Occult, Hidden Teachings

Crop Circles
Native Shamanism


- Masters with Siddhis
- Representational Power Objects (transference)
- Symbology, Correspondences (whereby one thing is like another)
- Spell Casting
- Rituals

Human beings are interference patterns of various multi-dimensional energies. By understanding the sound, musical tones, physical vibration, and other EMF frequencies, we can begin to construct valid models of energetic stimulation and correction.

In Tibet, the sounding large copper bowls tuned to different tones creates an energy wave that passes thorough people's bodies, restoring vibratory fullness and harmony, thus eliminating disease.

To transmit and receive the message, what are you going to use, language? What a stupid idea, to limit the totality of being within a linear, poorly-designed framework (language). Better to use vibration, light, heat, sound, etheric transfer, intuition, long-sitting, being near, touching, service, truth, imagination, dedication, effort, practice, example, experiment, power, performance. Language may be used if the blockage is verbal, especialy negative thought and spoken patterns.

In order to preserve the message, the teachings, the transmission, intact, a lineage is established, and from time to time, a great teacher renews the message by experiencing the way themselves and publishing their understanding, re-writing error out of the texts.

Where A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, D = 24...
Can sum up various words to equal 222, 444, and 666, even 777 and others.
444 = Oregon, Jesus
666 = Computer, New York

Words are sacred, creation energy. Watch what you say most carefully, and let your word be your bond, meaning every word, not speaking lightly, nor speaking untruths. Keep your distance from speakers of nonsense, or worse, silly fools speaking curses or destructive words, and lastly, be far from evil-minded and evil-intentioned people, both in separation and distance, as well as not being like them.

The masters have wonderful powers, such as whatever they speak comes true, stemming equally from their power over energy flows and connection to truth as much as an ability to see the future. In fact, masters may manifest reality according to their inspiration (to be inspired by something, but also 'breathing it in').

Every action, every word, every thought, establishes a relationship with the environment. Estrangement from nature is not possible, only ignorance of the connection and relationship. Even one’s subtlest thoughts and intentions, whether positive or negative, are held to elicit a response from the animating forces, encompassing all that is. You are the words and power that you create, so chooses goodness and stand in the light. Unthinking and unaware, we may misuse the power of creation, not recognizing it for what it is. Bad thoughts (atone or make good, restore the good) and selfish concerns can cause rockfalls and hail. Well-directed prayers, on the other hand, can literally stop the rain. A constant interchange occurs, giving rise to what Tibetans call tukje, Great Compassion, or empathy with all things.

Miracles (or Magic) are the true law, created for good and play, functioning through the true being of reality. What we see typically (with our eyes, limited lenses allowing light to pass in and within, but only recognizing certain band of frequencies, ignoring or ignorant of all other frequencies) is a limited piece of reality. When something occurs that surpasses our understanding, we call it a 'miracle.' So, by operating creatively, lovingly, without self, going slightly beyond the norm, we can liberate some energy, and manifest (small) 'miracles.' For larger 'miracles,' we need to move farther beyond, eliminating blockages and obstacles, and liberating greater view.

CORRESPONDENCES, similarities (Swedenborg):
Fire corresponds to love, fiery passion, burning love, cold in absence.

Higher is more interior, finer, lighter, high places offer a far view, imagination, other worldly, not material, towering, the head or top. Influx of divine love, goodness and truth, accepted immediately and integrated, willed, done. Cleanliness, shining, fulfilling life mission, joy to work, produce. Lower is more external, darker, exterior, more gross, material, base, the legs and feet. Divine influx first understood then reasoned, willed, and accomplished. Dirt, hard work, mortality.

Can read correspondences, also used in the Bible, whereby the things of earth are like heaven, or can be made to be like heaven, so spring and summer are warm and growing but fall and winter are colder and a time of slumber then renewal.

Very large, open spaces are important tools to set the frame of mind, like cliffs looking out over a valley, or the ocean spreading out in the distance. These open vistas both assist us to let go of the small self, as well as fill us with awe and inspiration.

Creation, creativity, imagination, image, see
Magical energy, belief, intention

Spells, magical powers - speaking words

Make, do, be

Representational Power Objects, Magic
During a solitary meditation retreat, a rectangular rock had appeared containing the mystic key to Yangsang, but due to lack of tendrel, or auspicious circumstances, he was not able to open it. The key refers to a concealed terma—a ritual object, text, or teaching, whether in the mind or hidden in rock, that would open a path to the heart of the beyul. But the door only opens to one whose awareness had fully ripened through meditation and the practices of the inner yogas.

