Geography - Test 1

1. Hong Kong is located at the mouth of which river?
A. Pearl
B. Yellow
C. Mekong
D. Yangtze

2. Which area of Canada has the highest levels of acid rain?
A. The southeast
B. The north
C. The northwest
D. The southwest

3. Spanish conquistadors combed the Amazon for what legendary golden city?
A. Cuzco
B. Teotihuacan
C. El Dorado
D. Ciudad Blanca

4. What is the world's highest volcano?
A. Vesuvius
B. Krakatoa
C. Ojos del Salado
D. Mt. Saint Helens

5. Kurds are found in which region?
A. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
B. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
C. Iran, Iraq, and Turkey
D. China, Japan, South Korea

6. Which country has the lowest number of people per square mile?
A. Russia
B. Australia
C. Mongolia
D. New Zealand

7. Most of Earth's freshwater is in:
A. Polar ice caps
B. Oceans
C. Rivers, lakes, and streams
D. Vapor in the atmosphere

8. The Deccan Plateau is located in which country?
A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
C. Nepal
D. India

9. Which nearby island is considered part of Australia?
A. New Zealand
B. Papua New Guinea
C. Tasmania
D. Tonga

10. What separates Europe from Asia?
A. Ural Mountains
B. The Red Sea
C. The Rhine
D. The Alps

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