the firm that employs them. In small firms, for example, they may work on all aspects of a case from beginning to end. In larger firms, they may work on a particular phase of a case, such as helping to prepare witnesses for deposition or trial.

Required Education

Introduction to Paralegal Studies provides an overview of the paralegal profession, including its history, ethical considerations, and the role of paralegals within the legal system. Students learn about different types of legal environments, such as law firms, corporate legal departments, and government agencies, and the various tasks paralegals perform in these settings.

Legal Research and Writing focuses on the techniques and tools used for legal research, including online databases like Westlaw and LexisNexis, as well as traditional law libraries. Students learn how to analyze legal problems, draft legal documents such as briefs and memos, and properly cite legal sources using The Bluebook. The course emphasizes developing strong writing skills essential for effective legal communication.

Civil Litigation covers the procedures and practices involved in civil litigation, from the initial filing of a complaint to the appeal process. Students learn about the different stages of a lawsuit, including pleadings, discovery, pre-trial motions, trial preparation, and post-trial procedures. The course discusses the paralegal’s role in supporting attorneys during litigation, such as organizing case files, preparing trial exhibits, and managing discovery.

Legal Technology explores the use of technology in the legal field, focusing on tools that increase efficiency and accuracy in legal practice. Students learn to use case management software, e-discovery tools, and legal research databases. The course also addresses important issues related to data security, confidentiality, and the ethical use of technology in the legal profession. Students gain hands-on experience with software that they will encounter in their professional careers.

Paralegal Certification

Certificate in Paralegal Studies equips students with the foundational skills needed to support legal professionals. Courses typically cover legal research, writing, and documentation, as well as an overview of various areas of law such as criminal, family, and corporate law. Graduates are prepared for roles as paralegals or legal assistants, where they will assist attorneys in case preparation, document management, and client communication.

Advanced Paralegal Certificate provides specialized training in areas such as litigation, real estate law, intellectual property, and advanced legal research. Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills that enable them to handle more complex legal tasks and assume greater responsibilities in legal settings.

Certificate in Litigation Paralegal focuses on the paralegal’s role in the litigation process, covering topics such as trial preparation, e-discovery, drafting pleadings, and courtroom procedures. Students learn how to manage case files, assist in depositions, and prepare trial exhibits, making them valuable assets to litigation teams in law firms and corporate legal departments.

Litigation Paralegal

In this video, we'll explore the litigation assembly line and discuss the important roles that Paralegals play in terms of case management.

Fillable PDF Forms

This video is a how to guide to creating fillable PDF forms in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

10 Paralegal Skills

Paralegals have a wide set of skills that they are expected to use every day. We asked some attorneys what they look for in a paralegal.

Westlaw Database

Discover Thomson Reuters Westlaw. See how this intuitive platform helps legal researchers become more efficient.

Paralegal Studies Curriculum

Legal Writing
  • Legal Writing Fundamentals: Principles of effective legal writing.
  • Case Briefing: Summarizing legal cases and decisions.
  • Legal Correspondence: Writing letters, memos, and briefs.
  • Document Management: Organizing and maintaining legal documents.
  • Client Communication: Techniques for effective client interaction.
Legal Research
  • Primary and Secondary Sources: Using statutes, regulations, and case law.
  • Online Legal Research: Utilizing electronic databases and resources.
  • Case Analysis: Applying legal principles to analyze cases.
  • Fact Investigation: Techniques for gathering and verifying facts.
  • Legal Citation: Understanding and applying legal citation formats.
Civil Litigation
  • Civil Litigation Process: Steps in civil lawsuits and litigation.
  • Pleadings and Motions: Drafting and filing legal pleadings.
  • Discovery Process: Methods for obtaining evidence.
  • Trial Preparation: Preparing for trials and hearings.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Mediation and arbitration processes.
Criminal Procedure
  • Overview of Criminal Law: Basic principles and classifications.
  • Investigation and Evidence: Gathering and analyzing criminal evidence.
  • Pretrial Procedures: Arrest, arraignment, and bail processes.
  • Trial Procedures: Steps in criminal trials and courtroom procedures.
  • Sentencing and Appeals: Post-conviction processes and appeals.
Real Estate Law
  • Real Estate Transactions: Purchase and sale agreements.
  • Title Examination: Reviewing property titles and deeds.
  • Landlord-Tenant Law: Rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.
  • Property Management: Legal issues in property management.
  • Zoning and Land Use: Regulations and permits affecting property use.
Estate Planning
  • Family Law Matters: Divorce, child custody, and support issues.
  • Estate Planning Documents: Wills, trusts, and powers of attorney.
  • Probate Process: Administering estates and resolving estate disputes.
  • Guardianship and Conservatorship: Legal issues affecting minors and incapacitated adults.
  • Elder Law: Legal concerns affecting the elderly and their families.

Fields of Law

Ask yourself if you can see yourself as a legal professional, working closely with lawyers and clients. As a paralegal, you will have to learn the basis of legal research, and establish a familiarity with the different areas of the law.

Legal Specialties
Constitutional Law encompasses judicial review, through which courts assess the constitutionality of laws, regulations, and government actions. Key principles of constitutional law often include separation of powers, federalism, due process, equal protection, and freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.
Civil Law governs disputes between individuals, businesses, or organizations, focusing on resolving conflicts and providing remedies for harms or breaches of legal duties. Unlike criminal law, where the state prosecutes offenses, civil law cases involve private parties seeking compensation or other forms of relief through the legal system.
Contract Law governs agreements between parties, encompassing the formation, performance, and breach of contracts. It deals with the legal obligations and rights that arise from these agreements, ensuring fairness and enforceability.
Employment law regulates the relationship between employers and employees, covering areas such as wages, working conditions, discrimination, wrongful termination, and workplace safety. It aims to ensure fair treatment and balance the interests of both employers and employees.
Intellectual Property Law protects creations of the mind, such as inventions, artistic works, trademarks, and trade secrets. It provides legal mechanisms, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secret laws, to encourage innovation and creativity while preventing unauthorized use or exploitation.

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