Yangsang is a mysterious interworld between the mind and physical reality. To reach it, he implied, is not simply a matter of decoding the signs; it involves a transformation of vision, recognizing external appearances as mutable apparitions of consciousness. Circling the mountain was clearly a process of entering this new awareness. The essence lake, the cave, the marshes, the cliffs all offered fulcrums where perception could turn to revelation and open the gates to some previously inaccessible space, whether within the outer landscape or within the mind.


Language holds the keys, and shows the way. The spoken word is holy, of the Lord, and possesses great power.

1. Theater - play, act, company, performance, stage
2. Engineering - current, interference, circuit, land form (survey), power, construction (a construct), form
3. Music - key, note, voice, wave form, wave, timing, tempo

Tips are in the words themselves, many minds deriving meaning through time. Teachings are built into the language, accessible to the wise. By simply listing the terms of selected disciplines, and their definitions, the hidden meanings may leap forward, if you have the ears to hear and eyes to see. To communicate the lessons learned beyond sensation and rational mind, language won't help, being based on division of meaning. Better that the student, having gained sufficient realization to recognize valid teaching, should perform exercises designed to free them from the limitation of the rational mind and language.

Natural language not only solidifies (codifies) the differentiation of objects, but the very act of naming and linear streams of verbal communication diminishes the whole into segmented parts, the very opposite of what we seek. Not to remain in silent, in motionless satori all the time, however, for why differentiate into a body for a lifetime. Secondarily, the subtle aspects of words and their meanings reveals the programming and ulterior motives of control structures.

Language Programming, Etymology
- Milton Erickson - Natural Language Processing, Brief Therapy
- Neuro-linguistic Programming - NLP
- Bandler and Grinder - The Structure of Magic, I and II, and Frogs in Princes
- Tips are in the etymology, and commonalities in language usage
- Etymology, roots of words, inter-relationships

- Cullen Smith, decalcify Pineal, Hypothalamus

On the money - to the point

Positive, helpful, kind, good. There's no argument, there's no discussion, for the seemingly opposing viewpoints are at issue. To ask why is to not know, to not be, beacause any thing apart is not that thing. True words spoken, both that there is no error and wisdom to see, but also the magic of speaking words, as long the words accord with truth, love, goodness.


to move - to go in a direction, movement
to move - to create feeling in, the show moved her to tears

Movement creates feeling and emotion. Moving hatha yoga positions release emotional blockages.

to digest - assimilate, understand
to digest - process in stomach and intestines to absorb food

Your digestion is related to understanding, so watch what you eat. Food is the connector between consciousness and material form

to see - vision
to see - to understand, I see what you are saying

The ability to visualize, imagine, access the subconscious, or see with the third eye, is the key to understanding

'fine' meaning tiny, or not 'coarse,' as in grades of sandpaper, but also 'fine' meaning excellent, better than good, as in fine food. So, someone lacking fine manners, or fine control, is likely to be a course individual. Smaller, more delicate control is better. Finer, more sensitive gradation is preferred, indicates more subtle aspects.

we get a sign - a message in code
a sign - is a brief message
a street sign - shows the direction

form - the shape of
form - the codified movements of the path, as in martial arts
to form - to make, or create

On Time, in time

Gain interest on the principal. (Increase attention on the leader.)

Awake, pay attention, interesting
Animation - anima - soul, movement, life, an illusion that it's moving, to be animated, lively, fun

'To take stock' of the moment, and to assign it the correct value
Photography - photo- light, graphy - writing, 'light-writing,' the capturing of the moment as an image, seeign the image or reality.

death - the cessation of human viewpoint. It turns out to be so important that we avoid it, focusing on more pleasant issues, but it still has to be dealth with.


frame - perspective, viewpoint, framework, emotional, intellectual, or social framework.
To frame a picture (bound on all sides), to frame an idea, and in motion pictures, frames of a movie.

image - picture, or the seeing, perception, understanding.

imagination - creation in the mind's eye of seeing


horny, as in having horns, like baphomet, but also horny, lustful. on the horn, lust replacing love, so sexual ritual and dominance replace free will and marriage love, coming together in one will. submission to the will of the lord, vs ego, power, and domination.

So, we may say that proper conduct, in terms of ethics, morals, and life choices allow the transmission of energy. Without the channel being open, it is closed, ie the energy and message isn't transmitted well. Already, we start to see clues between engineering, music, and spiritual teachings.

