Inner World (of feelings)

Desire, Attraction

The study and practice of emotional growth is one of the foundations of spiritual development. Go within, for the temple is yourself.

FEELINGS Love, Charity, Concern for other beings

The Divine in heaven which makes heaven is love, because love is spiritual conjunction. It conjoins angels to the Lord and conjoins them to one another, so conjoining them that in the Lord’s sight they are all as one. Moreover, love is the very being [esse] of everyone’s life; consequently from love both angels and men have life. Everyone who reflects can know that the inmost vitality of man is from love, since he grows warm from the presence of love and cold from its absence, and when deprived of it he dies. the quality of his love is what determines the quality of each one.

all who are in heaven are forms of love and charity, and appear in ineffable beauty, with love shining forth. their faces, and from their speech and from every particular of their life. Moreover, there are spiritual spheres of life emanating from and surrounding every angel and every spirit, by which their quality in respect to the affections of their love is known, sometimes at a great distance. these spheres flow forth from the life of his affection and consequent thought, or from the life of his love and consequent faith. The spheres that go forth from angels are so full of love as to affect the inmosts of life of those who are with them.

Those who are in love to the Lord and in love toward the neighbor turning themselves always to the Lord, while those who are in love of self turn themselves always away from the Lord.

Fire corresponds to love, infernal love, fiery passion, burning love, cold in absence

One shows love by willing and doing what another wishes, and it is this that brings reciprocal love and conjunction.

Turn away from concern for yourself. Move your focus towards compassion and concern for other beings, wishing them every success, and guarding them from harm. Certainly, stop hurting or killing them.


Tarot of Marseilles - recommended Tarot set of cards
Plus the set of twenty-two keys, designed by Oswald Wirth


CARE, CARING for Other Beings, LOVE It's not enough to understand all beings are one and that your life includes them, but rather you must actually love them, care for them, and give yourself to them in service. all forms are the deity, all sounds are mantra, and all thoughts as the display of the absolute nature. If someone acts badly or speaks hurtfully, still retain love and concern for the evil-doer, while condemning their bad acts and ignorance.


Over-reacting to what other people say or do, or reacting poorly concerning events that happen. Accept all that comes as the just rewards of the causes that you set into motion, consciously or beyond your awareness and understanding.

FEELINGS, HEALING Part the waters of your sorrow, break your suffering into smaller pieces that you can digest and absorb, so heal yourself. Cleanse the body, cleanse your mind and your heart.

Consider the emotional aspects of spaces, interior design, feng shui. Places, communities, the emotional aspects of association, friendship. Caretaking, co-dependence, emotional problems, psychology.

Forming connections connections between people Relationships Family Mother-Son, Mother-Daughter Father-Daughter, Father-Son Siblings Verbal communication Mind Control Manipulation Emotional content Engagement Listening Non-verbal communication pet communication
    Helping others is helping yourself in fact, as everyone is you.
    Generosity proves selflessness.
    Give your body, resources, and merit to all sentient beings, and let go my, mine, and self.
    Enjoy seeing others being offered gifts and honor; be glad for their success.
    Wish success and achievement for all beings, even those who cause you harm.
    They especially need your merit to counter the karma they are creating.
    Forgive and pity others if they commit negative acts or harm yourself or others.
Erikson - chart of emotional development. He notes that most adults become emotionally arrested at the level of vocational fulfillment, financial success, and a stable marriage.

Develop equanimity, not being moved easily by either compliments and praise, nor being upset by criticism and attack, even to physical misfortune. Whether others applaud you or criticize you, you must learn to turn away from both craving and enjoying praise and avoiding and disliking blame or criticism.

Develop emotional stability, neither becoming unduly moved by compliments or beneficial circumstance, nor overly concerned by loss, attack, or hardship yet retain childlike enthusiasm and equanimity. If the outward situation calls for it, act like a powerhouse, or a stern disciplinarian, but remain the actor, unmoved internally. Let it be a challenge to your ability that others cannot discover the difference.

