General Law - Test 2

1. Published words or pictures that falsely and maliciously defame a person:
A. immunity
B. perjury
C. acquit
D. libel

2. A jury that is unable to reach a decision:
A. grand jury
B. hung jury
C. petit jury
D. criminal law

3. A form of government in which a small, usually self-appointed elite, holds the power to rule:
A. Democracy
B. Dictatorship
C. Monarchy
D. Oligarchy

4. An official notice of a lawsuit that includes the date, time, and place of a court appearance:
A. sentence
B. due process
C. adversary system
D. summons

5. Government intervention in a market that affects the production of a good:
A. Subsidy
B. Incentive
C. Differentiation
D. Regulations

6. Retrial of a person who was acquitted in a previous trial for the same crime:
A. sentence
B. summons
C. plea bargaining
D. double jeopardy

7. A formal charge by a grand jury:
A. verdict
B. summons
C. answer
D. indictment

8. Which is the only branch of the military that is affected by a government shutdown?
A. Army
B. Marines
C. Air Force
D. Coast Guard

9. A wrongful act, other than breach of contract, for which the injured party has the right to sue:
A. constitutional law
B. counsel
C. tort
D. verdict

10. What was John Locke best known for?
A. Natural rights
B. Women's rights
C. Separation of government powers
D. Marriage rights

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