The presence of angels, ie the company and immediate ‘here and now’ as in presence of mind, present and accounted for. Also, the presents of angels, ie, the gifts that angels give, their ‘presents.' And pre-sents, sent before, and prescience, knowing before.

Google Word Coach is a good app, with a variety of lessons right on Google, or can download on Google play.

If you read texts written by great teacher, it’s insufficient, because everyone is bound within their own illusion of language. The syntactical nature of seemingly-individual reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish. Who controls the language, controls the mind, no longer dreaming but making dreams come true, through being caused by you, true to your cause.

stop swearing, it is not allowed, along with all other disruptive, coarse behavior, speech, or thought.
Do not take the lord's name in vain


Power Supply, Energy, Information, Understanding

bridge - bridge over water, connecting two roads
bridge - in music
bridge - connection in general, connecting two things, like bridge over death, a span

span - time
span - stretching across
Spanning both time and distance, bridges stretch across here and there, now and before, allowing passage through obstacles and blockages.

Transmission Lines, minimum required connection, a conduit and line that must be constructed and maintained.

Transmission, to transmit, to send across. To send and receive beyond the physical limitation that we imagine is body and life.

transmission - energy, understanding, a message

Signal - the small still voice within, and the reception (being OK with it, being interested in it, seeking it out, asking and receiving
'Governor, controller,' to accord and agree with the law, loving the Lord and obedient, doing the will of all beings, and not being apart, having controlled self and ignorance, having governed one's self, so that one if free of limitation and no longer bound by ignorance and slavery, thinking one's self free, but actually inslavery and bondage.

Interference, distraction, that which causes another direction, altering and deviating from the true, getting in the way, and causing effort to be spent

Resistance, similar to interference, but actively opposed, and therefore against. There is no interference nor resistance, only lack of wisdom and understanding, all things being wise and good.

Receiver, with storage capacity, and the ability to hold and retain, for without a proper and functional container (student), no reception or storage is possible, and the many lessons to learn. amnd information to contain, cannot be delivered successfully. (storing water in a ceramic jar or lareg container).

Force, distribution, Being separated for my my own pleasure and comfort, companions with freedom and independence, spread around, that they may not be thin, but widespread.

Point, infinity - by reducing the focus of concentration to an ever more narrow area, the power tends toward infinity. Let thine eye be single, and the purpose clear, all else falling to side as so much distraction, and dilution of scarce resources. For if one person could save the world, why have so many people, ready and willing to work together for the good of all, a bit slow to take up the call, due to layers of ignorance between themselves and the goal. It doesn't matter what is beneficial to the humna race it only matter s what happens to me, and those I care for, I don't have tiek nor the capacity to save all beings. I am small and irresolute, unaware of my power and place. I exist without others, created by myself and returning to myself.


to hear - to feel with empathy, 'I hear you, man
to hear - recognize and identify sound with the ear

Giving audience, an ear to listen, is the key to compassion and empathy. Similarly, attention of an audience provides the 'pull' that encourages the flow of energy

audience - to give ear to, to hear with attention, he gained an audience with the king

frequency - periodicity in time, frequent (often)
key - A group of pitches based on a particular tonic, and comprising a scale, regarded as forming the tonal basis of a piece or section of music.

pitch -
sales pitch -
tempo, speed
timing, moment by moment
keeping time
key signature, signing your name

tone - the emotional content of expression
tone - emotional aspect, the tone of the conversation

tone, muscle tone, tonus
tone - a note on the musical scale
scale - series of notes within a key
scale - weighing the balance
to scale - to climb, or ascend
balance - harmony and continuity of the whole
  • tone of the note, tone of voice, attitude, implication, tonus of the body, character of the story, character of the sound. Of sound character, meaning a morally correct reaction to stress and stimuli, the opposite of defense mechanisms in psychology, because nothing can go wrong, because nothing exists, so there can be no harm, for nothing is apart, nothing is separate nor having individual existence so loss is impossible, and it certainly appears that way to us, due to misidentification with a self that somehow is apart from all things, rather than a part of all things, which naturally is the case. And that's the non-obvious thing, that moral correctness and compassion and non-killing are as much a part of the totality as is sound and sitting.

  • division of the totality into individual notes
    individual notes combine into chords, sounded simultaneously, into harmonies sounded successively.