"The guy she was seeing" She's dating a guy, sharing a connection with him. so relationship is based on understanding and feeling (and love) Course: "Understanding Relationship:" Find your soul match.
Berenstein Bears series (260 million copies sold)
by Stan and Jan Berenstain

Sweet Valley High (250 million copies sold)
by Francine Pascal

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series (120 million copies sold)
by Jeff Kinney

First Day of school
Walking to school
School Bus (Wimpy Kid)
Bicycling to School, bike got stolen
Bicycle accident, skinned knee
School Nurse
Big Fight
Daydreaming in the Classroom
Staring out the window
Passing Notes
Teacher's Pet
Class Comedian
Class Star, talent, singing contest
- it's alright to stand out and be first, but don't be a show-off
- Care about other's feelings, Listen to others, don't interrupt people when they are speaking
- Don't be Selfish

- Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Nerds, Confidence
- making friends, popularity
exclusion, mean kids
- best friends
- social skills
Rules of Honor, The Code, don't rat on people, keep secrets, loyalty, standing up for the Wimpy Kid

big fight with her friend and make up later
Secret Club

The Big Quarrel Between Peppa Pig and George, her little brother
- close relationships (Peppa Pig and her Dad, Mommy and Daddy Kiss)
- trust, honesty
- blaming, arguments
- stealing, lying
- sharing toys
criticism - find fault
complaining - express displeasure
Secret Crushes
Teacher's Bum
- boys and girls, Dating

Playground, swings, see saw, big slide, climbing gym
new kid at the playground is kind of a Nerd, but Peppa stands up for her
Getting picked for teams
Running Fast
Building Strength
Standing Up to The Bully (big, stupid, slow)
Self-defense, Self-respect, setting limits on sex.
MEANING - the intention and understanding
SPELLING - derivation of spelling through time
DEFINITON - to describe the limit of, to define, to establish the measure of
The shape of sound, cymatics
Correspondences between shape and energy
focusing of intention, concentration, identification
frequency, energetic phenomena
Spelling of words, casting spells, words, sound, vibration, energy

Hypno-therapeutic Communication - Words, timing, delivery, context, brain of the receiver, world map, mind map, association

colors, association with emotions, light therapy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV50AV7-Iwc&list=PLamm2cZkPDsVNFithbD85tQbp_kV6F7UC Culture videos playlist (500 videos) David Snyder https://www.youtube.com/user/SanDiegoKarate/videos?sort=p&flow=list&view=0 NLP - neurolinguistic Programming http://www.nlppower.com/2015/01/20/learn-nlp-hypnosis-online-free/ Tony Robbins https://www.youtube.com/user/TonyRobbinsLive/videos?flow=grid&view=0&sort=p https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJLMboBYME_CLEfwsduI0wQ We feel with more subtle senses, "She touched my heart," so what did she use to touch with? Consideration, take into account
Self, the heart, the center of being Self-help, self-respect COURSE: "Self-Love, Self-Mastery" - the journey that leads inside. Looking into the mirror, everything is reversed.

https://www.simplypsychology.org/erik-erikson.html - Self, Care, Love, Empathy, Consider-ation

- self-exploration, self-understanding, self-expression, self-determination
By finding out about ourselves through discovery, inquiry, challenge, a process of revealing, methods, and techniques, we can into what we want, what we feel like doing, what we wish we could focus on, so if we had money already, what would we choose to do. COURSE: "You, Me, and We" - Understanding the other. Dating, relationship, marriage. Social skills. Noticing the other, giving Attention, recognition, validation, understanding the other, acceptance, Consideration for the other, tolerance, patience, kindness, disagreement, setting limits, boundaries, give and take, negotiation. Usage of Law, heart of the law.
COURSE: "Men are pigs, Women are not pigs." Translation and misunderstandings between the sexes. Encouring wisdom, getting along better.
Happiness is a sign, like the truck is fully functional, but if one thing is broken, the truck doesn’t run well. Similarly, many factors must be present to be happy, but only one or few amiss, and certainly people are suddenly not happy.
villain - cruel, evil, or destructive
reptilian brain, dragon, unevolved, stuck, primitive
brute (Brutus in Popeye), barbarian, low-IQ, strong physically
savage beast, immature emotionally, out of control, lust, greeed, competitive, against, fight, war, harm, eat.
animal nature
Opposites Attract, Yin Yang makes a whole
skillful performer

