US Government - Test 1

1. A major goal of the Republican Party since the 1980s has been to:
A. Increase welfare benefits
B. Increase the size of the federal workforce
C. Reduce defense spending
D. Cut federal taxes

2. In the United States, support for the passage and expansion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been strongest among:
A. Labor unions
B. Environmentalists
C. Big business
D. Farmers

3. The beginning of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe is most closely associated with the:
A. Fall of the Berlin Wall
B. Admission of Warsaw Pact nations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
C. Intervention of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Yugoslavia
D. Formation of the European Union

4. The main purpose of the War Powers Act of 1973 was to:
A. Expand the power of Congress to declare war
B. Limit the president's ability to send troops into combat abroad
C. Allow people to vote on the issue of United States commitments overseas
D. End the Vietnam War on favorable terms

5. Which foreign policy agreement had the most direct influence on the Middle East?
A. Kellogg-Briand Pact
B. Yalta Conference declaration
C. SALT I Treaty
D. Camp David Accords

6. Public disregard for the prohibition of alcohol indicates that:
A. The American film industry has great influence.
B. The system of checks and balances does not work.
C. Attempts to legislate public morality meet strong resistance.
D. American citizens have little respect for the law.

7. During the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan used the ideas of supply-side economics to justify:
A. Increases in social welfare spending
B. Expansion of the Social Security program
C. Tax cuts for businesses
D. Reductions in military spending

8. President John F. Kennedy supported the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as an effort to:
A. Remove a communist dictator from power
B. Stop the flow of illegal drugs to the United States
C. Support Fidel Castro's efforts for reform
D. Rescue hostages held by Cuban freedom fighters

9. One similarity between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Lyndon B. Johnson is that both:
A. Believed strongly in States' rights
B. Expanded the power of the Presidency
C. Supported a strict construction of the Constitution
D. Opposed most civil rights legislation

10. Which development is most closely associated with the belief in the domino theory?
A. Military involvement in Vietnam
B. Construction of the Berlin Wall
C. Signing of the nuclear test ban treaty
D. End of the Korean War

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