    A chord of a circle is a straight line segment whose endpoints both lie on a circular arc. tune - a melody, sing a tune
    tune - to adjust the pitch of a note
    rhythm of nature, circular nature of reality

    Harmony - together again, co-operating and restoring a whole from seemingly distinct parts
    Resonance - a reinforcement of sound (as a musical tone) in a vibrating body or system caused by waves from another body vibrating at nearly the same rate, a vibrating quality of a voice sound.
    resonance - sound vibration forming standing waves within a tuned chamber
    resonance - in concert with each other, she resonated with the discussion

    By creating standing waves and sound vibration, we can come into harmonic resonance with higher octave energies. Not just any sound, but increasing tonality and purity of resonance increases the effect.

    Interference (both constructive, adding to the power of each, and destructive, canceling out each other)

    Dissonance - conflicting viewpoints, thinking they are apart, so that they may have an opposing view, that the yin thinks it is apart from the yang, that the two sides of the coin think they have individual identity, and where does that darn island go when the level of water in the river drops, where the human being goes after death and came from where before birth.

    .. lack of agreement, especially inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs - COGNITIVE DISSONANCE


    stage - step, this stage of the construction
    to stage - to prepare, to prepare
    staged - faked
    stage, a level, his stage of development
    stage - the showplace of a play, a theatrical performance


    conduct, lead

    effect, accomplish, achieve

    implement - tool
    implement - to implement the plan, to put into action

    pull off - to achieve, to make it happen, he pulled off the act
    pull off - to remove the charade,, to take off the blinders, to pull off the mask

    a performance, show - present entertainment to an audience

    audience - to give ear to
    study - to pay attention
    a study - an evaluation

    project (v)- to stick out
    project (n) - that which is worked on, the project proceeded well

    give off
    send out
    send forth
    spread out


    note, notation, notice
    set down in writing
    set in stone
    record (n) - a ledger or copy of transactions
    record (v) - to make a copy, as in a musical recording
    record - a new statistical level, residents turned out in record numbers to cast their ballots

    assign meaning
    give value

    performance - evaluation of work carried out
    performance - the holding of a show

    to show - to demonstrate
    show (n) - a production
    produce (v) - make
    produce (n) - vegetables


    cast - throw forcefully, He held the fishing rod tightly as he cast the line
    cast (n) - an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold
    cast (n) - the company of a play, the cast party was held after the performance.
    game - to entertain, to challenge, to participate, to have fun, to teach, to control, to insert a programming, to entrain.

    Production - to produce, (produce - vegetables, food), to make, to create, to get the work done, on time, and on budget.

    play - play a game
    play - a stage performance
    charade - a staged performance, an act

    reality - 'real' according to sensation and cognition, limited by awareness and understanding.

    imagine, image (to see)
    creative, imaginative
    creation, iagination

    The work of the actor is to perform well in the play.

    'A man is judged by the company he keeps, and a company is judged by the men it keeps.'

    act - chapter in a stage production, a theatrical play
    act - to emote, with emotion, play a role
    actor - a player of a role
    role - a charade, an assumed identity, mask, player, perfomer, actor

    action, conduct, affect

    model, representation - to be like another thing

    mold (n) - a form, having first made a plaster mold, they then made bronze casts of the original sculpture.
    to mold (v) - to shape



    Having not understood the true nature of reality, the loss of power is instant and unending. It's like we have a power outage. To restore power, gurard the gates, maintain the lineage, and concentrate

    Concentrate - to become more potent and powerful, to make a solution stronger, to bring force to bear upon a chosen area.

    conduct - lead the performance, as in an orchestra, or in a play
    conductor - guides the boat, guides an orchestra
    conduct - to be a transmitter of electricity, to allow electricity to flow, to support current
    conduct - behavior, his conduct was becoming of a gentleman

    conductor - a material that transmits electricity
    conductor - guides and keeps the tempo for the orchestra
    'good' conduct - behavior
    The control and guidance of behavior is a conduit that transmits energy


    Money, control, tyranny

    A crown is often an emblem of a sovereign state, usually a monarchy, but also used by some republics. A specific type of crown is employed in heraldry under strict rules. Indeed, some monarchies never had a physical crown, just a heraldic representation, as in the constitutional kingdom of Belgium.

    Royal court

    heraldic shield
    coat of arms
    Subjects - topics of dicussion or research, under observation.
    Subject - to be subject to or under the control of, to order. Subjects in a kingdom.
    Subject - to be liable to happen to. chance.
    Subject - a trial participant.