1. Mind, Spirit Human Development Dating, relationships Social Skills Happiness, Contentment Psychology Self-confidence, self-respect Self-determination Wisdom Teachings KEY - Richard Simmons - It was not the fitness that interested me, but rather the human development. The personal relationship, and the good reception he was getting, the taking in, They were receiving it well, interested and focused. The receptivity (interest, focus, concenration, choice, particpation) improves the reception (hearing, connection, reception, getting the message, hearing the answer). Reception (acceptance) - intiation - the action of admitting someone to a place, group, or institution or the process of being admitted. the reception he was getting - he was getting excellent reception, the tuning was correct, the signal was clear, the was the strong. The reception, the taking care, the internalization, the human relation, The audience, the interest, the attention, the wareness, reception - receive a signal, complete a communication How to Lost 10 Pounds.
How to Lose Weight Naturally.

Become aware of your emotions, not censoring them nor judging them, just take notice. Freeing yourself from the duty of maintaining a calm mind or a state of equanimity, allowing the mind and feelings to roam freely, you may learn that attention, awareness, and understanding is all that is required to still the drifting. Allow the mind and emotions to play themselves out, and become ready to follow the direction that you set. Making an effort to control your mind or your feelings is a good way to go wrong, setting up opposition.

Walk the Path - understand & Practice personally Share with other beings - participatory, no longer separate, lessening value for self, connect. Create value, to share with others, to answer the questions that are asked, whether actully asked verbally, or asked in an implied way, revealed through "hearing and seeing" the suffering, the pain. I am lonely - How do you relate, connect be with, love? Self-knowing Know the Mind Communication Interpersonal Psychology Feeling Good
Happiness, Contentment
Achievement, Success
Passion, Enthusiasm, Effort
Hope, Cheerfulness, Optimism
PURPOSE Boredom, due to lack of planning, path-finder
Occupation, Job, Work - time invested
Time Management
Team Building
Social Skills
Elementary Financial skills
Play Therapy - reconnecting, restoring
EXERCISES in PATIENCE Impatience, due to lack of attachment, self
Mental Clarity
Family relationships (Peppa Pig and her Dad, Mommy and Daddy Kiss)
  • Boundaries
  • Negotiation
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
    Social Skills
    Setting Limits
    Saying No
    Loving kindness, Patience
    Empathy, Understanding others' viewpoint

    Dealing with Loss (divorce, death of a pet, death in the family)
    Coping with Pain (Boo Boo, or worse, hospitalization, dentists)
    Unfair Situations

    Mr Roger's Neighborhood shows a good pathway to re-program towards goodness, Family Values, using child psychology and hypnotherapy.

    Milton Erickson, Bandler & Grinder, Mind Programming
    The Giant Within - Tony Robbins
    How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie
    Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
    Kids Issues Diary of a Wimpy Kid IQ Fear, Manipulation
    self-worth, self-image, confidence. (quiz)
    - dating, sex, pregnancy, family (quiz)
    - driving test, accidents, rules of the road. Quiz

    Peer-pressure to go out and be in the wrong place at the wrong time, leading to arrest, personal injury, a gang fight, pregnancy
    Giving love, acceptance, trust, modeling, examples, demonstration, wholesome goodness, patience, Give a lot of compliments in the video.
    Make emotionally supportive statements
    Sharing is Caring


    Upward spiral

    • Beauty, Truth
    • Equanimity, Good Thoughts, Contentment, Acceptance
    • Consideration, Thoughtful, Composed responses
    , Loyalty, Strength 1. Difficulties, Re-Programming, Recovery, Re-Integration
    2. Optimization, Development
    3. Spirit, Spirituality
    FAMILY Birth Mother Infancy
    Mother-child relationship
    Father figure
    Role Playing
    Brothers & Sisters
    - social feedback
    - popularity, exclusion


