Digestion - Test 1

1. The gallbladder stores bile, a fluid that aids in digestion of fat. Which of the following types of food should be avoided by a person whose gallbladder has been removed?
  A. fruits
  B. grains
  C. cheese
  D. vegetables

2. Leucine is one of the amino acids your body needs but cannot make. Which of these happens so that the human body can obtain leucine?
  A. The body converts other amino acids to leucine.
  B. The body stores carbohydrates containing leucine.
  C. The body breaks down fatty acids to obtain leucine.
  D. The body digests protein in food to obtain leucine.

3. Each organ in the digestive system has a specific function. During digestion, food passes from the stomach into the small intestine. Which statement best describes what takes place in the small intestine?
  A. Nutrients are absorbed from the food.
  B. Wastes are prepared to pass out of the body.
  C. Food is churned with acid to break down proteins.
  D. Excess water is reabsorbed into the blood stream.

4. Pepsin is an enzyme that acts in the stomach for protein digestion. Which of these is most likely the main role of pepsin in this metabolic reaction?
  A. to speed up the rate of reaction
  B. to reduce the loss of energy as heat
  C. to control the direction of the reaction
  D. to protect the reaction from other chemicals

5. In the human body the digestion of proteins takes place primarily in which two organs?
  A. Mouth and stomach
  B. Stomach and small intestine
  C. Liver and gall bladder
  D. Pancreas and large intestine

6. Bile salts play a crucial role in gastrointestinal homeostasis and digestion. Which phrase is the best description of the gastrointestinal function of bile salts?
  A. digestion and absorption of proteins in the liver
  B. digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine
  C. digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the liver
  D. digestion and absorption of cholesterol in the large intestine

7. One way humans store energy is by making the molecule glycogen. Clusters of which atoms are rearranged when the body digests plant sugars to make glycogen?
  A. hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon
  B. oxygen, sulfur, carbon
  C. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  D. nitrogen, carbon, sulfur

8. Some individuals are unable to digest the lactose found in the milk of cows. The digestive systems of these individuals most likely lack which?
  A. a lipid that coats lactose molecules
  B. an ability to produce lactose internally
  C. an enzyme that catalyzes lactose breakdown
  D. a tolerance to lactose developed during childhood

9. The position of the liver in the circulatory system maximizes its ability to filter out harmful chemicals as soon as they enter the bloodstream. Blood travels to the liver from the
  A. nervous system.
  B. digestive system.
  C. immune system.
  D. excretory system.

10. During digestion, fructose is produced by the breakdown of larger molecules. Which type of molecule could be broken down to increase the body's fructose levels?
  A. proteins
  B. vitamins
  C. triglycerides
  D. carbohydrates

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