    Order - to give orders, but also to make order, or sense out of chaos.
    Order - sect, secret society, Religious Order

    submission - to place into operation, to submit an application
    submission - to give up control, to obey

    First, govern the self, as all elese is but a reflection, and the collective rule of law shall govern those that haven't the ability nor the forsight to prepare to counter. By the time force is required, rule has deteriorated into barbaraism. Let the wise among you take heed, for the power of the unlettered mass is great and hard to control. Be subtle, therefore, and plan ahead, far ahead, for a modest force is all that is needed to nudge the course of an asteroid from a great distance, but the closer it approaches, the greater the force required to alter the trajectory.

    So accumulate merit and bank on the understanding of achievers who have come before. Set store in their teachings, and make your occupation the development of wisdom, and the currency of practical expression. bank - to store, storage
    bank - of a river
    currency - curent of a river
    money - flows like water

    interest - having concern or attraction in
    interest - in loan payment, the amount on top of the principal to be repaid

    fine - lovely, well, as in a fine painting, or did a fine job
    fine - small particle or grain size, as in fine sand
    fine - pure, fine gold 999%
    fine - monetary peanalty for not obeying the law

    Having been born, you bear a body (borne), carrying it around with you, perhaps mistaking it for yourself. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth, more that you are saddled with this body, like a horse is saddled, in order to be able to be ridden. Holding on to yourself and your possessions holds you back.
    Holding on - attachment
    Hold - a prison, or storage area on a ship

    Cannot 'hold,' as attachment leads to prison or slavery, the loss of freedom
    Stocks and Bonds - financial instruments are being described in 'prison or bondage' words.

    Family ties - connection and adhesiveness

    Dock - a ship dock
    Docked, to be safely ashore, but also to lose pay.

    presence - pre-sense, to sense before or ahead of
    appear - to establish presence, appeared by magic
    appear - seems like, that appears to be true
    stage presence, to have presence, personal magnetism and charm
    so be charming, charm - to possess a lucky charm

    possessions - 'belongings'
    belonging- to have an affinity or attraction to
    belong - to be a part of a group, taking care that they don't own us or possess us (belongings)
    possession - to be 'possessed,' ruled by demonic forces, having lost control of self and independence

    give away 'possession' - freedom, independence

    give away 'belonging' - leave home, family, and country, because their innocent lack of correct view will

    EMOTION, FEELINGS, INTIMACY The secret key is sex, subdivision of the whole into (two) complementary halves.

    Desire, attraction, repulsion, aversion = equanimity, resting in the undivided whole

    Facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations, actually cause to come into being. Same with speech and thought, in terms of 'ideation' being the originator, but it isn't in fact. The origination of an idea is a spiritual etheric phenomenon.

    Strong emotional response. Feelings, affection, passion, desire, will, drive, ambition, inclination, inward disposition, feeling. Having felt the passion, and with the drive to succeed, choose to follow and obey.

    Compassion, empathy, Identification

    to hear - to feel with empathy, 'I hear you, man
    to hear - recognize and identify sound with the ear

    Giving audience, an ear to listen, is the key to compassion and empathy. Similarly, attention of an audience provides the 'pull' that encourages the flow of energy

    So, in the wellness center, people need to be heard, encouraged to speak about their problems, and listened to attentively and caringly, by the other people sharing in their 'contact group.'

    Happy, well-adjusted, well-loved, appreciated, full of enthusiasm. doing constructive, rewarding work.

    attract (desire) - cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities.

    touches - in touch - to be with it, part of the group understanding
    touch - emotional response, touched my heart
    People need hugs, and human touch, to be 'in touch' to relate and be part of, to belong.
    Touch frequently in order to be aware. People that don't touch frequently may feel lonely or depressed. Can touch animals, or even plants, or a movie can 'touch our heart.' Can help another person, animal, or plant.
    'in touch' - awareness
    'out of touch' - lost, unaware

    'Touched' - to feel, emotions.

    Therefore, in the wellness center, people need to give and receive a lot of hugs, and exercises may be performed with partners or in groups, to facilitate casual touching.


    Psychological Crisis and Healing

    - initiation
    - introspection, recovery
    - death & rebirth
    - travel in the other world
    - great photos online

    The youth who are called to be a shaman attract attention through their love for solitude, desire to roam in the woods or in unfrequented places, visions, and spontaneous song-making. Sometimes they enter trance-states.

    Since visionaries and seers of all ages have followed the ascetic path, it makes sense to explore their efforts, as well as practice for a time. The shaman's power essentially lies in mastering the ecstatic techniques of dreams, visions, and trances. The shaman also mastered the traditional mythology, genealogy, belief system and secret language of the tribe as well as its healing methods. The youth who are called to be a shaman attracts attention through their love for solitude, desire to roam in the woods or in unfrequented places, visions, and spontaneous song-making. Sometimes they enter trance-states.