    Put yourself in harm's way for good cause; be a hero
    Give effort for good causes; be an agent of positive change. Work on yourself, which is more available to you, and more likely for you to be able to change. Expose your faults
    Admit mistakes
    Cover and hide the faults of others.
    Make excuses covering up for others; allow them to save face.
    Speak well of people.
    Defend people against those who speak badly of them.
    Protect others

    The master's words struck a chord in me. What? No defense? Any student of mine must be able to defend their ideas, their persona, their 'self' against any attack. No matter how you spend your life, your wit will defend you more often than a sword, so keep it sharp. Indeed, lacking training and practice, a beginner may be haplessly at a loss to simply defend pithily against lesser attackers, cruel and unevolved bludgeoners. Caught unawares, how many gentle-natured souls have frozen, floundered, and fumbled in return, making themselves an easy target for ruffians and cruel-hearted assailants. Better to take acting lessons, public speaking classes, in order to sharpen wits, eager for practice. Same with PUA and game, not so much for girls, but rather for general self-improvement, and increase in perceived value. - Debate, sharp wit, self-defense, patience, kindness to ignorant attackers


    Express the full range of emotions available. By expression, you create reality. Be happy in the face of extreme discomfort and suffering, encouraging people around you. The true test is within, such as when you feel genuinely unhappy. Start by choosing goodness and thinking good thoughts in the face of what you are feeling. Go on to start speaking positive words, and do acts of service for those less fortunate than yourself. Helping others will cheer you up.


  • Patience, Kindness, Submission, Well-mannered
  • Patience in the face of ignorance
  • Course: 'The Corporate Jungle' - beyond survival, a map for success.
    Office Politics, negative people, challenging situations, team building, winning supporters (Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie) What Color is Your Parachute - Path Finder
    Law of Attraction
    Power of Positive Thinking
    The Law of Tenfold Return
    The 7 laws of spiritual Success

    Dale Carnegie
    Tony Robbins
    Tai Lopez
    Joseph Murphy
    Neville Goddard Deepak Chopra
    SHAMANISM - Native American
    Calrlos Casteneda
    The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
    Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan
    Tales of Power.
    The Eagle's Gift.
    The Fire from Within.
    The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of don Juan.


    Difficulties, Problems
    Loneliness, Isolation
    Distrust, Trust Issues
    Taking, Grasping
    12 Steps
    Richard Simmons
    Milton Erickson



    Response to holding Anger at past events.

    We can develop some flexibility once we understand that we are the authors of our reactions. If we can’t change our thoughts, if we can’t forgive, we will be stuck in those emotions. A person who has forgiven someone feels free from the person, instead of being trapped. Most people are victims of the past and of their perpetuated and exaggerated perception of it. The longer deluded perceptions drag on, the harder it is to let go of them. We need to forgive the past, and to forgive ourselves for our failings.

    Spite – desire to inflict injury or harm
    Vindictive, Vengeful – to hold strong feelings of revenge

    Conquering enemies who seek to harm you only means trouble in diverse forms. better to leave their nonsense behind, counting your losses as valuable lessons. Spiritual attainment comes with no shortcuts, not that you would want any, as the rewards are built into the experience. Indeed, the path is the process.

    GRIEF PROCESS, response to suffering

    Your body may be in pain, you may have suffered a great loss by the death of a friend or loved one, you still have power remaining, even if you think you do not. You may bring comfort and support to those around you who also are suffering. And if your troubles are less demanding, then reflect that nothing lasts forever, and feel lucky that you are not dealing with more serious issues. You can work it out, we believe in you. Aim higher and try harder, to actually feel undisturbed in the face of suffering, and then you have achieved something real. Improve your ability to feel strongly, and you have livened up your life. Give love and support to those who have earned merit.

