US History - Test 3

1. In the late 1800s, the Granger movement tried to improve conditions for farmers by?
A. Lowering the rate of inflation.
B. Strengthening the gold standard.
C. Making labor unions stronger.
D. Forcing railroads to lower their rates.

2. In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established because the United States wanted what?
A. To keep control of Alaska and Hawaii.
B. To establish colonies in Latin America.
C. To support England's colonial empire in Central America.
D. To warn Europe against further colonization in Latin America.

3. What effect did Upton Sinclair's novel, 'The Jungle,' have on US government policy?
A. Adoption of reforms in public education.
B. Passage of legislation limiting immigration.
C. Adoption of the 18th amendment, establishing Prohibition.
D. Passage of legislation requiring Federal inspection of meat.

4. The Clayton Antitrust Act was passed to:
A. Restore business competition.
B. End stock market speculation.
C. Prosecute corrupt labor unions.
D. Break up city political-party machines.

5. President Woodrow Wilson's 'Fourteen Points' were intended to:
A. Make the United States into a leading world power.
B. Redistribute Germany's colonies among the Allies.
C. Prevent international tensions from leading to war.
D. Punish Germany for causing World War I.

6. During World War I, many American women helped gain support for the women's suffrage movement by:
A. Protesting against the war.
B. Working in wartime industries.
C. Joining the military service.
D. Lobbying for child-care facilities.

7. The migration of African Americans to Northern states following World War I was a result of?
A. New factory jobs
B. The civil rights movement
C. Military desegregation
D. Affirmative action programs

8. Which economic practice became widespread during the roaring 1920s?
A. Governmental regulation of business.
B. Stock market speculation.
C. Government welfare programs.
D. Reduction of tariff rates.

9. Which development is most closely associated with the belief in the domino theory?
A. Military involvement in Vietnam
B. Construction of the Berlin Wall
C. Signing of the nuclear test ban treaty
D. End of the Korean War

10. The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan was an influential book in the 1960s because it:
A. Helped strengthen family values
B. Led directly to the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment
C. Energized a new women's rights movement
D. Reinforced the importance of women's traditional roles

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