    In some cultures, the behavior of the prospective shaman is described in terms that seem to indicate psychopathology. However it is precisely because they succeed in curing themselves that these individuals become shamans. Often a crisis bordering on madness, cured by introspection, is provoked in the future shamans. In other cases this initiatory sickness is induced by the use of drugs or fasting and other austerities. Regardless of the means, the symbolic pattern of death and rebirth common to all initiation rites will be reenacted. The initiatory rituals peculiar to Siberian and central Asian shamanism include a ritual series of waking dreams. During this ritual Siberian shamans maintain that they "die" and lie inanimate for from three to seven days in a tent or other solitary place:

    It is through such purgative experiences that shamans are said to obtain the powers of shamanistic healing. Then they are given new flesh and the spirits instruct them in magical arts. They experience the gods of the heavens; they learn to find the souls of sick men who have wandered or been carried by demons away from their bodies. They learn how to guide the soul of the dead to their new abode; and they add to their knowledge by regular association with higher beings.

    Shamans are said to die and return to life many times. They know how to orient themselves in the unknown regions they enter during their ecstasy. They learn to explore the new planes of existence their experiences disclose.


    Tarot of Marseilles - recommended Tarot set of cards
    Plus the set of twenty-two keys, designed by Oswald Wirth


    Natural Magic

    Older alchemical treatises may have more intact teachings. Ancient sumerian, egyptian symbolism, ie, closer to the Atlantean original teachers, far back in history, as teachings may get diluted or altered given so much time. Also, secret information remains encapsulated in buildings, caves, temples, both in the writing as well as measurements, harmonics, energies, masonry, etc, especially the older and better-constructed monuments.

    Alchemy was not only a search for the transmutation of base metals into higher ones, but also for and by way of energies, applicable to the gradual refinement and attenuation of human beings. Many elements and biological materials and constructions will be found to be most useful in effecting the required changes. Do not be limited in application, for at root you are a physical and biological creature, not to constrain to sitting, clarity and focus of the mind and mantra (though those as well). There are also potent physical forces, machinery, herbs, mushrooms, diet, exercises, all at your disposal.

    Carl Jung spent much of his life to unravel alchemy mysteries.



    - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P Hall

    Stone, rock, hard
    Create, effect
    Say, command (to cause to do)
    charge (with responsibility)
    Electrical charge, power
    Make, Do work
    Form, Build
    inspired, inspiration

    limited view
    personal identity
    sensation, observation
    carrier of information
    carry, hold, bear, borne
    to be born
    captured, a prisoner
    held back
    hold onto
    stick, get stuck

    distortion, distorting the signal


    write, right (correct), rite (ritual, performance)
    Signal, sign
    Note, notation
    independent of view or human limitation
    Understand, Inform
    Understanding, Information
    See, hear, obey
    Instruct, Teach
    Lead, leadership (command, captain), Supervise
    Figure, Diagram, Plan, Design, fashion (to make), incorporate
    Style (to craft)
    set free
    rights (freedoms worth protecting)
    free will

    Be busy
    Do, make, be
    The proof is the concrete result. The physical manifestation (to those with eyes and senses to perceive).

    live in
    be the tenant of
    lodge in
    be established in
    take up residence in
    make one's home in
    settle in
    move into
    stay in
    reside in
    dwell in

    employ, to use
    absorb, take in water
    preoccupied, busy
    hold the attention of

    change, alter
    revision, revise, edit, clarify, clear up
    organize, reorganize, make order from chaos
    improvement, small steps
    mend, fix, repair
    correct, correction, reform
    rehabilitate - make fit for habitation
    refine - finer and finer, lighter than air, and smaller, more rare
    adapt, adjust, amend, amendment
    convert, customize
    gain, loss
    increase, amplify
    decrease, reduce
    step by step progression
    raise, lower
    Compression, elongation
    diminish, pare down, increase
    retard, accelerate
    fewer, more
    before, after
    adding to, taking away from
    fluffing up, damping down
    separately, together
    inflating, deflating
    systematize, prioritize
    concentration, dilution
    dehydration, add water
    try anything, and note results

    feedback loop
    reform, reshape
    refashion, redesign
    redo, rework
    renew, renovate
    rebuild, make over
    remodel, restructure, reconstruct

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