    Richard Simmons

    Dealing with stressful situations
    Dealing with stressful people
    Confidence, Public Speaking
    Expressing Yourself
    Giving & receiving
    Strength, Support
    1. Stories from rape survivors, kindnapping and torture.
    2. Near-Death Experiences
    3. Whistleblowers, exposing corruption, risking their lives
    4. Stories from Family Court, where the kids are taken away
    5. Child deaths, soon after vaccination, well-baby visits
    6. Loss of a Loved One, Grief Counseling, and Recover
    7. Brainwashing, and targeted persons, de-programming
    8. Find LOVE, in a disconnected, digital world
    9. Self COURSE: self-discovery, salf-worth, self-confidence


    The very act of trying to help people is the key that unlocks the flow of divine energy. Offer yourself, saying, I will help. I will listen, I will care, I will teach, I will give my time, I will share what I have. Just as a mother is especially anxious about a sick child, be even more compassionate towards the unwise and those who engender bad causes. These unfortunate beings need assistance more others.


    The people enjoyed immensely all the fun and novelty of encounters with this unpredictable fellow, this innocent savage. It was impossible to keep him in order. He would burst out in new frolics, new tricks and mischief, drolleries and clownings, for which they were always unprepared. Yet he was never cynical or unkind. It was pure fun, with all the refreshment of pure fun. In India, they say that such joy and fun come out into this world from the state of spiritual Bliss known asananda. One sometimes sees or hears masters dancing madly, laughing, rolling about in ecstasy. But while we laughed and enjoyed ourselves we did not see what was there before our eyes, proclaiming itself by the age-old way. Bliss, the harbinger of divine manifestations, is the goal.

    Maintaining a state of joy indicates that most systems are functioning well, like in the pickup truck when it is in optimal condition. A state of disrepair, on the other hand, may stem form any number of causes. Treat the root cause, and most misfortune and distress will disappear, including physical illness, itself the final result of a number of errors being compunded over time. For we little understand the complexity of the body, functional integrity, nor the required inputs, not limited to food, digestion, and the mistakes being made in that regard. Look to purpose, understanding and discipline to pursue the root causes.


    Love all and especially those suffering, and attacking, helping those who come near and ask. Maintain real gentleness, giving rise to a quiet manner and gentle ways. Wander among strangers, unknown and unseen, radiating joy. Speak little, and only when spoken to, performing with the eyes of an abashed child. Better that you should study and practice the teachings through helping others, than to make any fuss over yourself.


    The true measure of a teacher is how much abuse the master can respond patiently and kindly to, and just how much cause is required before they lose their temper, and lapse into anger. When the time is right for you to guide others, those with faith will gather around you.

    It's a challenge to maintain a restful mind in meditation, in a quiet place, but the real test comes when you go back among people, with their diversity, and opposition to your will. The trick is to have no will, or rather adopting the face of the Lord as your face (performing well, both in the sense of acting as well as doing a good job), no longer having a self to oppose.

    Patience is the balm of anger, and protection against abusive language. Consider faults you notice to be a personal challenge, testing your patience and seeing how far you have progressed. Do not speak abusively. Even if some unkind words are said in a moment of forgetful anger, one can set matters right by an apology. Be quick to admit error and wrongdoing, as the first step towards making amends.

    Gentle by nature, sensitive and compassionate, foolish people may seek to take advantage, thinking to lie and cheat. Be patient with their ignorance, and have compassion and pity on their error and folly, for their wages are death, and in the short run, misfortune and suffering.

    It’s the same old story, I didn’t have enough patience or interest in another person to listen more than a few minutes to the older man at Pai, getting bored with the linear nature of words and storytelling, although everything he said was nice enough, all good words, a bit slow and one-sided for me though. I’m very quick and need to be careful in speaking or listening to others to be kind and patient, bridging our respective understandings better. similar mistakes with poor Andrew and his wife, both so full of opinion and self as to be unbearable, a real challenge to be able to present more kindly towards them, and in a way that they found charming and endearing.

    Abuse from inferiors should be seen as isolated and trivial, a reflection of their limitations more than of your own. Through patience, merit is acquired. Whoever is patient with the source of anger develops merit. Even contempt and ridicule of others is preferable to you committing bad deeds or displaying undisciplined anger in bad speech or action. Bad thoughts and the intention towards anger are more subtle, advanced battles.


    Go without fear, for even as you may dislike torture and pain, you were born to bear it. Conquer physical pain and isolation, for what more can befall you. Challenge yourself at every opportunity.

    Manage your fears, for they get in the way of study, practice, and performance. Even as you may fear loss of accumulated wealth, and the security it brings via food and shelter, compare with the fear and suffering that kind and gentle people felt as they were killed, and chased from their homes, attacked by armies and brigands.

    Compare your misfortunes with the good luck even to have been born. Don't regret birth as a waste of time, a useless enterprise filled with boredom and distraction. Rather, take advantage of what is given, make the ebst of the hand which you have been dealt, and in fact deliberately chose for yourself. Use your time wisely, and dedicate your wealth towards establishing a center where interested souls may gather, learn, and grow food. Buy goats, cows, ducks, etc, that may give milk or eggs, not killing animals. Raise crops, earn online, teach others freely, practice and share.


    Selfish = material desire

    GENEROSITY proves selflessness

    Plant Karmic Seed Causes (who gives, receives). Charity and generosity based in compassion and empathy is a step forward, planting a viable seed both within yourself and others. However, don't stick your nose into other people’s business, only managing to irritate, rather than help. Wait to be asked, but make yourself available. A 'do-gooder' is either to be avoided or to be taken advantage of, and milked for all they're worth. It’s an art to offer yourself, but set limits on your kindness, and respect other people’s need to do things on their own.

    The primary way to lead ordinary beings to the teachings is generosity, to speak pleasantly and supportively, and give them food, clothing, and other material things, meeting their basic needs. Recall the kindness of numerous beings that you will never know the names of, who have contributed to your safety, well-being and good fortune in the past. Honor the victorious ones, who have achieved greatness and have taken the time to turn back and assist you with their teachings. It is an act of merit, magic and self-improvement to give up your own happiness in order to relieve the suffering of others. Mothers do this all the time.

    Give of your resources, so you come to know selfless generosity. Don't think of the benefits of giving, nor that you will make merit, thereby reducing generosity to a calculated transaction. Even if you have many bad actions following you from the past, this does not diminish the merit you may gain by doing good actions in the present. Generosity is the best weapon for cutting the knot of miserliness. Knowing this, the wise have devoted themselves to the excellent path of completely giving away their body, possessions and merit.

    Share your money, give away your hold on yourself, and all you possess. Give your body as well, and don't fear hunger or pain. Your body is just the vehicle, the carrier, but you are in control. You are the master, so act like it. I will ask more, I will ask everything, I will ask for your life. It is mine to take, at any moment I wish, so give it freely and I will give it back to you again, to use wisely. I cannot do it for you, you need to make the change. Do not fear, you will be rewarded, with riches beyond imagination. Give everything away. I command you, and you must obey. All is revealed in a moment, and it takes only a moment. Stop eating, give away everything, wander freely, coming into life and love at every moment. Grow old or not, it doesn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to you. You don't grow old, because you have no body, you are nobody (no body). A person grows old and dies, but it is not you.

    Suffer willingly. Cheerful endurance is one of the steps. Willingly assume the burden of our own misdeeds and the suffering of others, embracing change and atonement. Develop humility and modesty, using your time on earth to benefit others. Be of service, and rather indifferent to mundane concerns.


    - Self, ego, possession (possessed by demons) -

    Don't get caught up thinking about my and mine, for all things are all beings. It is a manifestation and limitation of human consciousness that you may believe you possess individual separation, so how can you own anything? Don't confuse the luck of placement and usefulness with the pride of ownership. When workers earn their salary, they think of the boss as the giver. Similarly, when the boss pays them, in error he may think with conceit, 'I am the giver.'

    Love of self is the root of ignorance, while love of service and assistance to others is the antidote. If you reamin unaware of, or insensitve towards other beings, it is much easier to harm them as you can’t feel their pain. Not simply to serve and help those that we come into contact with, but further, to abandon free-will and personal identity, offering a vessel for the angels to use.

    It is easy to misunderstand, thinking our motivation is to help others, when in fact, our actions only serve to cement the idea of a self that is involved. Action may be accomplished at the right moment in time, for the right purpose, without undue affection for the notion of a self. That's the magical aspect, allowing the Lord to move the body.

    If you show signs of spiritual accomplishment but do not give up your ego, you may puff up with pride. If you endeavor to benefit beings but remain entangled in self-centeredness, you may be a fraud. Be generous, without hoping for a reward. Observe impeccable discipline for its own merit, not hoping to be seen and praised by others.

    Even attainments can be obstacles, if you are proud of your accomplishments. Who is proud? You have already identified as a self, and thus are lost to higher prerception. By removing yourself from the simplicities of the senses, may you gain the wisdom to be able to read signs. Having developed the ability to see and read signs, follow the directions posted, and don't be distracted from the path, leading to your chosen goals.

    - Fame, popularity -

    Take steps to decrease self-importance, pride, and arrogance. Cast off political power and wealth as though they were sugar-filled candy. Discard wealth and possessions, and do not not wear rich clothing nor beautify yourself. Treat yourself well, for there is no self but you are a part of the Lord's plan, and part of all that is. Spiritual instruction is not a livelihood, so do not charge for your understanding, and give freely to all who ask. Do not publish hoping for selfish, material gain.

    A yearning for wisdom may be pride in disguise, so do not succumb to it. Many brilliant minds were seduced by the attraction of what might be known intellectually. Don't seek to understand too much, and be content to know a few things well. Better to study only a few lines, and be able to incorporate the meaning and value into your own life, than to read many great books, and yet assimilate only a fraction.

    Abandon the desire to have many followers, as students and well-wishers present many obstacles to tranquility, possessed of their own difficulties, and requiring your services. If being honored, or spending time among beings of lesser achievement, we must learn to diminish our sense of arrogance and pride.

    If you become famous accidentally while yet avoiding praise, and many admire you, notice that worldly fortune is without essence, and do not become conceited.

    Disentangle yourself from the ways of the world. It's all too slow, kind of tiring, like children's games. Get up, stand up, and your voice will flow out from within you, truly and finely. You are a creative entity, so create. Sure, you can make money to overflowing, enjoy women and wine, but choose wisely, choose deeper joy, look further ahead, as death is the equalizer, the leveler.

    Egotism – excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself
    narcissism, Conceit, excessive pride in oneself
    Pride – satisfaction in ones own achievement and successes
    desire for fame
    Fame – a state of being known and admired by many
    Showoff – to boastfully display ones abilities
    Ostentatiousness – pretentious show in an attempt to impress others
    Voluptuousness – being lush and abundant to the pleasure senses
    Vanity – excessive pride in ones appearance or achievements, self-centered, self-interested
    Arrogance, Haughtiness – exaggerated experience of ones own importance, superiority
    Imperiousness – domineering in a haughty manner, dictatorial and overbearing
    Dominance, eagerness for power, to direct the behavior of others
    High handedness – showing no sign of regard to the rights of others
    Oppression – prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority
    Coercion – the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats
    Tyranny – cruel and oppressive rule or control


    Desire – strong feeling of wanting or wishing
    Obsession – the continual preoccupation of idea or thought
    Gluttony – overindulgence, excess of food, luxury or wealth
    Greed of money, possessions, power
    Excessiveness – beyond what is necessary or needed
    Lechery – unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity
    Lust – lust for the flesh, money, fame
    Seduction – temptation in attractiveness by means of a lesser form of manipulation
    sexual lust
    Sexual Misconduct – with oneself and others partners our spouses
    Shamelessness – behavior marked by a bold defiance of the lack of shame
    Ungrateful, ingracious – a disagreeable lack of thanks
    Discontent – dissatisfaction with ones circumstances
    Dissatisfaction – the lack of satisfaction, content
    Envy – a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions,


    Falseness – not being open and truthful
    Lying – to oneself or others
    Deceit, Deception – to mislead or misguide someone
    Deviousness – to be deceitful and underhanded
    furtiveness, hiding
    Delusion – maintaining belief in something despite that of rational argument and proof
    Denial – the refusal of the truth
    Faithlessness – betrayal or disloyalty of moral or religious principles
    Pretence – to make something that is not the case appear true
    Imposture, fake – pretending to be someone or something other than yourself
    Manipulation – to manipulate ones dealings with others
    Calculating – to be calculating in ones actions towards another.
    Insidiousness – treacherous, crafty, intending entrapment via harmful rumours or misinformation


    Inattentiveness – without paying attention or particular notice
    Indifference – lack of interest concern or sympathy
    laziness, sloth
    unruliness, unable to easily accept instruction
    impulsive and unpredictable, Capricious
    Actions done suddenly and without forethought
    Prodigal – excessive or wasteful spending or using resources freely and recklessly
    Irresponsibile – lack of a proper sense of care or responsibility
    Instability – tendencies towards unpredictable behaviour
    Alcoholism, addiction, drug use
    Intoxication or inhibiting of the senses


    Do not begrudge the ignorant their limitation, for what more have they, and what more can they do? Whether others have good or bad qualities is hard to know, so don't pass judgement.

    Lack of awareness, understanding
    Uncomprehending – the inability to grasp something even after logically argument
    Uneducated, unwise, foolish
    Garrulity – excessive talkativeness, tediously talking about trivial matters
    Obstinacy – a stubbornness within ones mind
    Intolerant – unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own
    Unyieldingness – inflexible in ones views or opinions
    Stubbornness – sticking to one’s views, attitude or position on something or someone
    Uncompromising – unwillingness to make concessions for others
    Prejudice – preconceived opinion not based on experience or reason
    Presumption – arrogant and disrespectful to the limits of what is permitted appropriate
    intransigent (unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something)
    Dogmatism – the tendency to lay down principles as truth, without evidence or opinions of others.
    Hypocrisy – the claiming of higher standards than upholding


    Cowardice – a lack of bravery
    Masochism – to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation
    Melancholy – a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
    Pessimism – a tendency to see the worst aspect of things
    Negativity – criticism or pessimism over something
    Ridicule – to subject someone to contemptuous language or behaviour
    Sarcasm – the use of irony to mock
    Belittlement – to make someone feel less important than yourself
    Humiliation – to shame and humiliate others.
    Derision – ridicule or mockery
    emotional instability, volatile
    Unfriendly, unkind – being hostile towards others
    cold, distant
    Impudent – being rude and disrespectful
    Contemptuous – a disregarding of something or someone
    Baseness – lack of moral principles
    Blasphemy – speaking badly about sacred or religious things
    Discord – lack of harmony, empathy with others
    Quarrelsomeness – continuous argument of everything
    Critical, censorious – to find wrong in everything, severely critical


    If you find yourself getting into frequent arguments over nothing, you may need to work on your anger-management skills. Big fights often happen over something small, like dishes left unwashed, piling up in the sink, but there's usually a bigger issue burning beneath the blow-up. Before your emotions take control, ask yourself, "What am I really angry about?" Identifying the real source of frustration will help you communicate your feelings, and work towards a resolution. Once you're able to recognize early warning signs, and anticipate your trigger-points, you can take action. First of all, take a deep breath, and better still, take several more deep breaths. Deep, slow breathing helps counter rising tension levels. Slowly count to ten. Then take a final deep breath again, before going back to your argument with a calmer mind.

    self-denial, lack of self-worth,
    self-hatred, self disrespect
    easily frustrated, limited patience
    easily angered
    Disrespect – showing a lack of courtesy to others and possessions
    Effrontery – insolent or impertinent behavior
    Grudging – in a reluctant or resentful manner (lack of care, forgiveness)
    Callousness – insensitive and cruel towards others
    Hard hearted – lacking in sympathy or compassion
    Rage – uncontrollable violent anger
    Slander, malicious gossip
    to Curse – to intend harm, cast an evil spell
    to Curse– to swear, speak coarsely
    Hostility – unfriendly or opposing


    The secret key is sex, subdivision of the whole into (two) complementary halves.


    Strong emotional response. Facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations. Attention of an audience provides the 'pull' that encourages the flow of energy

    To hear - to feel with empathy, 'I hear you.' Giving audience, an ear to listen, is the key to compassion and empathy.

    People need to be heard, encouraged to speak about their problems, and listened to attentively and caringly by other people.